On Marriage, Motherhood and Ministry

My readers often ask me how I do it – how I manage marriage, motherhood and ministry all at the same time.  The short answer is “I don’t” and the long answer is “He gives me grace”.  Though a book could be written on each aspect of my life and someday, probably will, today I want to start addressing these topics in little bites on my blog.  You’ve heard the expression “How do you eat an elephant” and most of us know that the only way you can do that is “one bite at a time”.  So, that’s how we’re going to start to cover these topics… a little at a time.

I will begin with a little background on where I came from and my thoughts about where I’m going.  I will always be completely open and transparent about everything because I believe that people are looking for other REAL people, not people wearing masks or personas.  The Lord knows we have enough of those kind of people!  When I’ve opened up like this in the past, some have said that it’s just TMI (too much information) and I need not tell every little detail of my life! 

But what I hear from my Heavenly Father is that my life is to be an open book because it is my testimony that will help many people to recover from lives that were train wrecks like mine, and to be restored to a place of right standing with God, and then to minister powerfully out of what He has done!  Rick Joyner has said that your anointing is in direct proportion to the degree of your suffering.  My decisions in my life before Jesus caused me much pain by my own rebellion.  But after you become a Christian, your life is supposed to be simple, wonderful and pain-free.  Well, isn’t it?

In my early years of ministry, I worked very hard to overcome rejection and shame.  Even after you are born-again into the family of God, sometimes it’s hard for others to forgive and forget your past.  Oh, they say you are accepted, but some will never view you in any other way than defective.  It’s ok.  You are not limited by what others may think or say.  You are playing to an audience of ONE.  You are free in God to do and say what He says.  Words are powerful.  They have the power to either heal or hinder.  As for me, I will use my words to help others heal (Isaiah 61).

Today, I live to tell of His love, forgiveness, goodness, and restoration.  I live to know Him and to make Him known.  There were those who encouraged me in my testimony, and there were those who preferred I would just come to church, sit quietly and not cause any waves.  Let those who are qualified to minister, minister!  As I said in an earlier blog, God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

A religious spirit will always try to shut you up and sit you down or at the very least, minimize what you have to say.  This is my story, my testimony, and I will tell it to the world in the way God has instructed!  I am trusting that some of you need to hear it and will walk with me through this journey God has called Lori Beth Bakker’s life and testimony.

I will build with every new blog, so be sure to read my blogs regularly.  But if you miss one, they will be archived and readily available so you can go back to pick up prior ones.

God Bless You!

11 thoughts on “On Marriage, Motherhood and Ministry

  1. Dear Sister Lori: I have watched you and Jim for a long time. You are brave to share your story and I know that it has helped many. You inspire so many and the opening of Lori’s house will open soon. I do have concerns about the elders of the world as well as those like myself that live on fixed incomes because of disabilities. How do we save food for the future? How do we help those that will need our help if we can not help ourselves? I do can food every year but it seems to be less every year that I can. I live off what I do can so how do we save food for the coming of the days that will show the truth of what has been written? I would like to hear from you as to what your answer would be. There are those like myself who live on 700.00 a month. By the time rent and all are paid for what is left for buying food for storing? I know you have answers and I hope you will share. Thank you for being the loving person you are.

  2. Hi Lori, I for one Thank You for your openness. I have not reached the point of openness yet. By God’s grace there will be a time when my testimony will bring hope and healing. My desire is to be ready and able to bring it out with God’s help and strength. Again….Thanks.

  3. Lori’, Thanks for being real…..The enemy does try to shut us up,shame us or minimize wha we have to say, as you said.That’s because he knows that there is power in being vulnerable,transparent and humble enough to share our life with others……because then they can also be free…..keep being you !!!! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thanks, loved reading my first blog today…..blessings to you…

  4. Hi Lori….well I think the enemy is trying to stop me from posting ,this is my 3rd attempt..so here goes..I do not give up easily. The first one it said the code thing could not be read and the second one was my fault I hit the post comment to soon and lost it without entering the code…Lori, I am looking forward to your blog because of the fact I know that if God has instructed you to do it then it is going to bless many and touch us. I know I need to hear it, and want to hear it. It cannot be TMI if God has instructed you to do it..and therefore I know that because He has asked you to do it, then He is going to bless, instruct, heal and restore many to Himself. We know that many are searching and we know that God can and will restore…I especially liked the comment that Rick Joyner said about the anointing being in direct proportion to the suffering…nothing in our life is wasted when we commit ourselves to Him. If I know one thing from watching you on TV , it is that you are not going to settle for less than what you believe God has asked you to do, because you love God with all of your being. I am looking forward to each blog bit by bit because this is how we will understand and be blessed by what you say, because God has instructed for you to say it and as a result, it cannot be TMI if God has asked you to say it..it is instead, sent from God through you , to us….how awesome is that ? It is awesome, to be used by God for such a time as this. I love you Lori….

