Busy, Busy, Busy…

It’s really unbelievable that so many people are just too busy to pay attention to what the Bible has to say about the Revelation Days!  Even those who are Christian and attend churches regularly seem to have just too much going on to be very bothered at all by what we see and hear in the news or what the occasional preacher may say.  It’s a well-known fact that most Americans believe they’ll never go hungry! 

Oh, how proud we are!  How arrogant are those who have always had more than enough to think it will always be that way!  I’m very concerned about people, even Christians, who think they can ignore the signs of the Last Days.  But the Bible says that it will be this way.  In fact, the Bible says in the Last Days that it will be like in the days of Noah.  In Noah’s days, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, and in essence, carrying on with life as if it would always be that way.  That is… until it started to rain!

Even the ordinary everyday things a woman must do to keep her family going, echo the book of Revelation’s warnings for the End Times.  Have you been grocery shopping lately?  Have you noticed that you can’t get the same things you did six months ago for the same prices!  The prices of food are going up phenomenally!  Feeding Ricky is not easy lately (ha)!   And don’t mention the price of gas! 

Hyper-inflation is directly out of the Book of Revelation!!  Look at Rev 6:5,6  “When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse, and its rider held a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard something that sounded like a voice coming from the middle of the four living creatures. The voice said, “A quart of wheat for a day’s pay, and three quarts of barley for a day’s pay…”

There are some who think that what happened in Japan can’t happen to us… oh people, please read your Bible!

It’s time to unburden your everyday life with the cares of this world, and remember what really matters for you and your family!  Give your family the gift of wisdom!  Prepare your own heart and prepare as much as you can in the natural, and then teach your children and family members to prepare theirs!  Get your house in order!  Jesus is coming soon and THAT should be our priority!



11 thoughts on “Busy, Busy, Busy…

  1. Dear Lori,
    Just started watching your show several days ago. I used to watch when Jim was with PTL. Anyway it was very informative. I am a Phoenix native; when you spoke about Phoenix you came across as such a sincere person. Lori most people judge others so cruely. But like you I had to make a choice for MY life. What do I really want. There is so much more to what we all think than we can ever imagine. God made the moon; the stars; everything that has breath. Living in the United States we take soooo much for granted and are so blessed. I am 60 now and see that its just the little things that matter the most. A childs smile, a hug, laughter, or a simple How are you doing today.
    No matter how much we acquire it will ALL be left behind. Take time to tell the ones in your household “I Love You” cause when God calls us we must be ready. Even in an elevator you never know what that person is dealing with in their personal life.
    I have found that growing up with my Grand Children who are 8 an 13 now to reach them was to spend the time with them. We had Craft night once a week. That time we spent together could never be replaced. To reach a child or anyone you must come to their level and actually spend the time with them personally. Just as Christ came to reach us all he left his home in Glory. To truly reach someone sometimes its not comfortable for us but to that other person it could mean the world to them.
    We all want Love and to be accepted but sometimes we try looking for it in the wrong places. I am really considering writing a book on It’s the Little Things, so the young won’t have such a hard time accepting what adults are trying to teach them in the harder years of their lives.
    Have you ever thought about a program where you come up with just simple crafts for Mom’s or Grandmothers to do with kids. They are the next generation. It’s big here in Arizona and pretty much all over. Well take care Sweet Lori, God will Bless your work, for his word will never return Void.
    You are in my prayers, Lori & Jim.

  2. I have to add one more thing. The flood was coming, God instructed
    Noah to build the ark. To prepare for the flood. Had he not obeyed
    what would have happened. Noah had to go through that time of trouble.
    However he obeyed the instructions given to him. He prepared.
    I am sure there was a ton of food there on the ark. Animals were
    saved. Noah and his family were saved. If I recall correctly God
    will not do anything, unless he reveals it to his servants, the
    watchman on the wall. He is so good, and loving not willing that
    any of us perish. Both physically and spiritually. I realize some
    will not understand, but my prayer is God help me to be aware of the
    times. Like the men of old.

