All Glory To God!! (Pt. 1)

Carol Gonterman

I have had such a full life since I surrendered my heart to the Lord that sometimes I just don’t know where to start in sharing my experiences. So, today I’ll start with a question that I posed to the Lord one day in my prayer closet. It was, “Lord, how will you get the glory from a woman who killed her two unborn children?”

When I was a young woman I had two abortions. Now I’m 70 and I still remember those hard times very vividly. My husband and I had divorced and I had two little girls. I found out the day my divorce was final that I was pregnant again! Now what was I going to do? I decided to put my baby girl up for adoption.

Abortion wasn’t legal at that time, so adoption was my only option. I reasoned that I couldn’t support myself as it was, and now here was coming another little one to feed, plus day care, etc. I thought there was no way I could make it with another baby so I made adoption arrangements.

Six and a half years passed and I was already married to a second husband. Together my second husband and I had three girls and a son. This marriage was falling apart, and I knew it was just a matter of time before we would split. My husband was unfaithful and my heart couldn’t take it anymore.

Again, I found out that I was pregnant and this time abortion had become legal in America. So, I flew to New York and “took care of things”. The nurse said, “It’s just a blob of flesh”. She said, “This (meaning abortion) is the best option for you.”

Well, after the divorce, I had a short fling and once again became pregnant. I headed to New York a second time, terminated the pregnancy, ended the relationship and moved on.

Many years later I was living with a man that did drugs daily. I was totally hooked on marijuana and any pill I could get my hands on. I was constantly depressed, worked as a cocktail waitress at night and a school secretary by day. I really was at the end of my rope. Something had to change.

My girlfriend had been praying for me for ten years, and another friend had prayed for three years. I called my friend and she invited me to a Bible study. I accepted Jesus in my heart and ran home to tell my live-in-lover that my life had totally changed. Excitedly I exclaimed, “I’ve given my heart to Jesus!”

Well, my lover didn’t like that and said that wasn’t for him. So he said “Bye, bye”. My heart was broken again and my emotions were shattered. Another relationship had ended and I truly felt like a failure.


My friend continued to take me to her church. I got baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Tongues came while watching Ben Kinchlow on the 700 Club the very next day! Then it was time for inner healing and my relationship with Jesus became very intimate. All of my sins were washed away as far as the east is from the west–that’s how far God had forgotten them.

Psalm 103:12 KJV “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”

One thought on “All Glory To God!! (Pt. 1)

  1. What an amazing story that was .It really touched my heart.God is so good.I struggled for years in forgiving myself for having an abortion.I hope G-d will always bless you

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