“Little” Lori is Married!

This past week, my second oldest daughter, Lori Ann, married a wonderful young man in a beautiful ceremony at the Tabernacle.  I must admit that watching her marry the man of her dreams brought a torrent of emotions for me.  Lori is beautiful – she always has been.

From the moment I saw her being born to this special moment, she has always had a glow about her.  Not just on the outside, but inside as well.

As I stood at the Tabernacle and watched her coming down the aisle on Jim’s arm, my mind was flooded with memories.

I drifted back to that occasion, December 6, 1990, the day I witnessed her birth.

The day before, Lloyd Zeigler (my mentor) had interrupted one of my classes.

“Margie’s in labor,” he said. “She called and asked for you.”

I immediately left for the hospital, and I sat with Margie all that day and through the night; she was having a horrible time of it. The next morning, the doctors finally decided to do a C-section. Her previous children had all been delivered vaginally, and Margie had never had any kind of surgery before. She wanted me in the operating room with her.

“Do you think you can handle it?” the doctor asked me.

“I think so,” I replied. “I’ve been through childbirth classes, and I’ve assisted with several deliveries. I want to do this.” I had been present at the births of three children—Nicole (or Nikki Bee as we called her), Bobbi’s daughter; my niece Amber, Mark’s daughter; and the child of my close friends Christy and John— but I had never done anything like this. I wasn’t worried, though, because I had discovered that a calming presence always came over me when a baby was being born, and it seemed quite natural to be in the delivery room helping.

Previously I’d held the baby as it came out of the mother’s womb. I had cut the umbilical cord. I knew I could do this, even though a C-section would be a lot different.

Margie was scared by this new—and traumatic—experience. Right before they put her out, she motioned to me, and I leaned over the gurney.

“Jesus is here with me,” Margie said. “He told me to just go ahead and go to sleep because he would stay with me.”

“That’s right,” I told her. “And I’ll be here too.”

Scrubbed and gowned in hospital greens, I stood by Margie’s side and watched the doctor cut open her abdomen. It was extraordinary, looking down and seeing a person inside of another person, and I was overwhelmed as the doctor reached in and brought out a baby girl in his hands. C-section babies are beautiful. Their heads are perfectly shaped because they haven’t gone through the trauma of the birth canal. This tiny little girl with a full head of black hair yelped and gulped, filling her lungs for the first time outside her mother’s womb.

As I helped cut the umbilical cord, I was awestruck.

The anesthesiologist brought Margie around quickly, and the doctor presented her with a brand-new daughter.

“What do you want to name her?” he asked.

Margie didn’t hesitate. “Lori.”

“No! You can’t do that,” I said. We had never even discussed it.

“Yes,” she said. “I want to name her Lori. I don’t ever want to forget what you’ve done for me and my family.”

Little Lori—or Little Luvins; I was Big Luvins—was seven now, and I’d been there for every milestone in her life—every birthday, every holiday. Maricela, Margie’s next oldest girl, had tattled on Lori the last time I’d seen them. “Auntie Lori, Little Luvins says bad words.” It was true, unfortunately; my namesake could already cuss like a sailor.

Lori Bakker in “More Than I Could Ever Ask”

Little did I know that very soon, I would be married to Jim Bakker and both of these wonderful girls would be our daughters to raise and love.

A few years after Lori was born (we now call her “Little Lori”), the circumstances of life led us to a place where Jim and I could adopt this beautiful child.  She was and is my namesake, and she is beautiful, inside and out.

“Little Lori” is now 21 years old.  Not only is she an amazing human being, she is gifted in many areas.  She has done a wonderful job producing our television show in the past, and today she is studying and preparing for a career in management and fashion design.

I can truly say that raising “Little Lori” was one of the greatest joys of my life.  Though not without its own distinctive challenges, the privilege of being trusted to raise this remarkable child and now, married young woman, was sacred to me.

God, in His infinite grace and mercy, restored to me the privilege of being a Mother to this wonderful girl…. along with 4 other amazing children!  That makes a total of 5 children God has given to Jim and I to parent.

Perhaps some may believe that we intentionally adopted 5 children to replace the 5 children I had aborted in my days of rebellion, but I assure you that is not the case.  No, dear friends, these children were given at different times and under different circumstances.  Each one is a unique blessing and each one has a testimony belonging only to them.

Even if I had planned it, God planned it better!  Little did I know what God would do with the beautiful child that was born that day I accompanied Margie to the hospital!

7 thoughts on ““Little” Lori is Married!

  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures…..what a joy! After so many years, I will be and I know others will be watching as well, for more good reports of their happy life together…..


  2. Dear Lori,

    Our greatest blessings are given to us when we least expect them and in ways we could never imagine. The Lord always proves Himself to be wiser and more loving than any of us would expect.

    I always dreamed of having a little girl of my own, but my path in life never included either marriage or pregnancy. But by way of a series of miracles my foster sister let me hold her little baby girl moments after she was born and I became a loving Auntie Teeny to little Christina Lauren, who was also named after me. Three years later my heart is ever filled with joy and tears of thanksgiving as I care for “my” little girl.

    So my congratulations to you and your family on the marriage of your daughter. Glory to God for the love He shows us every day.

  3. Lori…one of the most rewarding blessings a mother can have is to see her daughter find the love of her life and get married and have a career she is happy with in this world. Lori will always be your little girl no matter how old she gets….and you will always be her Mom, Jim will always be her Dad. I am so happy for Lori. I can say that Lori is a reflection of the love of God.Lori’s smile is contagious, she is beautiful. Lori has such a sweet loving manner about her and that is because of the love she has received from her parents. I am glad she got married at the Tabernacle, that is awesome. God chose you and Jim to raise her and the both of you along with God have done a terrific job.I am sure that the Lord looks upon you and says…well done Jim and Lori,my son and daughter…you have been faithful. God bless the newly married couple and God bless you and Jim. I love you. Myrtle aka MyMy

  4. Precious! Thankyou for being a godly woman and Jim’s helpmeet!! You complete each other! Thankyou for filling the airways with your show!!! Thankyou for warning the public and bringing us the WORD of God!!! We are praying for you both!!!

  5. Hello Lori,

    So thrilled to hear that Little Lori got married. As previously requested I to would love to see some of her wedding pictures. Every time I would see Little Lori on your show she would have a big beautiful smile. I hope she will to come back and visit because her smile will be missed.

  6. Hi Lori,
    I watch your program daily and have learned so much from you and Jim and your guests~~~thank you.

    After watching the wedding of your first daughter (I’m sure I would misspell her name) but what a sweet spirit!~~~I can clearly see that Little Lori is more private….but we are a spoiled people….I feel sometimes like you are part of my family although we’ve never met…

    So, if it is ok with Little Lori, may we enjoy seeing pictures of her wedding? I will be watching…I’m sure so many others would love to see pictures too!

    Bless you and Jim as you continue to bring us God’s word and His warnings.

    Ruth Albertson

  7. Blessing is Lifting People Up in Prayer
    to the Perfect Plan of God their Creator
    and Seeing it Come to Past

    A Blessing Wedding Ceremony
    Blesses the Couple
    and their children
    and their children’s children

    Count Your Blessings

    When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,
    When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
    Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

    Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
    Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
    Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
    And you will keep singing as the days go by.

    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

    So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
    Do not be disheartened, God is over all;
    Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
    Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

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