For the Sake of the Call

Being completely open and transparent, I have to tell you that there are days that I have been ready to ‘throw in the towel’ so to speak.  These days usually come on the heels of exhaustion or after I’ve read or heard the umpteenth unkind remark about something Jim and I are doing in ministry.  It seems that no matter what we do, there are those who are more than willing to criticize and condemn it.

While many see us as modern-day Josephs, bringing a welcomed message of preparedness in a very chaotic world, there are those who gnash their teeth at us for having the audacity to preach that there will be Times of Trouble just before Jesus comes again.

To say that we have both been ready to retire and get out of the public eye is an understatement of massive proportion.  It sounds so nice to have the option to just wake up and go sit on the deck and sip our tea as we watch the day begin… without anything pressing us!

But we are pressed.

And we choose to be pressed.

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.  (2 Corinthians 4:8 NLT)

You see, there is a great joy that comes with knowing you are doing what the Lord has called you to do, and there would be no pleasure in anything if you abandon the call to make life easier.

A line in Steven Curtis Chapman’s song, For the Sake of the Call, says, “We will abandon it all, for the sake of the call.”  What a declaration by those who are called to follow Jesus!  What a way to live your life – with your heart set on things above, and looking ahead to spending an eternity with Jesus!

Jesus presented this question to me early in my walk with Him, just as He did to Peter, “Do you love me? Feed my sheep.”

Nothing that means anything is found in the things of this world, apart from loving God with all your heart, all your strength, all your mind, and all your soul.

And for Jim and me, that means being faithful to the ministry He has called us to.

37 thoughts on “For the Sake of the Call

  1. Dear Lori,
    I’m watching on June 11, 2013 to see Rabbi Johnathan Cahn of which I would like to apologize for Tulsa not advertizing his meeting. We would have been there!!!!!! I had the priviledge of going to the church and seeing ground zero a few years after the event in New York. Your teaching that Adonai gave you was amazing, we are all learning in wonderment over the significance of everything that GOD does.
    Then you introduced Fred and Jetta Smolchuck of whom were young pasters at Bethel Temple in Tulsa, OK when I was approaching teen years. They were the pastors after Taylor H. Davis and his wife and family. I can not believe what a small world it is as Jim went to school with Fred and were all sitting here in 2013 on the same page so to speak. Awestruck! Tell Jetta she is still beautiful and as she was worried about me one Sunday so many years ago, let her know Jesus keeps His promises through everything. I’m now a grandmother of two beautiful children, my mom Virginia went to the Lord in 2002 and I do not know if they remember Betty and Debbie Baker but we all are still friends after over 50 years. All still learning and loving the Lord and Him doing the same in return. Please say hello to them for me, it does my heart very well to see friends in Christ. With great affection, Melaine Donley

  2. Lori I was saddened to hear of the harsh criticism I am so sorry that is happpening ..cruel we love you and jim and watch every night ( we tape it) and are loving so many of the items we have seen on the program we love you stay strong — blessings There are lots who love you
    and are praying for you and the family and staff
    ps listening to my jason crabb cd smiles

  3. Hang in there… You are a blessing! Those “naysayers” will one day wish they would have paid attention. Bless you, bless you, bless you! Your faithful followers, Ralph & Heidi Edwards

  4. Hi Lori,
    We watch your show twice a day and are so blessed, encouraged, and inspired by you and Jim, your guests, your staff, and the Morningside singers. You all are doing a awesome End Time work for the Lord. I always remember in the face of adversity the wonderful testimony of Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsy: “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.” and “God will give us the love to be able to forgive our enemies”. I also remember Albert Einstein’s quote: “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Be encouraged God, the Host of Heaven, and God’s elect are for you and Jim and the wonderful prophetic work you are doing at Morningside, and in spreading the Gospel around the World. Blessings

  5. Hi Lori,
    I am reading your book my dear friend and I am so blessed by your honesty. I too will be sending you something in the mail as soon as I can pull it all together. We came to visit for the first time ever ( Isaac the little boy who loved the bean burgers and is such a picky eater). I just wanted to let you know you are so loved and respected by people you do not even know. I spoke to you briefly and said to “speak up more” Thanks for the Blog We hear you!!!

  6. Lori… is natural to feel a little discouraged and weary in the ministry. I just want to say even though there are a lot of posts here already,that as long as you are doing what God wants you to do..there are no substitutes for that. I have been watching you since 2004 when I came to Florida.I never really got to see Jim much in the PTL days because I could not receive the tv signal where I lived in Massachusetts. It makes me cry to see the terrible events going on there..that is really home to me like Phoenix is home to you. I am thankful God has called you both to be the ones to warn us, because you continue to warn us and encourage us in spite of any conflict that it may cause by people saying you should not be doing this. I thank God you and Jim and your family are faithful to what God has called you to do. I love you and keep you in prayer. ((hugs)) MyMy

  7. I started to recently watch your show, I use to watch Jim, and Tammy Baker in the 80’s, I love the show, I watch it everyday if it isn’t a repeat, I just wanted you to know that, Lori you are inspiring.

