In Part I we discussed the written (logos) word and how we can incorporate God’s principles in our life. Today we will examine the “RHEMA” word of God which is the spoken word.
3) Rhema is the Greek word for the “spoken word” of God. It includes declarations, speech, proclamations, etc. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:17 that the Word of God is the sword of the spirit. When a scripture comes to mind that is applicable in your situation, it becomes a living word to you. At that point, we can begin declaring God’s Word over our circumstances which offsets the enemy’s attack. We are promised that all things we have learned from God will come back to our remembrance through the Holy Spirit. John 14:26 “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” Of course, the prerequisite for this to happen is to have studied the Word so it can be brought back to our remembrance.
4) Sometimes while studying the Bible it becomes alive to you! The written word becomes real and you receive revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit. You sense the Word is “speaking” to you.
5) From the very beginning God’s Word was first “spoken” and then “written”. The speaking that God did was entrusted to someone who would hear that Word. Think about that, someone had to hear God’s Word and then preserve that word by writing it down! II Timothy 3:16 — “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” We are thankful for the obedient scribes who documented God’s Word.
6) There are “Rhema” words we know in our “knower” that the Holy Spirit has shared with us personally. A specific directive that God has given us individually is a “rhema” word. Knowing God’s voice and direction involves our personal walk with the Lord and developing trust. Individually we may be led to take a certain job, move to a specific location, or attend a particular church which is not written down in Scripture. As we are guided by God’s Holy Spirit to do these things and are obedient, then we are “walking in the word.” Remember, God promises to order our steps! (Psalms 37:23)
7) Also, you might receive a spoken prophetic word for you through someone else. How do you know if God has spoken to you through this person? The true standard of measure is the Word of God – the Bible. Always test this type of “spoken” word in light of the written (logos) Word. God’s Word should be your filtering system because God will never go against His Word.
8) As believers in Christ, we are now carriers of God’s Spirit! Be aware of Who is walking with us and in us – Jesus! Psalm 107:20 — “He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from all their destruction.” Jesus was Heaven’s perfect Lamb sacrificed for you and me. He came to Earth, defeated the devil and delivered us! Now we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. I Corinthians 16:9 Amazing!!
Now it is our appointed time to walk on this Earth, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. As we are “Walking in the Word,” let the Living Word in us minister hope, encouragement and salvation to everyone we meet. Paul describes us as “living letters” being read by all men. (II Corinthians 3:2) When people read our mail (our life) may it always reflects the love, joy, healing and compassion of Christ. Keep on walking!!