Marriage (Pt. 3)

By the spring of 1989, I was getting my life together.  The ten-year nightmare of my ill-advised marriage was over.  I had recommitted my life to Christ, joined Master’s Commission, and began this wonderful life of living and ministering for Jesus.  I had been in ministry for several years when I met Jim at the Dream Center in L.A.

Shortly after I met Jim and we had our first date, both of us knew that it was far more than a date; we were already falling in love.  And we knew that it was God bringing this love into our lives at the very time both of us had just about given up on ever finding love again.

I thought of another Bible verse I had memorized:  “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.”  God was doing that in my life, giving back the years I had lost because of my sin and rebellion.  He had done it in several areas already.

Over the years I had learned how to listen to God’s voice in prayer and through meditating on His Word.  And I just knew it was right when it happened.  I had always asked God to pick a husband for me because I was a ‘bad picker,’ as my dad often reminded me.

Speaking of heart’s desires regarding my hubby, I want to take this time to thank the Lord and to put on paper how Jim literally is all and more than I could have hoped for.

First—a humble man of God, a man after God’s own heart.  He is a combination of my two favorite men in the Bible; David and Joseph.

Second—a caretaker and a servant. God knows I need someone to take care of me, but I never dreamed it could be anything like this!  He takes the utmost care and serves me and others with love.

The following are not necessarily in order but as I think of them I will write…

He loves pouring into young people—mentoring and discipling them.  That’s my heart as well.

He respects women ministers and will help develop my ministry skills.

He provides for me.

He protects me.

He instructs me in the Word and so much more.  He is so intelligent and knowledgeable.

He is in God’s presence but not religious.  He is all about grace!

He makes me secure, always at the right moment, when my old insecurities start rising up.

He adores me—my heart, soul, spirit, and body.

He loves and adores his children and grandchildren.

He doesn’t talk badly about people but gives them the benefit of the doubt.

He is a hard worker.

I could go on and on…

Jim truly is the love of my life!  It’s hard to believe I ever lived without him.  I have a hard time remembering life without him.

We are truly one heart and one flesh and one mind.  Only God could have brought us together, and only God could have put together our storybook life.

I am truly thankful that He did.

3 thoughts on “Marriage (Pt. 3)

  1. Lori

    I enjoyed your story on the blog. Years ago I remember what Jim went
    went through. I remember watching him on PTL. My mother use to watch PTL also. Years ago she ordered a PTL bible which I would like to get my hands on one for myself if it is possible because it had a lot of study areas in the bible.

    God bless you and Jim and I beleive God was guiding you and Jim to be together as well and I know Jesus is using both of you for Him and His Word.

  2. What a delight you are dear sister.I read you blog with tears running down my cheeks.I have been widowed almost 17 years and have been praying off and on for someone just like you had written about.Although I will be 60 in Dec.I’am still praying.Maybe God will soon send me someone like your precious Jim.Our God is soooo faithful

  3. Lori..I am so happy for both of you..for years I was a PTL partner..loved and still love Jim so much. I love your comments..I read his book (I Was Wrong) and was captivated by the honesty and I seemed to feel his pain. am thrilled that I can get you all on cable now..and thrilled you two are together. Keep loving one another and others..God bless you.

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