The Still Small Voice Within! (Pt. 2)

Think back about the times in your life that you know of when God spared or delivered you out of situations.  Thank God for His faithfulness.  The Lord has been in your past, He is in your present and He is already in your future.  I’m sure once we get to Heaven we will learn about many tragedies that were averted because of the goodness and mercy of our Lord.  God’s continues to speak to His people through His still small voice continue.

God always goes before you.  If you will look back in your life to things that have happened, you might recall the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit talking to you.  Maybe it was just going down the road and God told you to go the other way.  Did you ever have a knowing that you were to speak to someone about God and you just couldn’t do it?  Often the fear of what others think or say can hinder us from being bold for the Lord.

Maybe you were at school and you sensed God impressing you to talk to your friends about God.   Again, did you wonder about what others would think?  Did the Lord even nudge you to reach out to someone in church?  At that time was there a concern you chose to overlook that should have been addressed?

In today’s world there are people not even concerned about what might happen to them after death.  Many have not been taught and don’t even know that we all have a future destination after death.  Some reason that God is not a God who would send someone to Hell.  Their philosophy is as long as you’re a good person then everything is okay.  Their belief is you can be and do whatever you want to and everything will turn out alright.  Besides, they reason, “God understands, after all we are in the 21st century!  And, if it feels good — then do it!”

If a person chooses to live their life without Christ, that is their choice.  Whether you believe it or not, the Bible tells us that there is a judgment day coming.  Well, I know how it is to be miserable and not living your life before the Lord.  There have been days that I realized that if I died on that particular day I would go to Hell.  I, too, have experienced a lot of sleepless nights in the past regarding my future.

But God is a God who will never turn his back on his children when they cry out for help. Many times I have called upon the Lord and He always heard my sincere cry.

Psalm 116:2 “Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.”

Psalm 116:5 “Then I called upon the name of the LORD: ‘O LORD, I beseech You, save my life!’ Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; Yes, our God is compassionate. The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.…”

I have done many foolish things in my life and I am so thankful that God did not give up on me. God is merciful and His love endures forever. God will never leave you or forsake you.

Ephesians 3:19 KJV  “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.”

Is the Holy Spirit gently speaking to you today? There are so many things that can be avoided if we will listen to that still small voice within and obey the instructions or heed the warnings.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if God didn’t care?  What if God never warned us, spoke to us, loved us or died for us?  We would have no hope for the future.  Where would we be without God loving His people and caring enough to guide, instruct, and warn us?

God is speaking through His Word, His prophets and His teachers.  Today God is definitely warning us.  Are you listening to the warnings?

God is giving us signs everywhere that the time is near when He will return to earth.  Are you prepared spiritually?  Stay close to the Lord, seek Him daily and study God’s Word.  Practice listening to the Lord.  Ask the Lord for more sensitivity to His voice.


One thought on “The Still Small Voice Within! (Pt. 2)

  1. Wow! Thank u . I have just gone threw some major stuff in the last 24 hours and as I sat at my table reading this, I realized that I know the small voice and I believe I recently ignored it to do what I wanted. If I had listened to that small voice my van wouldn’t have got broken into, my new bike wouldn’t have gotten stolen and I would have a vehicle to get too work and my kids too school. I thank u for this reminder to not ignore the voice inside u cause it is always God speaking .

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