Woe is Me (Pt. 10)

It really saddens me when I think of the way much of the church is handling the Book of Revelation.  Though in verse 3 of the first chapter of the Revelation we are promised a blessing if we read and keep (to watch over, to guard) those things within it, there seems to be a reluctance to preach it even though we are right now experiencing it!

The denial of what is going on in our nation and our world as Revelation Day Events is unprecedented, and this denial will cause people to be unprepared.  We should be shouting from the rooftops and pleading with and warning people that this current age is coming to a close.  But before it does, there will be hard times in this natural world – followed by the supernatural return of Jesus Christ to earth!

The return of Jesus to earth is a blessed event that everyone who is born again looks forward to with joy and great anticipation.  But, while we love the idea of seeing Jesus come, we want none of the discomfort or pain that precedes His return.  In the Bible, it says the days preceding His coming are like birth pains that increase in frequency and intensity.  These pains are going to come and they’re going to hurt, whether we deny them or not.

Anyone who has a measure of God in them, must be grieved by what they see in the behaviors of the societies of  our world.  Man has managed to either corrupt or destroy altogether, the plan of God for His creation.  We are certainly not a God-honoring society at large, and the Church doesn’t get a pass either.  Revelation 3:1 comes to mind:  “Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked…”

But none of this takes God by surprise.  He knew what would happen and He provided a Way out and that Way is Jesus.  Jesus came to earth the first time to suffer for the sins of mankind and to redeem them.  When He comes again, it will be with great Glory and Power to establish the kingdom of God on earth as we read in Revelation 1:15: “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”  When that happens, there will be no more sorrow or grieving for the sins of the world, but there will be great rejoicing that Jesus reigns!

God gave us the Revelation to tell us about the time just before Jesus comes a second time.  He told us so that we could get ready.  He told us so that all these things would not take us by surprise.

It reminds me of the parable of the ten virgins.  They ALL knew He was coming, but only 5 were wise and ready when He came.  They were the ones who were prepared.  They were ready.  They were not in love with the world – they were in love with the Savior of the world.

Revelation Chapter  8 tells us what will happen to those who are not ready when He comes:

Revelation 8:13 NKJV

“And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!”

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

6 thoughts on “Woe is Me (Pt. 10)

  1. I love these pictures, beuscae through them I see LOVE,HOPE, TRUTH and EVERLASTING LIFE WITH MY SAVIOR. The pictures of his CRUCIFICTION tells me that if he could endour all the pain and humiliation, then so can I. You are not worshiping the pics, but seeing what our LORD went through for all of us. We were made in HIS IMAGE and COLOR HAS NO MEANING IN HIS EYES. I am Native American and in our language that He gave us, HE is Wanka Tanka, The Great Spirit, Our Creator. All he wants EVERYONE to do is LOVE ONE ANOTHER and TELL OTHERS ABOUT HIM. Thank you Great Spirit for your Merciful Treatment, I am waiting for you to return. God Bless Everyone.

  2. And finally, just near the very end of time; that when God allows the Devil to “use” the Anti-Christ for establishing his “New World Order”; THAT this same global establishment will actually be all part of God’s prophetic fulfillment; after Him having deliberately shaken the financial world into chaos and confusion in order to FACILITATE, amongst the nations, a great feeling of desperation – or “necessity” – for the entire world to usher in a “One World Economy”, and consequently a “One World Government”. And that’s because the Lord RIGHT NOW is already gradually taking away America’s [and the rest of the West’s] “blessings” of economic prosperity AND liberty – all because the American People still REFUSE to REPENT of their SINS, and turn their lives over to Jesus Christ.

    And when it comes to a “One World Government” itself – and one that is controlled by Europe and the United States; THAT nevertheless, this particular situation is “SOMETHING” of which America’s global arch-rivals“, i.e., both CHINA AND RUSSIA – WILL NOT except. China and Russia may very well “go along” with a “One World Economy” – but NOT a world government that is controlled by Western Civilization. There’s just too much “distrust” on the part of Russia and China against the West.

    And even if the Russians and Chinese would indeed “accept” a global government headed by the West; that still, though, the “One World Economy” and a “One World Government” will be “FORCED” to include, as much as possible, CHINA AND RUSSIA, as being significantly-influential “PARTNERS” in political/financial policy-making; as the case already is, with today’s “United Nations”. But with Russia and China already being geo-political rivals against the U.S. – and against the rest of the West; that CONSEQUENTLY, both of these Eastern super-powers are most likely, right now, planning – anyway – a military “sneak attack” against the U.S. Thus, having a “One World Economy” [and government] – with both China and Russia participating in it – only serves even more – to DECEIVE the U.S. that China AND Russia, though rivals against the West, are still, on the surface, appearing to, at least, be WILLING to continue to “do business” with Uncle Sam and the West; when all along, though, with both China and Russia seeing America as their “#1 Global Nemesis”; AND that consequently, these same two nuclear powers will CONTINUE to give Uncle Sam the false impression of “diplomatic friendship” and “goodwill” through commercial trade and cultural-exchange programs; BUT yet, with both China and Russia actually secretly PLANNING a future nuclear “sneak attack” upon the United States. And most assuredly, speaking on a Biblical-prophetic level; that, if the American People still REFUSE to REPENT of their SINS, and turn their lives over to Jesus Christ; then consequently, some time in years to come, the Lord will indeed “unleash” an unprecedented and devastating NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST upon the United States; which, no doubt, will be unexpectedly and shockingly caught militarily “of guard”, by our “communist” trading partners, i.e., CHINA AND RUSSIA themselves. And God will see to it that globalists’ delusional dream for a “NEW WORLD ORDER” will suddenly come to a shockingly abrupt ENDING; and that there will be “NONE” to help America and Western Civilization at the end of God’s judgment.

