Too Much Pride

Elda McAteer

Is there anyone out there who has been in trouble and you wouldn’t ask anyone for help?

Too much pride can get you into a lot of trouble. I know from personal experience. Pride always comes before a fall!

Here’s my story:

When I was about 24 years old, I was married and had three children. We were living in a trailer and had no money. My husband was working but we just barely made a living. I was determined to not ask for help from my family or the church. NO WAY!!

We needed groceries but we didn’t have the money to buy any. So, in my pride and foolishness, I decided to go ahead and write a check and buy groceries.

I knew we didn’t have the money in the bank to cover it. I reasoned that by writing the check ahead I would still have a week to get the money in the bank and take care of the check. (In those days it took longer for a check to clear the bank). Well, the check did not clear. It went through the bank twice and I was unable to come up with the money to take care of it.

One day a policeman came to my door to arrest me! He had a warrant for my arrest. I was scared half to death. I knew it was against the law to write a bad check. I started crying uncontrollably and told him my story. Thankfully, the officer felt sorry for me.

When the officer saw that I had three little children to feed, he didn’t have the heart to arrest me. The officer gave me two days to come up with the money and said, “I will pretend I didn’t find you!” Thank God for mercy!

After that I went to my sister and asked for her help. She gladly gave me the money. If I remember correctly, she was hurt that I didn’t go to her in the time of need.

I was so foolish. I let pride get in the way. I could have gone to jail and possibly have lost my children because of pride.

I realize that is how our Heavenly Father is toward us when we don’t go to Him in time of need. Today I understand it was through the grace of God that the officer showed me compassion.

Too many of us allow pride to get in our way. Why? Why do we stay away from the Lord, the very One who loves us and is the source of everything we need? When we have a prideful spirit in us it keeps us from going to our Heavenly Father for help.

Often we have the attitude of, “I don’t need any help, I can do this on my own.” Pride blinds us and prevents us from dealing with things that come our way.

The enemy wants us to be scared and so afraid that we won’t ask or go for help. He puts shame and embarrassment on us during stressful times of need. The devil also uses the tactic that we are too good or above asking for help – too proud to lower ourselves and ask for assistance from others (or God). These lies are from the pit of hell!

Everyone needs help!

Psalm 121:1 “I lift up my eyes to the mountains– where does my help come from God…

“I made a mistake.”

It’s a huge mistake not to admit when you’ve made a mistake. I have made so many mistakes in my life. I really began to live when I learned to humble myself before God and was willing to say “I’m sorry”.

When pride comes it is followed by disgrace. But, with humility comes wisdom.

Psalm 46:1 NIRV “God is our place of safety. He gives us strength. He is always there to help us in times of trouble.”

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