Foot Washing – Ultimate Act of Love, Service and Humility

When I was a new Christian and a student in Master’s Commission, I remember when the leaders washed our feet.  I was so uncomfortable, but I knew I had read it somewhere in the Bible.

In John 13:1–17, the Bible mentions Jesus performing this act. Specifically, in verses 13:14–17, He instructs them, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.  For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.  Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.  If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.”

The washing of the feet is what the Lord did – He came to serve, not to be served!

Jim and I performed this ordinance of the Church when Rabbi Cahn was here and taught us about the fullness of the Passover Celebration.  We did this in obedience to the prompting of the Lord, in front of the world, so they would see and understand the depth of Jesus’ love for us.  As He loves and serves us, we should also love and serve one another, and this is the message of this act.

Early in our marriage, I felt lead of the Lord to wash my husband’s feet in a very private evening together.  I knew that God had delivered me from so much and I couldn’t imagine Him giving me this wonderful man of God.  I felt the Spirit of the Lord say “you need to wash this man’s feet.”  It was scary, it was uncomfortable at first!  I wondered how he would receive it.  Would he think I’m weird?  But, it was the most beautiful thing – and now it is a memory we both cherish.

Being vulnerable in acts of love is not easy for many people, especially in this age of self-exaltation.  Once again, God’s ways stand as a stark contrast to the ways of the world – ways that have crept into the Church.  Loving, serving and putting others first should be remembered in every aspect of life – and even more so as we see the Day of the Lord approaching.

5 thoughts on “Foot Washing – Ultimate Act of Love, Service and Humility

  1. I saw this program on Directv. {because of my dearest husband}, i did. I’m so glad for your rare precious ole-time most wonderful program. It touched me, and i cried and cried -the footwashing. My husband is a preacher, a small church on property; i need prayers, for us goin thru disbilities. i pray for us all
    , and watch you!!

  2. I for all time emailed this webpage post page to all my friends,
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  3. The humility of foot washing is certainly a humbling experience. Whether you are the foot washer or the one whose feet are being washed, the experience is a life changing memory. It reminds me of the SINGLE LINE in the lyrics of “Love is Stronger” by Jason Crabb (in a spiritual realm): “Life got real, real fast”.

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