Clay in the Potter’s Hands (Pt. 1)

The anointing – most people don’t know what that means in today’s church.  The impression of anointing has far too often been associated with talent, skill, aptitude or showmanship when we see the demonstration of a skillful preacher or teacher. 

However, the anointing produces a harvest of spiritual maturity and reflects God’s glory.  It’s not intended to produce material things, though they may come through favor with God and man. 

Discerning Christians recognize the anointing and cannot be fooled by mere talent. 

The anointing is far more than anything you can learn or practice.  The anointing is a God-given thing – a special enablement to accomplish God’s purposes.  God is the giver of anointing!  Man does not give it, and man can’t take it away. 

The anointing is a costly thing.  Anyone I have ever known who is anointed of God has paid an enormous price in death to self and extensive processing in the fires of God.  Many are called to the ministry, but few choose to endure God’s processes and quit before He is finished.  

You can subvert your own destiny at any time by simple saying, “that’s enough, I’m not doing this anymore!”  But, oh how sad.

In the Bible, God uses the story of a potter and his clay to symbolize the growth process of those who are called to carry the anointing.  In a prophetic writing in 1998, the late Jill Austin uses this imagery to portray the life of those who are called and persevere to become beautiful vessels that God can use.  It touched my soul and I know it will yours.

Let’s walk through this prophetic writing together. 


Clay in the Potter’s Hands: The Price Behind the Anointing

By Jill Austin


“Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel, (Jeremiah 18:2-6 Amp).

Imagine that you’re sitting in church one Sunday and suddenly, the room is filled with the fragrance of Jesus. You turn to see some incredibly beautiful vessels enter the sanctuary.

These vessels are full of the Shekinah glory of the Lord, and their transparent glaze wonderfully reflects His image. You immediately know that they’ve paid an incredible price for the powerful anointing they carry and a yearning to be like them is awakened in your heart.

In your spirit, you see Jesus walking up and down the aisles with wedding gowns on His arms. “Do you want My anointing?” He asks. “Do you want My presence and My miracles?”

“I’m calling you to be My bride,” He continues as He paces, “I want you to be like the chosen vessels of honor you see here. Do you love Me enough to walk with Me?”


2 thoughts on “Clay in the Potter’s Hands (Pt. 1)

  1. There is nothing I want more, than to be touched by Jesus. I have been through so many fires in my life, But especially over the past 7 years. I was severally injured 7 years ago that left me unable to work. Being single and just purchasing a home I was devastated. I was in such terrible pain! I was on workman’s comp for awhile and the battle was on. Although it seemed like I was fighting a beaurocracy, and people working for that institution, it was really a spiritual battle I was in. I had to fight for 3 years to get the medical help I needed, whenever I made stides forward, I faced another battle. To keep my bills paid, I had to have roommates move in. I had to fight spiritual battles there too, at one point I had to ask a roommate to leave, and cast out evil spirits. Their presence was unmistakable. I now have a more discerning spirit towards others. I had a nervous breakdown,I clung to my bible and my faith. It’s a long story, but without God at the helm, without His Mercy, Goodness and Grace, I wouldn’t be writing this today. I am now permanently disabled, the past year has been extremely difficult, but my deep faith and the Grace of God keeps me standing. a year ago God told me to sell my home. Oh, I hated to do that! I loved my home that I ihad fought so hard to keep. But, in doing that I was putting that first. In the midst of a crisis in the real estate market, I sold my home in 2 weeks and to a man who’s Uncle lived next door 20 years earlier. He told me he always wanted to buy my house the one he loved so much as a kid when he would visit his Uncle. He told me he was just driving by to show his wife my house, the one he wanted to buy so badly. He bought it that night for CASH. Is that a GOD thiong or what? God told me to go live with and take care of my parents because they were going to need my help. 6 months later my Dad had to be admitted into a long term care facility for alzheimers. It was, and is devastating for my mom. If I hadn’t listened to the voice of the Lord, my Mom would be alone, and unable to care for herself. Praise the Lord I am here to be her help. I keep praying for his leading, for what else I can be doing for Him in these end times. It’s that still small voice that I have learned to listen for.

    • Jodie, this is very touching to my heart. My husband was injured 2 and 1/2 years ago. He is facing hopefully his final surgery. ths will be his fifth. This happened as I was regaining my strength from having breast cancer. I was devastated. When it first happened to my husband. I thought. 6 weeks and he will be good as new. But the red tape of trying to address all the problems he has had definitely became our mountain. Then I remembered the scripture, if I have the faith of a grain of mustard seed. I can say to this mountain be removed and it will move. I don’t know why good people suffer so. But I do know when its over, and we see his face it will be worth it all. God Bless you dear one.

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