Everything You Know to Do, You Need to Do

Whatever we are going to do for Christ, NOW is the time to do it. Israel is God’s Time Clock and the alarm is telling us we are seeing earth-shaking events. The news is filled with reports of rocket barrages into and out of Israel.

Israel is surrounded by her enemies, just as the Bible says that they would be in the Last Days.

The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. Luke 19:43 NIV

One thing that is constantly on my mind is emergency preparedness. Why? Because I believe we’re living in the Days of Revelation and it’s only a matter of time before our status quo lifestyle changes dramatically. I’m not afraid of what’s ahead, but I do respect the warnings in the Bible that there will be Times of Trouble.

I don’t know exactly what this ‘trouble’ may be, but I’m not going to take chances with the lives of the ones I love. It’s my responsibility to see to it that my family has their best chance of survival in any situation. If I can alleviate any of their suffering, why wouldn’t I? I believe that’s why the Bible tells us ahead of time that these things are coming…. so that we can prepare!

I’ll tell you what Jim and I are doing: we are adding to our personal food storage for our family! The Bible says that a person is a fool who sees trouble coming and does not prepare! We believe what Jesus said would come to pass, will come to pass! And what Jesus told John to write down in the book of Revelation is coming to pass NOW! Remember tribulation simply means pressure! WOW, are we already there!

Jesus says in Matthew 24, that a sign of His return is there will be “no food to eat,” and there will be earthquakes all over the place! Wow! Have you seen the news this week? There are so many large earthquakes happening! In case of earthquakes or hurricanes or tornadoes or lack of food or riots or power failures, do you have a plan where you will go and where will your family meet if all phone lines and phone towers are down?

Do you agree it is time for America to turn back to God? Our only safe place is in Jesus Christ; He will never leave us or forsake us! The Bible says, “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord!”

It’s time to prepare food and water, for this is key to sustaining life! Look over our food offers and get ready NOW!

One day it will be too late!

Don’t be afraid – be ready! Get your food ready for your family and have some for others too!

Our heart is to see people come to the Lord with their whole heart and know Him as their personal Savior, number one!

We want them to be healthy, number two!

We want them to prepare, number three!

Of course, knowing the Lord as your personal Savior is number one by far! But, we need to be prepared; we need to be healthy, because we are coming into a day and age where we are not going to be able to go to the doctor. We are not going to be able to have all these luxuries of life that we have right now.

I know we sound like a broken record sometimes, but I’d rather obey God and warn people, than hold back and risk offending Him.

We love you, and we want you to be ready when things come apart… and that time can’t be too far off with all of the signs we are experiencing.

Everything you know to do, you need to do…NOW.



9 thoughts on “Everything You Know to Do, You Need to Do

  1. Many years back, the Lord revealed to me that in the days before His return we would return to Pentecost…where the true body of Christ would have all things in common; (Acts 2:43-47); where we truly forget about our own personal needs and look out for the well being of our brothers and sisters. This IS Christ’s love; the giving of oneself.
    Yes, we are to take care of our own families as we reach out to help our family of faith. We all will have a part to play. If all you have is one loaf to feed someone…remember the miracle of the loaves along with the fish. If Jesus had compassion on them following Him for three days and miraculously met their needs…then what about those that are following Him NOW and for many more days? (Matt. 15:32-38)
    Yes, we are to store up so as to enable us to help each other in these last and perilous times as GOD GIVES us the POWER to do so. We must not react through fear…for when we get into fear, we then STEP OUT of faith…and we began to LOOK at ME,MYSELF, and I and forget those that are NOW in need.
    Our Lord said to GIVE NOW and it SHALL be given. (Luke 6:38) We are not to worry about today; what we shall eat, what we shall wear, where we will lay our heads…for the Lord knows all our situations and our need and if we SEEK HIM with ALL our HEARTS, then ALL these things SHALL BE ADDED to you. ADDED is not of our doing. It is God’s Grace to us who believe.(Matt.6:24-34)
    We can not all be in the place of wealth or even well off or even a place of material comfort; or how else would the poor or those misplaced and going through hard things be reached with the gospel of Christ? The Lord reaches out to ALL walks of life through ALL walks of life. We are where He wants us so that we can reach many in all the world; rich and poor; spiritually and materially.
    Yes…we should prepare in order to help others that are not able to help themselves; with the same compassion of Christ; remembering it is Christ IN US that will provide as HE enables. ALL Glory goes to Him. He is our Provider. Lord, thank you that we are worthy vessels for you to WORK THROUGH! Thank you for the privilege of SERVING along side YOU.
    Lori, I pray God uses you all in a mighty way in these last days, bringing Glory to the Father..

