What does “Walking in the Word” mean? Today we will discuss several examples of this saying and how to apply them to our daily Christian walk.
1) “Walking in the Word” can literally be letting your “fingers do the walking.” That is getting into the word, studying and meditating on it. As a follower of Christ our maturing process comes through prayer, having a personal relationship with the Lord and studying God’s Word. We’re blessed to have access to more Bible study helps than ever before – CD’s, DVD’s, TV, books, internet, seminars, etc.
2) “Walking in the Word” can also be applying principles revealed through scripture (the “logos”, the written word) to our daily life. Logos in the Greek includes discourse or explanations, etc. For example, the Lord told us that we have to forgive when offences and hurts come into our life. As we remember this command from the Lord we will discipline ourselves to be obedient. We are warned that if we don’t forgive, we won’t be forgiven and our prayers will be hindered. Being obedient to God’s Word makes the difference in our quality of life, and also between eternal life and death.
Our world would be totally different if people literally practiced the principles of the Bible. For example, in recent years we have heard much about the “right to choose” or “pro-choice.” This platform is promoted by many who don’t know or choose to ignore the Word of God. Let’s examine this philosophy in light of Scripture.
It sounds good to our reasoning to have the right to choose, or to be pro-choice. Doesn’t it sound wonderful that we should decide what is good for us depending upon how we feel or our present circumstances? However, this pro-choice not-so-hidden agenda does not promote life, but rather offers the option to end the life of the unborn. If you believe the Bible is true, then all you need for the answer in this situation is where God says “choose life!” Read Deuteronomy 30:19 – “ …I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:” Another applicable scripture in this situation would be Psalms 139 which says God knit us together in our mother’s womb and knew us before we were born!
Yes, God has given us the freedom to make decisions that either produce life or death in our lives. We are free to exercise our will, but at the same time God desires and encourages us to CHOOSE LIFE! God knows what is best and choosing the path of death only produces heartache. Now, since GOD says “choose life”, isn’t that the best counsel in the universe?
Forgiving and making good choices are just two ways you can apply the “logos” word in your daily life. Determine to not just “go with the flow” of society and what is popular, but rather, look to God and His Word as your guideline. If at times in your past you have chosen death, or caused a loss, you can be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus when you ask for His forgiveness. Receive God’s forgiveness today for your sins and choose to forgive others. When you do this, you are “Walking in the Word” in this area of your life. God bless you!!