Not on our Watch!

Over the years, one thing that has troubled me deeply and that I’ve asked Jim and our show guests about is, “Where were the Christians when they took prayer out of school?”  Of course, many, like Jim, were doing everything they could to stop this travesty.  But once it started, it was like a snowball rolling downhill, gaining momentum and strength. Though there were individuals who were preaching, teaching and proclaiming that taking prayer out of schools would lead to all kinds of moral decay, the resistance lacked unity and the result was a dismal failure.  They succeeded in taking prayer out of schools, and it was because Christians of all denominations couldn’t get it together enough to stand in one accord and say, “oh no you don’t!”

America’s moral decline rapidly accelerated following this one event – the U.S. Supreme Court’s removal of prayer from our nation’s schools. On June 25, 1962, 39 million students were prohibited from doing what they and their parents before them had been doing since we became a nation – publicly calling upon the name of the Lord at the beginning of each school day.

I know people who can remember the time when they started the school day with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance.  It set the tone for the whole day.  They recall a great sense of pride in being Christian and American – and they were not shy about either one.  That’s who they were – and now we seem to have forgotten that.  In fact, the very identity of the United States of America is so vague that there isn’t any national pride or cohesion in values and beliefs anymore.  We flounder around in our ‘diversity’ and our weaknesses are apparent to all.

Since 1962, it has been a very long and rapid descent into all kinds of immorality, with one of the greatest being legalized abortion.  How much further can you fall than to murder 55 million innocent babies?  Where were the Christians when they legalized abortion?  I’m sure there were pockets of Christians doing what they could to stem the tide of this moral travesty, but they were not all in ‘one accord.’  If they had stood together, and supported each other, they would have been a formidable force that could have turned back what is now a sad history.

But here we are now in this new generation and we are looking at even more spiritual and moral decline in the decisions being made every day in our nation.  We have atheists demanding that the Cross be removed from the 9/11 Memorial and homeschooling is being challenged because they don’t want us teaching our kids the things of God at home!  And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

We can’t blame our predecessors for what’s going on at this very moment!  We have to rally together in one accord right now!  We need to rally together and fight against these things that are so contrary to what we believe.  We need to stand together as one and don’t give up because of what the enemy is trying to do.

It’s time to lay down our differences as Christians, and forget about all the factions within our ranks.  It’s time to stop focusing on denominations, and majoring on minor things.  It’s time to rally – and to be in one accord – to resist together what is happening to our nation.

We can’t turn back time and effect what happened in previous generations, but we can effect what is happening right now.  Let’s make sure that our voices are heard, and that we are all saying the same thing, “Not on our Watch!”

9 thoughts on “Not on our Watch!

  1. TRUE,TRUE, and AMEN. We still outnumber the non-Christians do we not? Where is our united voice and VOTE! Let’s get together and reverse these evils and say NO also to those who fight for the blasphemy that is same sex marriage. Our Christian founding fathers did their best to protect us against such evils, but to no avail in some states including Massicutesett where the fight for this free Christian nation began.

  2. Miss Lori, what a bold and beautiful statement!! Thank you to you and your husband for continually having the courage to stand up for what is right and declare a moral stance. Too many have been averted with other things–mostly the daily grind and fear of back talk–including me! I am finally standing up and saying “Not while I’m around–not on my watch!” The government has taken enough away from us. It is time to stop it and bring back what originally made this nation great.

  3. Lori..I agree with you 100%. Tomorrow will mark the death of my eldest brother who served our great nation in Vietnam which took a tremendous toll his life and he passed at the young age of 55. It will be eleven years since his passing and I think he would be heartbroken over the situation we currently find ourselves in. I pray that the sleeping giant…the church of the Lord Jesus Christ will arise and wipe the sleep from our eyes…we have been sleeping way too long and now there is almost no time to turn back. We have to stop with political correctness and be willing to speak the truth even when others are offended. I am appalled at the lack of love of our country. I have observed when the flag is presented and the National Anthem is sang there is little reverence for these things that men and women have given their lives for. The time for petty differences has past and we must all unite under the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ, call upon His name and stand up for Him. May God Bless the great United States of America!

  4. Correction on the first comment: The pulling of teeth is $1000. When I got my mothers check I knew that was not enough for the teeth, but was close to the food price. I had been praying for the Lord to make a way to get the food. On the last day you were offering it, the check came one day before by complete surprise. And I shouted, “Hallelujah!” that is for the food and I will trust the Lord for my teeth. At the time I called in I didn’t have the rest of the $620, only $525. As I shared with the spokesman she could not find anyone to give her permission to okay taking the order and allowing the midnight time of my retirement deposit in the bank. Then I shared about I know the Lord has made provision and told her a little. I hope that clears up the $1000 figure from my first comment. The spokesman after listening to me said by faith she would run it through and leave the rest up to the Lord. That agreement worked for me, Hallelujah! Thank you Morning Side!

  5. Paul Revere rides again! Sound the Alarm! The four (4) horses of Rev. are out of the barn but Lori Bakker is a horse of a different color. She is raising the banner HIGH for all to see and hear from the four corners of the earth. Keep on riding, Lori, you will come through the narrow passage. You will be the glue to make the churches stick together and for all fellowmen to hear and see the need to “Arise, and Let their Light Shine.” And America shall follow; it’s dim light will get stronger and stronger until it is a lighthouse in the world as it shall be. Men will rally and know to repent and follow Yashua Ha Mashiach, Jesus, again. Lori, you are America’s neck, the neck that steers the whole BODY. This physical thing your are going through will only make you stronger in HIM. You will go through some valleys BUT you are NOW a “valley-walker.” Keep on walkin’. I have been with Jim from PTL days. And thank you Morning Side for allowing me to get my 1 1/2 yr. food. I did not have the money until my mother died December 22, 2013, and they sent a check for $525 which I was able to combine with my fixed income to make the purchase. But it was not good in the bank until midnight, 3/1/2014. I shared with the person answering the phone that I knew this was from the Lord because I have two severely infected teeth that need to be pulled before they hit the bloodstream and I have $1000. But by faith I knew my mother sent her last to me for me to be able to have food

  6. I loved your blog and just wanted to say…Not on my watch either Lori! I am not ashamed of the Gospel and share Christ on a daily basis. His Word does not return void. It is Light and Life in this world. As long as He is here….there is Hope! SO Onward Christian Soldiers…..the Victory is already ours! Hugs!

    • I was in gradeschool when prayer was removed from the school. However, what I have come to realize as a teacher for 40 years is the students behave as they have been taught in the home. If prayer remained in the home, the children maintained strong beliefs. My parents read the Bible & prayed with us daily before we went to school. The problem began in the home & still is today. Families must take time to study God’s Word & pray together.

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