Crisis or Opportunity

Rick Joyner recently said that the Chinese word for “crisis” is the same word for “opportunity”.  How very appropriate for the times we live in.

If you take Katrina as an example, the crisis certainly initiated emergencies of all types.  People needed to be rescued, relocated and restored extensively with everything from material things to healing of the traumas caused by the crisis.  Families were separated, loved ones were lost or missing – some injured and in hospitals, some injured and unable to get help, and some fatally wounded by the ferocious storm.

During this crisis, the government could not meet the needs of the people – not in the short term or the long term.   There was mass-confusion in trying to organize and deploy food, water and medical help.  The news media reported the deplorable and inadequate attempts of government to provide relief for the suffering.

I remember the pleas of those taken to the Superdome for water, diapers, baby formula, and food.  It was heartbreaking.

As the hours and days wore on, the churches stepped in and attempted to help with food, water, clothing and other basic necessities.  But it was clear from the beginning; neither the government nor the churches were prepared to deal with a disaster of this magnitude.

If we were to have a complete economic collapse, conditions in this country could become every bit as devastating as those we previewed in Katrina.  Experts have said that the inner cities would be out of food and water within ONE day.  This would not be a regional crisis, but a national and probably international crisis.

Are we, as the church, going to be prepared to help ourselves and others?  An economic collapse will provide unprecedented opportunity for ministry.  Those who understand it and are prepared for it, will have the opportunity to be Jesus to others.  Biblical prophecy indicates that those prepared will be God’s people.  We must address this with clarity to be prepared and to offer help, hope and healing for the hurting.

It’s time we all get ready.


Lori Signature

One thought on “Crisis or Opportunity

  1. Good Word Lori. I am presently in college after graduating high school in 1976. The Lord led me to work with people in crisis. I have been taking classes in crisis counseling and mental health. I was homeless a couple times in my life and with my 4 children due to being married to a man who was mentally ill. I know the feeling of being forsaken and misunderstood by the church. I am now remarried to a man who has a ministry and our vision is to open homes for those who need help during transition due to crisis. We will be prepared to help when our government cannot deal with the economic collapse and people in crisis. God is building a strong Bride that will have resources and unity with the Love of Christ.
    I am so glad to find you and Jim Bakker here and praise God for the restoration in his life and remarraige to a Godly beautiful woman like youi Lori. I pray God blesses and continues to prosper and expand your ministry. You two are testimony of His Grace and Love.

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