Thy Kingdom Come

Carol Gonterman

I don’t know how many times you folks out there have poured out this scripture in prayer to our Lord: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done – on earth as it is in Heaven!”

Lately that scripture has been coming up in my soul.  Whether the news is great, or not so great, I’m aware of  Holy Spirit being right there with me.

Last week I got an emergency phone call.  My daughter-in-law called to tell me that my son, Tom, recently had an MRI and it revealed there was a hole in his heart.  He had to immediately go to the hospital and have emergency surgery. 

Once there, the doctors would go through his groin and plug up the hole!  The doctors were concerned whether the plug would work as it appeared the hole in his heart was smaller than the plug.  They were apprehensive about putting unnecessary pressure on his heart.

Great news!  The hole was exactly the same size as the plug and fit perfectly!

The doctors said the hole had been there since birth.

This plug would make his heart function like a brand new heart!  Many of our friends and family who were praying for him said they felt impressed that the Lord was giving my son a new heart!

The doctors did proclaim that if everything heals the way it should his heart would be like having a new heart!  Imagine that….

Our whole family is so grateful for everybody’s prayers.  What you may not know is Tom also had a stroke ten months ago and was partially paralyzed.  The doctor’s report was discouraging and forecasted a bleak future concerning his recovery.

But God!  After much prayer and therapy Tom is no longer paralyzed.  He even rode his bike in a 5K race a week before his emergency operation!

My son is being totally restored by His Maker.  “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done!”  Matthew 6:10 NKJ

Hebrews 4:16 NIV — “Let us come to the throne of grace with confidence, so we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

I pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done in your life and everything concerning you.

Thanks Holy Spirit!

One thought on “Thy Kingdom Come

  1. Thank you for your insight on the “Lord’s Prayer”. My husband and I and our church family have been praying this powerful prayer for many years now and we have found that when we pray this prayer our Father’s will is being done in whatever the situation is….and how wonderful is that! There is no sickness, no poverty, no despair, no depression, no lack of any kind and when we pray for His will to be done here in the earth in us (our dirt bodies) everything changes. Blessings to you and the entire family there with the JimBakkerShow . Mary Jo Bridges, Crossroads Harvester Church

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