    And THEN afterward; when the Lord will have used Russia and China to burn America to the ground, by having rained down atomic fire over our “defiled” land [as the Lord had likewise rained down “fire” over Sodom and Gomorrah]; that subsequently, the Lord will then, soon enough, in turn, destroy both Russia and China, for both of these wicked nations having to “go against” Israel, during the War of Armageddon.

    And so, the Anti-Christ, according to Bible prophecy MUST COME on the world scene; since he will be “used” by God to bring final and everlasting “JUDGMENT” upon “THE WORLD” itself; SINCE, as of this very day, nearly all of Humanity still REFUSES to REPENT of their SINS, and turn their lives over to Jesus Christ.

    God bless you, Jim, for being faithful and diligent in covering the Book of Revelation.

    Charles Reece
    of Washington, DC

  3. Bless
    Blessing is Lifting People Up in Prayer
    to the Perfect Plan of God their Creator
    and Seeing it Come to Past

    Bless Do Not Curse

    Matthew 5:44
    Bless them that curse you
    Luke 6:28
    Bless them that curse you
    Romans 12:14
    Bless and do not curse

    Blessing is a God’s Work
    A humble man or woman blesses
    They Live in the Light
    They Lift People Up to God
    The Creator of the Universe
    They Live in the Fear of the Lord
    Obedience to God’s Commands
    They Think and Speak Eternal Truth

    Definition of Bless
    To hallow or consecrate by prayer, religious rite or word
    To invoke divine care for
    To give a blessing: the intent and will of GOD
    To Praise, Glorify
    To speak well of: Approve
    To confer prosperity, peace, health, safety, security or happiness upon
    To Protect, Preserve
    To Endow, Favor

    Cursing is Satan’s Work
    A proud man or woman curses
    they live in darkness
    they tear people down under their idols
    they live in the fear of men and women
    they think and speak lies, facts and history

    Definition of Curse
    To harm or injure someone by prayer or word
    To invoke divine judgment as to punish someone
    To blaspheme the Lord’s name
    To speak evil of: disapprove, cut people down
    To confer poverty, misfortune, sadness and death upon
    To injure, destroy or get retribution
    To have God’s disfavor

    Bless Do Not Curse

    The LORD will Bless you, and keep you
    The LORD will shine Light Truth upon you, and give you grace
    The LORD will lift you up and give you eternal peace

  4. Pastor Jim, The ones who are trying to encourage you from preaching Revelation days may very well be believers of a pre-trib twinkling of an eye. Or, they could be of the ones who want to gather ministers around them who will “tickle” their itchy ears.

    You are well aware we as preachers and teachers have an obligation to bring forth God’s truth for the times we are living in and what will come. There is no doubt the prophets were inspired by God the same way.

    Keep preaching it! God Bless! Mike

  5. What concerns me in some of our churches, there is no mention of the cross, no calls to repentance, no mention of the blood. You here things like come on, get in on the game. This is no game, it is a race to be one. Then the lack of concern around my own neighborhood.
    No preparation for the days ahead. I quietly prepare, research and
    try to learn all I can. Yet I get concerned about neighbors. I can’t help but ask myself, what will they do, when calamity hits. Whether it be a natural storm or something else. I thank you Pastor Jim,
    for having the boldness to be the watchman on the wall. I heard you say today on your program, something big is coming. I feel that too.
    I feel compelled to prepare. Even then I ask myself, is it enough.

  6. Woe is Me – Conclusion
    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your messages over the past weeks concerning ‘Woe is me’.
    The below verse that you have quoted is a good conclusion to what many people who are disobedient to god can expect in the last days.

    And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!” Revelation 8:13 NKJV

    The disobedience all started at the beginning in the book of Genesis with Adam and Eve’s disobedience, and then the evil spread, their first born Cain slew Abel, and that disobedience and murder has manifested itself down the lineage of humanity that only Jesus can cleanse, make clean, sanctify. Like you say though sir, Revelation isn’t being preached which I agree is very sad, and that brilliant parable you mentioned of the ten virgins is such a good lesson for believers to be prepared and ready for our lord Jesus to come for us and take is into heaven.

    The reluctance to preach Revelation and denying its truth reminds me of Peter’s denial of knowing Jesus. When push comes to shove and things start to get tough in the world the nice ‘gospel proclaimers’ out there begin to deny Revelation to the world, they would rather preach the nice things in life and maintain their popular reputation, denying Jesus, “I tell you I have never seen that person…”, denying the truth of Revelation to the people, “I’ll just remain quiet about this point, after all the seven trumpets, the seven woes, Armegeddon, is going to upset alot of denying folk out there.”

    I feel that in the last days it could well be ‘every man for themselves’ and the believers who know Jesus will just follow his calling to his flock, and instantly find the safe way. The rest it wont be pleasant for, and Revelation’s plagues is testimony to this.

    Thank you again sir for a very thought provoking series of Christian writings.

    God bless,
    Revelation 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

    kind regards,

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