  8. Hi Lori,I watch your show twice a day and feel blessed to be able to have you,Jim and your Morning Side family in my life.Please,please hold up the torch and continue to lead others to the safety of the Lord.He is the reason that you and Jim do what you do and He will give you the strength to carry on.My prayers are for you all and also the people that are against you.Peace be with you.

  9. Lori,
    You and Pastor Jim are such an encouragement to the Body of Christ. You will never know how you have touched people’s lives until you see us all face to face. But know this, you guys are making a difference. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have been touched by different shows and guests you have had on your programs. My husband and I made a trip to Branson, Mo this past summer and visited Morningside but were disappointed we had missed you guys. You were not taping that week due to other commitments.
    Don’t ever give up. Keep pressing on towards the mark of that high calling!
    We love you guys!!!!
    Humble, Tx

  10. Dear Lori and Jim
    I love you two so much…I appreciate the two of you…I am glad you wrote this blog…You will never satisfy everyone…I am sure you know this…Please don’t stop what the you guys do…I myself learn so much from your shows… I look forward to your shows and information…Stay as you are for those of us who do love/need you guys…I am sorry you have to take on so much criticism for doing the Lords work…But hey as I see it, you must be doing it right…So keep on keeping on…


  11. Lori,
    I feel like you and Jim are my friends 🙂 Your ministry helped to pull me out of a pit that had been dug by a previous church I’d been unvolved in (I’ve since learned from John Paul Jackson’s book that it had a major Jezabel spirit lording over it). I wanted very little to do with anything “religious”. Through your ministry, my relationship with God has been restored and due to your promotion of the One Year Bible – I now love God’s Word!! I look forward to reading my portion each day 🙂 For that, I’m forever grateful 🙂 The Bible is certainly not the boring book that I used to think it’s alive! I also want to thank you and Jim for your transparency and humbleness, I know that you are real people who really care for people.
    Please keep on keeping on – you are changing lives 🙂
    I love you guys!!

  12. Jim and Lori,

    I love your show and support you totally. You are probably the only ministry preparing people for what’s coming down in the future. Keep up what you are doing!! I love you both and am praying for you

  13. God bless you all for your encouraging words!

    And Tuuri, do not despair. We will stand with you in faith for complete restoration!

    We love you and will be praying for you!



  14. Hi Lori! Thank you for your honesty. If it gives you any comfort, know that we have definately felt trials like never before. To see how many are unaware of the times while a seemingly few Christians are going through so many trials is amazing. Our children absolutely love your show and the products just as much as my husband and I do. We can’t say enough how much we appreciate your ministry. It’s a lifeline to us! We don’t have many believers and churches around here, unfortunately. Perhaps one day we can be closer to Morningside:)

  15. I love the Lord…I love His Word…I love ministry…it’s just so many Christians I can’t stand. My heart is burdened for you and Jim. I understand ministry pressures and believers who do not seem to flow in the biblical concept of love, grace and especially, encouragement. As Nehemiah said to his detractors as he was “rebuilding the wall”…”I am doing a great work and can not come down for you.” Amen!

  16. Dear Lori
    I am not the eloquent writer as so many here are. However, I do want you to know, you and Jim are an inspiration of how God can work in the lives of people if we will allow. We all have a past, but by the Grace of God, we also have a FUTURE and as stated in Jer 29:11, there isn’t a name, a date or and age stated. Therefore it is universal, for all who will take God at His Word and run with it. You and Jim are running the race very well, many ‘side linders’ are jealous, envious with hearts full of greed. Run my Sister with my Brother; as you two have many who are trying to fall in behind you; lead us on as the finish line is almost in sight! Love and admire you greatly.

    • Betty… never think you are not an eloquent writer. Your heart is eloquently and beautifully expressed in what you wrote. I found myself saying “I agree” and “Amen” as I read it!!!!

  17. Dear Lori… there will always be basement people in our lives. They live in the basement; they eat in the basement; they entertain and draw others into their pitiful basement lives. And then…. there is the Balcony people! They live in the balcony where they can see clearly the skies above them. The sun shines upon them and they call others “UP” from the basement to balcony living! This is you and Jim!

    Since 1975 I have followed the ministry and speed bumps of PTL. I cried and travailed at the fall and felt I was walking the Via Della Rosa as did the disciples with Jesus! Then the desert experience was over and God called Jim to a higher calling, and you came along side hand picked by God to support this awesome calling of a Place for Prophets as well as Lori’s House.

    I wish I could just hold & hug you for an hour or longer in these times you are weary and your ears burn with the words of Naysayers. Keep your eyes on the balcony people who love and support you & Jim praying daily for you. And most of all fight not to get distracted with the basement people. They will eventually look up when the times prophesied to come, comes to pass!

    I encourage you to sit with a cup of something hot and watch parts I&II “The Nature of God” by Graham Cooke. Certainly not a promotion plug for Graham Cooke but rather a word of encouragement from God THROUGH Graham Cooke.

