As we celebrate our freedoms in America this week, let’s not forget that our true freedom is found in Christ. “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.”
Pastor Theron is on staff at Morningside and is one of our multi-talented people. He is always ready to serve and get the job done whenever and wherever needed. We welcome his contribution as a writer of this week’s devotion.
My personal Independence Day Sentiment:
We, the citizens of the United States who follow Jesus Christ as Lord, should speak more boldly. There is no sin in standing up and speaking the truth. We need to become a people who get a little vocal when our rights are being trampled. I’m not referring to the rights of men, but the very God-given rights of freedom of choice.
God gave us a voice and it should be used. This not only applies to our opinions but also to the preaching of the Gospel. To silence our personal stories of the life-giving power of God in our lives is to steal the very will power our Creator gave us. There is a divine expectation of all living men and women to be treated with fair and proper respect because we exist, and we exist because of God. This is the modern phrase I would use to express the ideas of the Declaration of Independence.
The very cause of a government to force those to be silent for the truth they speak without harm to anyone is a serious offense. In the United States of America we should never be punished for having an opinion from our own will and intellect from the true beliefs we have held whether expressed in public or private.
Whether you believe it or not, no one should be silenced from their public speech as long as they are not abusive. Abusiveness is more than not agreeing with someone for what they say. Any harmful, rude, malicious, evil, unforgiving, or hateful speech is no way to be associated with sharing your personal convictions in a peaceful, polite manner. Allowing passion and personal conviction to be emphasized is in no way a crime.
Love is expected by all, even by those who have a different opinion. This principle was the definite conviction of those who chose to dissolve their ties with a government that actively stole life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness by blocking free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of self-protection. No government shall be allowed to deny any rights from its citizens even if there is a change in opinion or beliefs of the culture at that time. So therefore I echo the very sentiment of America’s forefathers, foremothers, and citizens who so bravely held these truths to be so self-evident.
Enjoy the following patriotic songs!