My Life and Testimony

My readers often ask me how I do it – how I manage my life with all that I have to do – and this health issue I am going through.  The short answer is “I don’t” and the long answer is “He gives me grace”.

I will soon write another book and you will get the inside scoop of what it’s like to be a restored woman in a high profile ministry, married to a dynamic visionary, and raising children – whew! My life and ministry, even with all its challenges, is a gift for which I am very grateful – but one which has been and continues to be very demanding

I will always be completely open and transparent about everything because I believe that people are looking for other REAL people, not people wearing masks or personas.  The Lord knows we have enough of those kind of people!  Some have said that it’s just TMI (too much information) and I need not tell every little detail of my life! 

But what I hear from my Heavenly Father is that my life is to be an open book because it is my testimony that will help many people to recover from lives that were train wrecks like mine, and to be restored to a place of right standing with God, and then to minister powerfully out of what He has done!  Rick Joyner has said that your anointing is in direct proportion to the degree of your suffering.  My decisions in my life before Jesus caused me much pain by my own rebellion.  But after you become a Christian, your life is supposed to be simple, wonderful and pain-free.  Well, isn’t it?

In my early years of ministry, I worked very hard to overcome rejection and shame.  Even after you are born-again into the family of God, sometimes it’s hard for others to forgive and forget your past.  Oh, they say you are accepted, but some will never view you in any other way than defective.

It’s ok.  You are not limited by what others may think or say.  You are playing to an audience of ONE.  You are free in God to do and say what He tells you to do and say.  Words are powerful.  They have the power to either heal or hinder.  As for me, I will use my words to help others heal (Isaiah 61).

Today, I live to tell of His love, forgiveness, goodness, and restoration.  I live to know Him and to make Him known. Let those who are qualified to minister, minister!  As I said in an earlier blog, God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

This is my story, my testimony, and I will tell it to the world in the way God has instructed!  I am trusting that some of you need to hear it and will walk with me through this journey God has called Lori Beth Bakker’s life and testimony.

God Bless You!


13 thoughts on “My Life and Testimony

  1. I thank you Lori for being open with the people. Like you said too many are wearing mask and do not want any one to know the truth. I beleive they have to walk on egg shells and are in fear of folks knowing the truth. Maybe it is fear and judgement and lack of trust in the body. We just have to set our face like flint and move on and not take offence and leave that to God and them. Once I grasped this concept, that is between them and God, it has set me free from the fear of man to the point that I obey God and not man. No matter what we do we will be judged by people. I am praying for your quick recovery and stand with you believing the report of the Lord that says you are healed and whole with nothing missing or broken. I pray that your energy will be totally restored and I am sure it will be for the Lord has positioned and called you for such a time as this. You are missed and loved very much. Hep C has to go NOW in Jesus name.

  2. Lori, I am an abortion survivor in as much that, when I was old enough to understand, my mother told me she had aborted a pregnancy she had been blessed with when I was three years old – by taking medication with a specific view to causing a miscarriage. She told me that she has tried the same with me – unsuccessfully. But God saw to it that I never took this on as a problem in my life. I didn’t. What does sadden me is that I missed out on knowing the little brother or sister I would have grown up with – but how much more wonderful it will be when I meet him, or her, in the next life. I have great admiration for your Ministry with Jim; we watch your broadcasts from Ireland and find you both very inspiring. But most of all it is your absolute honesty that myself and my wife admire in sharing all your past pains with a view to rescuing others who are suffering similarly. God bless you both and all your Ministry Team in all that you do to bring souls to Jesus.

  3. Lori.

    Thank you for being transparent. It is so refreshing to hear your story of His Redemption and Grace
    in your life. I will be reading all of your books. He takes our misery and turns our life into Ministry
    to be His love to the broken and rejected. Thank you for being obedient to His call and for adopting
    your beautiful children. Also thank you for Lori’s house, for a place of refuge for these broken and
    rejected girls that they will have a safe place to grow in the Lord and be loved on!!

  4. God bless you. You are a doll. I have read your first book and look forward to your second one. May God bless and heal you.

  5. Lori, My husband and I watch you every day and pray for you, especially during this difficult time for you physically. You put forth such a wonderful, optimistic smile even though you often do not feel up to par. It is a blessing! Look forward to the new book.

  6. Lori, even those of us who haven’t gone through what you have love your testimony because it excites us to see how our Lord loves and cares for His children. Never be silent for unspoken words are never heard and you are filled with the good news of the gospel.
    Be blessed, Claudia

  7. Thank you Lori for sharring your heart, you are so precious in Gods sight. Love you and Jim.
    Blessings, Joy, Peace.
    Your sister in the Lord, Joy

  8. your testimony is amazing and yes it’s hard to forget the past at times my was rough but i had to let go and let God take over when i did it became easier with his help and only with God he’s my rock God bless you and my prayers go out for a complete healing

  9. Just want to tell you, Lori, that I have the greatest respect for you. I read your first book (got it on Kindle) and I just loved your transparency. It was also a beautiful love story.

    My husband and I have, by the grace of God, been married 50 years and it gets sweeter every day. When I read your book, it brought back those wonderful, fuzzy feelings I had (and still have) toward my precious Gary. We’re both incredibly blessed to be married to men of God.

    I pray for you daily, my dear, as you go through this difficult journey. You will come out victorious! I KNOW you will!

  10. Dear Lori, I really appreciate your honesty about life. I watch your show every week. I have fallen in love with you and Jim and your pure joy and excitement about Jesus. I really hope to meet you some day. You are both so precious. I just need to give you a big hug. You are doing a good work in trying to get people ready for Christ’s coming. I learn so much from listening to the show. Thank you for being you. I read your book and waiting for the next one. Also, enjoy your food! I am a vegetarian, and your food is delicious. God bless you both. You are in my prayers daily.

  11. That’s what we love about you Lori is your transparency! Praying for you. Keep on testifying cause that’s how we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony! Rev 12:11

    • Thank you for saying what i am scared to say about abortions, Gods forgiveness is what I have to remind myself of. Thank you for Gods courage. Please speak about fighting condemnation, you got a message girl!

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