  2. Charles

    Praise God, in Malachi 3:6, God says He is The Lord and He changes not. Remember that wonderful old song, It is no secret what God can do. What He has-done for others, He’ll do for you!!
    If He can bring food by a raven, give fresh manna, bless 5 loaves and 2 fish and feed a multitude, I know these miracles and even greater can still happen. Psalm 37 says, He has never seen the righteous forsaken nor His loved ones begging for bread. Hallelujah!! When we do the most we can, like the woman giving her last coin, God is faithful!! We trust, we obey, we keep looking up, not worrying about what we are to eat or drink for His eye is on the sparrow.
    God is using Jim and Lori to help us be aware of the importance of preparing; other ministries are teaching us about the power of Holy Spirit, others about prayer. No ministry has it all. Each is given a piece and Praise God we are all part of the body of Christ. We prepare ourselves, spirit, soul and body, we refuse to pick up the spirit of fear, we pray the blood of Jesus over our homes and families and together we let His glory and light shine!!
    I know that what we have been able to do, We have done with the knowledge that it is to share, with family members who refuse to listen or think about preparing,but we are diligent to do how we are led. I also know God blesses those who share!
    God is good!! Amen He is coming for us soon and He chose us to be here for ” such a time as this.”
    I cannot afford all these marvellous items either, but I learned from friends from India, to clean and reuse 2L pop bottles to store water, I have learned how to save lint for fire starters, I buy canned goods when on sale, even putting one can away is a start!
    God is with you Charles, just as much as He is with those who can afford food buckets!! Glean ideas, and seek Holy Spirits direction how to prepare. I always ask Him when I am shopping, ” where should I look, is there something I should look at!” I have learned that Holy Spirit is a great shopper and He loves bargains!! I shared that at church and multiple persons agreed.

  3. Charles Reece, wonderful and faithful posting you made. So sincere and true for many out here. Well said. We must trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God Almighty himself to provide us all our needs including protection. However to strengthen us to either overcome or endure what we must, if we are called to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good, to know our reward awaits us in Heaven to spend all Eternity with our Most High Creator of all living things, all powerful God. What little I have, I share when need arises and am made aware of it within my own community. Others blessed greater in life, must learn also to share in even greater amounts as called to do by our Lord, who gives us everything we have in our possession. Take heart Charles, you have great faith, therefore by your sharing here online, have provided hope and encouragement to the least fortunate here in USA and around entire world. Look up, our redemption is ever close at hand.

  4. Lori,

    Although by all means we should OBEY the Lord and prepare; that NEVERTHELESS, there are SOME “Christians”, such as myself, who, frankly, at this time DO NOT have enough MONEY to “buy” all of the “things” that the Lord is telling Pastor Jim and yourself to “set aside” for the so-called “Day of Trouble” or “Day of Reckoning” for the wicked. Therefore, why not pray for us Christians, such as MYSELF (and others) who have “limited funds” that are NOT, at this time, making it SUFFICIENT enough to buy ALL of the “things” that Pastor Jim is saying that we’ll eventually NEED to survive the upcoming unprecedentedly horrible economic/political/social/upheavals in America and around the world.

    Yes, dear Lori, let we the Body of Christ “pray” NOW, for one another; that the Lord would miraculously “make a way” for ALL of us – regardless of how much (or how “little”) MONEY that we have at the moment; in that the Lord would still, out of His abundant GRACE and MERCY; indeed PROVIDE or “make a way” – either by NEW sources of “finances” – or by DIRECT material contributions [coming from only “God–knows–where”] – for all of the “things” that we’ll NEED to survive the great upcoming Economic Collapse in this progressively–wicked country of ours; and pray for other Christians around the world in Third World countries (or live in religiously-repressive countries, such as Marxist China, or in anti-Christian radical-Islamic states; i.e., Christians who DO NOT even have the LUXURY, in the first place to “live” in a country that is as already “blessed” as ours; with us having – at least up to this time – the highest standard of living in the world.

    Lori, I’m praying for “bigger and better” THINGS, coming from the Lord – and all for His Glory!!! And when I say “things”, I don’t mean in a MATERIALISTIC sense. What I really mean, is; praying for God to impart unto us “bigger and better” spiritual POWER and CHARACTER that reflects just “who and what” God Himself really STANDS for, such as FAITH itself; and a great “faith” to believe that He can do what we may consider to be, in our puny finite minds, “The Impossible”.

