Faith That Answers Fear (Pt. 1)

Now I know that we should all walk by faith in these Last Days, and we should all know how to answer our fears with scriptures in the Bible.  There’s a lot of teaching on this topic, but I want to speak to the human side of this before I tell you how to be strong in the ways of spiritual warfare.

In our humanity, we all need comfort and reassurance that God is not cold or indifferent to us when the Times of Trouble come.  I think most of us know that, but it helps to recall that fact as the writer of Hebrews did in Chapter 11, the great ‘faith’ chapter.  Go read this chapter again for your own encouragement.

Sometimes, it is good to recall all the times of your life when God has done amazing things for you.  Recall the moment you were born again and how the love of God flooded your heart and soul.  There is no greater miracle than that!  One old-time spiritual song says, “makes me love everybody!”  Now there’s a message in that for sure!  But, be sure to recall all the other times you have felt God’s presence and remember His tenderness and His loving care.

For me, there are too many special times to count that God has spoken to me or answered a prayer breathed in earnest.  Remember, God will never, never, never leave us or forsake us!

World events may cause us to have a healthy fear of what is happening to our world, but we should never forget that all of it means that JESUS IS COMING SOON!  When Jesus steps out on that cloud and we see His shining face, all of the troubles of this world will be over, and we will be with Him forever!

But, until then, we are told to “occupy” so we must live with a supernatural knowledge that we are indeed a chosen generation… one that will usher in the coming of Jesus.  While this can be a time of great fear, it shouldn’t be for those who are working, watching, and waiting for His return.

There is a healthy fear and an unhealthy fear.  A healthy fear reads the whole Bible, including the Revelation, and heeds its warnings.  A healthy fear helps you to know that God’s Word is true, all of it, and we will have some Times of Trouble in the Last Days.  And make no mistake, we are in the Last Days.

A healthy fear prepares both the spirit and the body to meet each and every situation we are faced with – with the maximum amount of faith.  I am reminded of the three Hebrew children:  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  We can recall how they refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar’s  demands to worship him, and were thrown into the fiery furnace as a result.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s story is an example of great faith because they told Nebuchadnezzar that their God was not only able to deliver them from the fiery furnace, but that He would deliver them!

How many of us have enough faith to say “God, I know you can deliver us out of our troubles and I know that you will!”

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7, KJV)



5 thoughts on “Faith That Answers Fear (Pt. 1)

  1. I love and appreciate you Lori and all in the Bakker family as well as the others whom god has sent to morning side to minister and share. Your mother being one as well. I yearn to come there but have not yet been able to. I have even mentioned it to a few people I know bit at this time, it is simply my own heart that has the yearning. Others do realize this is a day like no other, but I am pretty much the only one who is working in whatever way I can to prepare for these last days as far as food, water etc. I have been able to carefully mention to my immediate family some things, but I will be glad for the moment to speak even more to them as the Holy Spirit allows. God is good and I love His faithfulness to us. His comfort, His care-all that He is in our lives. There is no way to tell you how much you are loved by us-your family in The Lord! As you are and have been walking into better health, you are in the hearts and prayers of many!! I am endeavoring to get healthier also. Have survived cancer and a partial lung removed etc. The Lord is with me everyday. My greatest joy is to know that The Lord is interceding everyday in my behalf and that God is working by His Spirit to ensure that my whole family will someday live with The Lord forevermore. Precious promises for all God’s children. It is not His will that ANY should perish. God loves us so much! Love you Lori. Thank you for your obedience to God and for the blessing you are in so many lives!

  2. Its not so easy “leaning to my own undertanding”, coming up with my own little conclusions, but knowing deep inside that I really can’t fathom these end time storms and distruction. Got to keep on keeping on.

  3. Lori,

    Soon enough, in these very last – of the “Last Days”, that we’re gonna need so much “FAITH” in God, to the point of actually DARING to “believe” that the Lord will somehow miraculously “PROVIDE” for saints, such as myself; who, right now, don’t even HAVE a “job”, in the first place, to earn the “MONEY” necessary to “buy” all of the “things” that we’ll all “need” to PREPARE against the “hard days” to come upon America. Frankly, I really don’t know HOW God’s gonna “do it”; BUT, one day, shortly before – and during – the “days” of the Anti-Christ; that ALL of us – without exception, will have our “faith” greatly TESTED by God Himself; that is, with our own self-declared “FAITH” finally being “pressed up against the wall”, like there’s “no tomorrow”; and we’re just gonna have to “BELIEVE” God for “The Unbelievable” during the days of “Anti-Christ” – whether we got “things” saved up or NOT; and no matter how “DANGEROUS” it’s gonna “get”, to be a so-called “Christian” – even in the United States; thereby risking certain DEATH in the hands of the “Son of Satan” – UNLESS the Lord establishes secret “places of refuge” for those saints who were NOT “ordained” by the Lord to be “martyred” by the Son of Perdition.

    As the Lord “provided” for Elijah for 3½ years in “The Wilderness”, from Queen Jezebel; so LIKEWISE, analogously; I believe that the Lord has ready designated “secret places” in hiding for the saints; whereby we’ll eventually be “looked-out” for, by God, from the blood-thirsty reign of the Anti-Christ [with the exception of those “saints” who were already called by God, from Eternity, to serve as future “martyrs” during the Great Tribulation].

  4. Lori, thank you for this message. I sure did need it as I’m reading the Bible and other books on the ends times. You are a blessing to us all. The signs are all around us but sometimes people refuse to see. God Bless you and bless your health!!

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