Hold On! Hold Fast!

Sharon Couchman

God’s instruction for these challenging times is — HOLD ON and HOLD FAST!!

Friend, God intended for you to be on the Earth at this time. He has knit you together in such a manner that your talents, abilities, and personality are needed in the Body of Christ. Never doubt your significance – you are important to God! You were meant to be alive now and make an impact in the world. You contain God’s Spirit if you’re born again and God has a wonderful plan and destiny for you. (Psalms 139)

It is so easy to get discouraged by the world’s negativity, but knowing Jesus brings much comfort into our lives. Your prayers, faith and steadfastness are helping to further God’s Kingdom. So don’t quit! Hold fast and hold on!

**1 Timothy 6:12—“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” KJV

Hold on and don’t let go of God’s promises. We are to fight in the spirit realm through prayer, faith, declaring and decreeing the will of God on this Earth.

**1 Tim 6:19—“Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life”. KJV

**Revelation 3:3—“Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent…’’

Hold fast to your faith and the foundational truths of God’s Word. Everything of lasting value in our life is done by God working with us through our prayers and faith. God gets all the glory and praise for the great things He has done!

**II Tim 1:13—“Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.” KJV

Hold fast” reminds me of the word “fasten” which contains the word “fast” in it. We are not to just let God’s teachings fade away or be watered down but to “hold fast” to them. This implies using strength to hold or grasp onto something which involves our choices and exercising our faith. It also indicates a quick response to reach for those things we know are true. Wow! That is our part. God’s truths are available to us, and we are to “hold fast” to them . If we start to waiver, then God says, “Repent!” After repenting, again grip onto, hold fast, attach, agree and recommit to the truths in God’s Word.

**Revelation 2:25 encourages us to hold fast (grasp with strength and tenacity-don’t let go) to that which we have known. Embrace and hold fast to the truths in God’s Word. Determine to not depart or fall away from foundational Biblical beliefs. In I Timothy 6:12 we are told that many witnesses have observed our profession of faith. I believe this not only includes a profession verbally, but in the living out of our lives especially. If your life “speaks”, then what is it saying to those around you?

Friend, I exhort you to Hold On and Hold Fast! You will reap your Heavenly reward if you endure to the end.

I’m praying for you and God bless you!!


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