There Is Joy In The Morning

Recently we enjoyed our Fourth of July Celebration during seven amazing days of praise and coming together!  Each anointed speaker that was on our show gave us insight into our world like nobody else could!  In their words we cannot help but know that God is working, ALWAYS working out of his love for us!  Jim and I felt so blessed each and every day as we saw so many wonderful people leaving their burdens in Jesus’ hands and remembering that God has great blessings for them!   READ MORE

Thank You BoJangles

Matthew 5:4 ESV “Blessed are those, who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

As I’ve said before, I believe dogs are specially created by our Heavenly Father to remind us how much God loves us, even in our darkest times. They truly are God’s Little Helpers. However, like every living creature on this Earth, God recently called one of His helpers home. READ MORE

Be Prepared Wherever You Go – What to Keep In Your Car

Proverbs 22:3 (NCV) The wise see danger ahead and avoid it, but fools keep going and get into trouble.

For the next couple of weeks, both Jim and I have decided to focus; really focus on being prepared for emergency situations. As you probably already know, I am someone that likes to be prepared for anything.  My family has teased me about it for years but guess who they come to when we are traveling and they need something that only I anticipated to pack?  For me, the security in knowing that my family is prepared for the unexpected is worth a little extra thought and just a little time.    READ MORE

Happy Mother’s Day To Our Mom…Lori Bakker

Proverbs 31:28, 29 (NIV) 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

Dear Mom,

Years ago, God fulfilled a dream for all of us by bringing you into our lives!  You have always gone above and beyond as a mother and have never wavered for what God wanted for us. We know it has been hard for you sometimes.  You have held our hands when we were hurting, and rejoiced when we were happy. We appreciate so much how you have always strived to do your best as well as knowing when to be loving and when to be firm.   You never compromised when you knew what you felt was the right thing to do and stood strong through every struggle, always ready to share your wisdom.  When we have struggled, it has been your prayers that lifted us up and helped us move forward.  Most important of all, you have loved us, each of us…unconditionally. In so many ways you have shown us how special we are to your heart. READ MORE

The Expected Unexpected

On Monday morning, April 27th, the people of Baltimore woke to a normal Monday morning.  There was tension in the air from the recent demonstrations that the city had been experiencing. But most families, I would imagine, were not thinking about riots and looting or fires and destruction.  People woke up, had their breakfast, got their children to school and went to work.  Most were not prepared for what was to come. READ MORE

Tiny String of Faith

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

When you were a child did you ever fly a kite? There is something so magical about the bright colors dancing in a brilliant blue sky. I have never seen anyone flying a kite that did not have a smile on their face! There is joy holding on to that tiny string and seeing something so beautiful fly! READ MORE

God’s Little Helpers

In my years of knowing the Lord, it has always amazed me how much God loves us. It’s something that, as humans, we can have a hard time understanding. No matter a person’s lifestyle, beliefs, or faults, we are all loved by God equally. So much so, that He gave the whole world His only Son in order to give us all a chance at eternal life! (John 3:16)

But for those who don’t understand God’s ability to love, I always find that one of the best examples of His love for us in dogs. To me, they are truly God’s Little Helpers. I believe when He created these wonderful creatures, He did so with the purpose of reflecting His eternal love for us within each and every one. READ MORE

Lifted on the Wings of Prayer!

We recently had our Ready Now Expo and it was amazing!  Hundreds and hundreds of our loving partners joined us on Grace Street for the tapings of the Jim Bakker show.  As I was sitting on the set, waiting for filming to begin, I looked out on all of those beautiful faces.  Gratitude chills went up and down my spine.  I could not help but remember this past year and my battle with Hepatitis C and the outpouring of intercession and prayer from thousands of people on my behalf.  Wonderful people like those that were out on Grace Street smiling back at me. READ MORE

God Doesn’t Leave Voicemail

My life is incredibly full!  With this ministry and my family, not to mention a home, friends, the students, being a grandmother to Olivia, taking care of myself and taking care of Jim, I often feel there is no more I can handle in my life.  The phone will ring and sometimes I just let it go to voicemail because honestly, I need to hide a bit and recover. READ MORE

Find Your Calling

One of the many things that Jim and I love about Morningside is the people that work, volunteer and study at this ministry!  From 18 to 80, the talent and creativity absolutely fill this place up!  No job is more important than the other because it takes each and every person to keep this ministry going. We get so excited when one of our staff or students find that special gift, blessed by God, and is able to glorify Him while excelling at their job.  Sometimes people will begin in one department but move to various areas of the ministry to find their right fit.   One thing is for certain, when you put Him in your heart as you go about your work, He will bless your efforts and will reveal your calling! READ MORE