Pre-Wedding Thoughts

As the Mother of the Bride, I was asked recently what thoughts I was having about my oldest daughter leaving the nest. Quite frankly, I have great thoughts about it! She is marrying the absolute most wonderful man for her – it’s truly a match made in heaven.

Even so, as a matter of responsibility and love for both of them, one week before the wedding, I had the proverbial “it’s not too late to back out” talk with both of them – together. Before I did that, I thought it all the way through in my mind, or so I thought. I knew it might cause the family some embarrassment should one of them take me up on it, but better a little embarrassment now than either one of them feeling like they were trapped (as unlikely as that was)!

John had this child-like grin the entire time I was talking and then he smiled at me with the most reassuring boyish grin I’ve ever seen and told me frankly that there was no chance of that happening! Nena rolled her eyes and grinned – and then she assured me that she was going into this with eyes wide open and that no one is going to back out!

All through this entire process of John and Nena dating, being engaged, and now to marry on Saturday, I have had a protective instinct! But now, finally, as we are about to see these two wonderful young adults begin their life together – I realize that my protective instinct is gone! It may have been a process for me to work through – but now I am assured Nena is in great hands, and they are very right for each other. Their relationship has been consistent, solid and joyful with God at the center!

Now I feel totally prepared in heart to let her go….. I think.

Besides, she will only be a few doors down the hall!

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