    I’ve already learned to “dare” (but most fearfully) for God to “show Himself” strong in my life; such, for example, with this past winter; with my back “against the wall”, financially speaking; NOT having enough MONEY to pay for my monthly GAS bills to keep me “warm”, especially with this same winter having been, on record, one of the COLDEST ever, in the history of U.S. Meteorology. That is, with the Lord having graciously “INTERVENED” on my behalf, to ease my “money problems”, by having miraculously KEPT my Section-8 apartment very “WARM” during the bone-chilling winter of 2014 – say, at about 55 degrees every day; in spite of me NOT having the full amount of “money” to pay for the monthly gas bills to keep my apartment warm, IN SPITE OF the sub-freezing temperatures outside of my residential building. So even though the Lord DID NOT supply the “sufficient amount” of MONEY for me to pay for my monthly gas bills, as I had already been praying for; that NEVERTHELESS, the Lord still “made a way” for me to SURVIVE one of the COLDEST winters on record; by Him, instead, miraculously keeping the inside of my apartment unit at an incredibly-warm 55 degrees!!!

    So, yes, the Lord has several times shown me, in miraculous ways, that He will indeed “PROVIDE” for saints – even without having the “MONEY”, period, for paying for utilities or other “vital necessities”; in the miraculous MANNER as He did, with the prophet, Elijah; who had to “hide” 3½ years in the wilderness from Queen Jezebel………..

    And such for the saints who will eventually “flee” from the Anti–Christ, and hide in the mountains of Judea for 3½ years, with the Lord intending to “PROVIDE” for saints like he already did for Elijah, when he hid in “The Wilderness” from Jezebel for the same amount of time, as Jesus prophesies in Matthew 24!

    So, Lori, whether it is “believable” or NOT; that NEVERTHELESS, the Lord will still somehow miraculously “PROVIDE” for saints, such as myself; who, right now, don’t even HAVE enough of the “MONEY” necessary to “buy” all of the “things” that we’ll all “need” to PREPARE against the “hard days” to come upon America. Frankly, I really don’t know HOW God’s gonna “do it”; BUT, one day, shortly before – and during – the “days” of the Anti-Christ; that ALL of us – WITHOUT exception, will have our “FAITH” greatly TESTED by God Himself; that is, with our own self-declared “FAITH” finally being “pressed up against the wall”, like there’s “no tomorrow”; and we’re just gonna have to “BELIEVE” God for “The Unbelievable” during the days of “Anti-Christ” – whether we got “things” saved up or NOT; and no matter how “DANGEROUS” it’s gonna “get”, to be a so-called “Christian” – even in the United States; thereby risking certain DEATH in the hands of the “Son of Satan” – UNLESS the Lord establishes secret “places of refuge” for those saints who were NOT “ordained” by the Lord to be “martyred” by the Son of Perdition. Thus, as the Lord “provided” for Elijah in “The Wilderness”, from Jezebel; so LIKEWISE, analogously; I believe that the Lord has ready designated “secret places” in hiding for the saints; whereby we’ll eventually be “looked-out” for, by God, from the blood-thirsty reign of the Anti-Christ.

    So, yes, Lori – by all means, let us all keep “mindful” in OBEYING the Lord – and prepare!

    But let us ALSO be “mindful” that NOT ALL “saints”, such as myself (and others in America, and around the world) can “buy” every single “thing” that Pastor Jim is warning about; and thus, with many OTHER believers, with their “backs against the wall”, so to speak, due to lack of sufficient funds; having NO CHOICE but to “BELIEVE” God for “The Impossible”, as well! Let us pray that the Lord will “provide” for those same “saints” as well.

    Thank you, and may God continue to bless you and Pastor Jim!

    • Dear Charles,

      Thank you for your love and support. We really appreciate your sincere post and want you to know that we agree with you wholeheartedly! We know the challenges that many people face with finances, because we have both faced them. Jim and I have been in your situation and had to depend on God for the very basics of life. God was faithful to us, and I’m rejoicing with you that He has provided your needs, even your warmth!

      Charles, we know very well that life gets tough and we don’t minimize those difficulties. We have always said, and held ourselves to the same standard, that we do what we can and THEN trust God for the rest. Going even further, our sincere hope is that what one can’t provide, others within a community of believers can. Everyone can contribute something, and those who are gifted in intercession as you are, are of great value in the family of God.

      Jim and I encourage everyone that belongs to Jesus to be in close relationship with others in the Body of Christ, especially during these coming trying times. We encourage people to give themselves away and to watch and see what God will do!

      We love and appreciate you, Charles. We’ll keep you in our prayers and ask for yours as well!


    • im in the same boat but we have prepared with can goods and what have ya , i would also love the product that Jim and Lori offer but we can be prepared in other ways let God lead you

  5. I believe every word Pastor Jim preaches–I am senior that has lived to see every scripture being fulfilled I am praying for the Lord to provide for me Thank you for telling everyone the truth God Bless You

  6. I so agree Lori! Thank you and Pastor Jim for continuing to warn God’s people to get ready! Bless you all!

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