  5. Thank You for sharing. It’s a joy to read your blogs. Someone who understands, because you have went through so much, but now you are forgiven of the past failings. God knew what he was doing and what had to be done. In order that we be saved from sin. How wonderful it is to given my life over to him. I have a ways to go and always learning about his love.I know he is with me, walking by my side. And when I fall, he’s their to pick me back up. If I let him! That’s the key. If I let him! He’s a BIG GOD and can do anything.[ His will and not mine.]
    As you share with me on facebook,it goes out to my friends and family.[ My kids ]to see.Blessing to you and your family.

  6. Lori,

    This was such an AWESOME read! You level of sincerity, and authenticity is immensely felt. I totally relate to this article and endeavor to allow the Lord to use me, despite others view.



  7. I LOVE Tuesdays! Seems Tuesdays are the day your blog comes out. I love Tuesdays because of it!

    TMI? We can “NEVER” have to much information of the restoration, healing,& forgiving power of Jesus (to name only 3 of a gazillion)and from “whence” it came!!

    Details are what God has been into since the beginning of time. (how many people even today say “that is TMI in the books of I & II Kings, why is the space wasted on all that?”) This is why so many people miss precious deeper aspects of Him, sad to say, because He hides nuggets of power, mercy, steps to forgiveness & grace within the folds of “mystery” in the Word of God! “…Line upon line; precept on precept until I am free…” Proverbs tells us in part.

    Everyone loves a good mystery! A mystery is something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain! Ha Ha Ha… just like God likes it! He set us up to seek Him; Search for Him and all the amazing nuggets He has for us like a good Nancy Drew mystery! He withholds no good thing back from those that love Him! When we search for Him we will find Him, But like any good mystery it takes passion and determination to figure it out and uncover it and stay with it to the end.

    God holds nothing back from us. He just wraps the details up in mysteries, parables and prophetic words so we must seek them and find them & the deeper meaning! Much like our lives! We mess up our lives and God works every detail of those mess ups for His glory “for those called according to His purpose”! Just like a good mystery… some will begin to read a mystery and give an off the top of their head shallow opinion what its all about! Some will read the mystery through and say “wow, that was a good mystery with lots of twists and turns” nothing more! And some will read every line trying to figure out what every little detail means…reading more and more to layer the findings right to the end result because in any good mystery every detail means something right up to the end! And at the end of the book every preceding detail comes flying back with specific meaning and “ah-ha” moments! Just like our lives being lived for God! I love what Paul said to Timothy when he said: “Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great:

    He appeared in the flesh,
    was vindicated by the Spirit,
    was seen by angels,
    was preached among the nations,
    was believed on in the world,
    was taken up in glory.

    Now “THAT’S” a mystery!!! That layered on top of what Rick Joyner has said that “your anointing is in direct proportion to the degree of your suffering” is material for a good “living” mystery! And with God’s mysteries unfolding in our lives there is always Peace, Joy & Love and unto the end a glorious finish and blessings all along the way.

    It is all allegorically speaking… but Our God packs a punch bringing glory, dominion and power right here on earth! And it’s not about “us” any longer… it’s about “them”! The unsaved and how will they know or relate if we don’t share the details of our lives in how we messed up… & God cleaned us up. Even the unbelievable parts! Although a mystery, We must KNOW the Truth and the Truth will set us free! Hallelujah!

    So I for one Lori say “PREACH IT SISTER”… share your life and every detail God would have you share because There ARE people who are looking for the “real deal” in these days and simply put: Jesus is the REAL DEAL in us! We must share and keep it real. If Jesus could suffer shame on the cross for us… certainly we can share our shame covered by grace which is a great testimony in itself!

    And I do read your blogs weekly! They have become my Tues, Wed or Thurs devotion because they ALWAYS cause me to do further research! Love them… Love YOU! And certainly a place I can send gals that I meet up with and they would relate with you, but not me! We ARE THE BODY of Christ! Hallelujah!

    Love, Hugs and Blessings to you, keepin’ it real here in California!
    Love, Kathlene

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