  3. When God revealed Pharoah’s dream to Joseph. He also gave Joseph
    the wisdom or Word of Knowledge on how to prepare. Store up in
    the good times, get ready for the famine. If someone stored up
    for 7 years in our time, he would be labeled a hoarder. But Joseph
    forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery. Pretty much
    saying this was a God thing. God brought me here to save many
    people alive. There were those who probably said, who does he think
    he is. Why he was in prison. Believing the lies of why he was
    there. God allowed him to go to prison, to interpret the servants
    of Pharoah’s dreams, to one day stand before Pharoah and interpret
    his dream. The result, many people lived and did not die. Because
    God was with Joseph. God put it in his heart to store up. If I had
    the money, I would purchase the 7 years. I think it’s a good thing,
    a God thing. I believe we will face some very trying things in
    the near future. I keep asking God, what do I need to do. Have I
    left anything out. May God bless you and Jim, Lori

  4. Lori
    I am sure you will not put this on your Blog!
    If Your husband will stick to the King James Bible, God will show him the TRUTH. You just cannot skip around from Bible to Bible. The Holy Spirit wrote the KJV and men who are money hungry have came up with others…easy to understand ha! PLEASE throw those Message Bibles away! That is the one New Agers use.

    Matthew was written to the Jews…We can take things from it for us inspiritually. The Bible says He will save us from THOSE DAYS…study Revelation Ch/ 2…we are going to perphaps go through rough times but we will be raptured before the Tribulation starts. When ever you see Those Days in the Bible it is pointing towards the Tribulation. The Rapture is soon and then the Tribulation will start! The Bible also says not to store up!

    • I somewhat agree with Helen about using the Message Bible. If you try to look up John 3:16 you cannot find it. I really think it goes along with the friendly seeker church – doesn’t encourage people to take up their Bibles and listen to the Holy Spirit to explain the scriptures to them. The message Bible should be explained as a paraphrase from someone’s opinion rather than an actual BIBLE that was written by the Holy Spirit.

  5. While preparing for the coming storms, there is one thing that is a
    must, many of us are busy preparing, getting ready for the end of
    all things as David Wilkerson put it. We must not get so busy we
    forget the most important preparation of all. Keeping in close
    fellowship with the ones who love us most. Father, Son and Holy
    Ghost. I was also thinking about the price of bread going up.
    Perhaps a sour dough starter is a good idea. Staying healthy
    needs to be a priority. I believe the storms coming will be
    fierce. We need to be at our best. Physically, mentally and
    spiritually. It seems to me God is speaking to those who will
    hear his voice and follow his leading. Prepare. By the way Noah
    was very busy, building that ark. God gave him the plans and
    instructions. I am sure he was mocked and ridiculed until the
    rains came. Man’s plans fail, God’s never do. Man built the
    unsinkable titanic, God built the ark by way of his servant Noah.
    It weathered the storm.

  6. The reality is alot of the people in this country, including so called Christians, are very arrogant and self-centered. We are having a terrible time trying to find a church around us to attend. We definately aren’t looking for perfection, but it’s crazy how slim the pickings are! Perhaps God will move us or bring a church to us somehow. I continue to pray and seek answers. So very thankful for this ministry!

  7. We recently attended a revival at a well known nondenomination church and the talk was all positive. I asked one of the members isn’t your church getting you ready for all that is to come and he said no not really. If I told you which church this was you would be shocked I was.

  8. Lori, Thanks for the Blog, Your the only connection I have since the 4:00 AM show on CTN Clearwater, Fl has been droped.

  9. Lori, thanks so much for your insight into our world today. I thank God for both you and Jim. God is truly using both of you to sound the trumpet. Sadly, many people are still asleep. I attend a large baptist congregation. All the messages are related to financial freedom, purpose and healing. While those are hopeful messages, the people are not hearing about Last Days messages and preparation. Please continue to sound the trumpet to awake the church before it’s too late!!!!!

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