My Good Shepherd

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”  Psalm 23:1

The 23rd Psalm is a familiar one.  You may know it by memory.  Let’s look at it afresh today as if it is the first time you have read it.  This Psalm is another wonderful promise from God’s Word.

In verse one the Psalmist tells us that the Lord guides and nurtures, as a shepherd would his little lambs.  And ALL my needs are met.  What is your need today?  Do you need a family member saved?  What about your bills paid?  Maybe it is a need for your children or grandchildren. What about your job or the lack of one?  There are certainly many needs in our world today.  The list can be a long one.

A shepherd is like a “father figure” to the little lambs in the flock.  They look to the shepherd for their every need, whether it’s protection from wild animals in the night, proper water, fresh pasture or shelter from the elements.  Without this proper care and feeding, the lambs would not survive.

We are like those little lambs.  We have a Good Shepherd that desires to care for His sheep.  His care is so thorough, that “ALL our needs are met”!  Glory to God!  Philippians 4:19 – “But my God shall supply ALL your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Psalm 23 describes the care of the Shepherd.  For example:  He leads, restores, guides, comforts, prepares and anoints.  And, in addition to all of this, goodness and mercy will follow after us.  In other words, God’s goodness wants to follow us around all the days of our life.  How can we not but follow “The Good Shepherd”, the Lord Jesus Christ and rest in His wonderful care, all the days of our life!

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