Revelation Preparation

Jim and I have ramped up our efforts to get our family prepared because we watch the news every day and we can see that the events of Revelation are happening right now, all around us! We are determined not to have to regret not having enough to feed and take care of our family when Times of Trouble come home to our little town in Missouri.

Today, you may only be hearing about the world’s violence and economic woes, or seeing the faces of famine in another country on the news, or watching as natural disasters effect other parts of the nation and the world. But rest assured, we will not always be exempt from all these things. The world you see around you today may be very different tomorrow.

Sometimes I’m amazed at the unconcerned mindsets and attitudes the majority of the people who live in this country have. It seems that no matter what is going on all around us, how much economic turmoil we hear about and see in the news, or how much chaos the world is experiencing – it seems as though people carry on with a lackadaisical attitude of que sera sera – whatever will be will be.

How can they do that? I honestly don’t get it. I’m a mother and a wife. My family is my major concern for me. I am concerned enough about the ones I love to do what I can to spare them any unnecessary pain or grief or lack in Times of Trouble.

The prophetic dreams, visions and revelation that the Lord gives his people are for a reason! We are not to ignore them! Do what you can today for your family and then rest in the fact that we are in the hands of a loving God.

As we see the events of Revelation escalating at a phenomenal rate, let’s make sure we are prepared – spiritually and physically. We still have time but we need to act NOW. The economic situation in this country and all over the world is going to make it very difficult, very soon to gather things we need for Times of Trouble. The drought and extreme weather we are having is going to make food prices unaffordable rapidly!

Get your plan going! Do something today to prepare for tomorrow!

I don’t want anyone I love to have to suffer unnecessarily, and I want to have something left over to give to others. This truly could be the Church’s finest hours if we WAKE UP, LISTEN AND PREPARE!


Lori Signature

5 thoughts on “Revelation Preparation

  1. I am concerned for those that feel they don’t have room for the
    Food Buckets. One thing you can do is stack one on top of the
    other. Put a round tablecloth over, with a square topper.
    Then a crochet dollie or something lacy. Add a glass plate and
    you have a very cute round table to put on either end of the
    couch or beside a chair. Also you can stack a series of 4 buckets
    2 high. A total of 8. On top of these put a table leaf or sturdy
    board. Cover with a pretty cloth, add a round crochet table cloth
    to accent and you have a sturdy place to keep almost anything.
    No one who comes in my house realizes these are buckets. They
    look like furniture. Just a thought for those trying to find a
    place for more buckets of food.

  2. Dear Lori,
    I can’t begin to tell you how much we have appreciated your food prices! I know that the time is near. God has shown me for the last 3 years what is coming. The word I received was “be like the squirrel.” I know that sounds funny…I didn’t say it…He did. It took me a while to figure out, but I finally got the message. I have been gardening and canning everything I can get my hands on. My husband and I also now raise chickens and rabbits. This may not sound unusual until I tell you we live inside our town on a double lot. We do all this inside the city limits. We are also members of the Valley Walkers. Your book is incredible! Thank you so much for all that you and Jim are doing! I believe God is just getting started blessing you both! May God bless and keep us all.

  3. Tonight is the first time I have seen your show.This is how I found your website.
    I was very surprised to read what you have to say about being prepared for what is coming.
    I live in Canada and I have not heard a great deal from Canadians regarding being prepared.
    What you have said I agree with you and Jim, I believe what you have said is true.
    Others in the USA are preparing also.For some reason those who I have spoke to have not given me any response about getting ready for what is coming.
    Do you sell your kits to Canada? If so please send me a reply with the price. Thank you for the information.You both are a Blessing.

  4. Dear Lori,

    I was watching the Jim and Lori Bakker show this morning and saw in a vision how much Yeshua Hamishiach loves you and how he is blessing you far more than you realize. You are so very special to the Lord. Amen, amen, amen and shalom.

  5. You are so right Lori. We have had storms in our country, but there
    is an old saying. You aint seen nothing yet. There are times I find
    myself saying out loud, the Storm is coming. I don’t know what it
    is yet, but I believe it is a big one. The Lord began stirring
    my heart to prepare in 2008. I am sure there are things, I still
    need. I have the Seychelle, the Food for Health, need more of that.
    The Silver Sol. By the way I told my dentist about it. He has been
    researching and his staff. One of his assistants had an outbreak of
    MRSA so she is very interested. I had to have a bridge replaced and
    they sprayed my mouth with silver sol before putting the new one in.
    Thank you for all your help. One thing I have noticed, my top teeth
    have veneers the bottoms have not been replaced yet, but with the silver sol those teeth seem to be getting lighter. I like that.

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