    I look forward to coming to Morningside and working in supporting the ministry in various capacities. I believe in what God has called you & Jim to do now & I believed what I sowed into way back in 1975… it ended with tears and humility & now as Cindy Jacobs prophesied: “Restoration WOW…WOW…WOW and I BELIEVE IT! Hallelujah!

    Lift your head to the Son and see the many balcony people pulling and praying for you!

    Bouquets of Love, Hugs & Blessings,

  18. You guys are awesome!! Don’t pay any attention to the mockery and scoffers. You have the Bible and God on your side. I watch your show daily and sometimes 2 times a day. It is a repeat show but I watch it again anyway. I usually get something new out of it the second time. Thank you for all you do to educate the body of Christ both biblically and in our everyday walk to take care of ourselves. I know your schedule and work load has got to be over whelming at times, but the body of Christ needs you and your message. NOW is the time we have been waiting for and God has chosen you both get the message out. The end times message!!!! You both are in our prayers.

    Bill White

  19. Dear dear Lori,

    I know my heart belongs to the Lord – but lady, where would we be without you. Jim said the other day that “Lori is to blame” for the preparedness ministry. Hallalujia! I’m ready. I can’t say that at times my heart doesn’t fear – but thanks to the ministry you and Jim have sacrificed yourselves for, people out there are waking up. They are praying up. They are being freed to walk with God. Thank you so very very much! I pray for you and those around you. Keep up the good work!

    All my love.


  20. Lori I am so encouraged every morning watching you and Jim. After 42yrs. of ministry in very tough places of demonic stronghold, my husband’s health went done suddenly, causing depression and he acted out of character and fell. I went from being a respected preacher myself, and a retreat/convention speaker, to being “out”! Preaching at our church one week and the next standing behind him as he resigned and asked forgiveness, and we left. No closure, no anything…But God is still God, amidst rumors, amidst heartache ect… This is not what I thought our ministry would look like. I thought we would pastor until Jesus came, that was me desire and joy! I am pastoring a small group of under 20 in a house church and I so appreciate all you are doing for Jesus. The body of Christ better wake up and realize we have a real enemy who knows his time is short and is out to destroy all he can. I am trusting Jesus!

  21. Dear Lori…
    I simply love you and Jims dedication to Christ and your sharing. One always knows when they are doing the right things as that is when they are most attacked…soo obviously you are doing it right. I pray that you maintain strength in this battle for Christ…I began to watch you when you were in that little coffee shop area in Branson. I am planning on leasing a condo at Morningside as the weather there has to better than here..lolol….God bless..hugs an prayers..

  22. Yes, my husband met with someone we thought was a friend for an hour of prayer. Immediately after the prayer the ‘friend’ told my husband that he and I were ‘critical’ people. The ‘friend’ then began cutting me down to my husband. (I was not there to defend myself.) But it cut us so deeply. We are always going to have issues in this life, but this too shall pass. And one day, oh what a glorious day that will be, we will see our Lord and Saviour! Then all the criticism and tearing down will be done. I have cried all that I think I can cry but I will never give up! Yes, I might hurt, yes, and I will cry again! But as I pray, I ask God to have vengeance on the devil who caused these things to happen and not on the people who said them. I have been hurt and I have hurt others. Not by choice, but sometimes it just happens. Until these bodies are transformed we will have troubles. I want to give up and live the ‘good life’ too. But when the rubber meets the road, I realize that I am living the good life because of Jesus and His finished work on the cross at Calvary! Love and Blessings! Carol

  23. I can tell at the end of some of the shows that you’re terribly sleepy or tired. But I cannot imagine Jim wanting to retire. He is a ball of energy! Both of you are an incredible inspiration to me to want to eat healthy. Love Suzy

  24. Hi Lori, Me and my son matthew, who has autism and is 24 years old, love you both so very much! I understand completely what you mentioned above about your calling from God. I am in the process of publishing my first book for Gods glory, and when I mentioned it, many doubted me and thought I should be anointed and called by God, and the thing of it all is, Is was! Amen! I talk to God everyday, He knows me and I know Him, and nobody ever can know our full story or our walk with God. I have continued to preserver and avoid such people, because I have this book to focus on right now for our Lord and Savior! When He truly calls us, nothing and nobody will be able to stop it from happening, if people will just continue to stop listening to everybody, and start listening only to God, Amen! God is doing amazing things all over the world, and some Christians do not realize just how much Jesus is living in many of us doing His work, Amen! I believe in you and Jim and so very much love you both, truly! I hope and pray we can come to see you sometime! Donna

  25. Blessings to you Lori and Jim,

    Continue doing what you are doing for the Lord. I admire how you give forth the Word of the Lord and also teach Christians how to take care of the Temple of the Holy Spirit which is their body.

    Love you both!

  26. Dear Lori,

    I am so glad that I read this. Powerful and honest. Coming from the heart from you, which is why I am always compelled to read what you have to say. I love and appreciate you and Jim. Keep on fighting the good fight. My love in Jesus,


  27. Jim and Lori, The Lord has used the messages you guys preach about endtime preparing to open my eyes. Not only have I started preparing, but I am also doing some lessons with my church youth group on end time events and prepraing, not only physically but spiritually. Love you both dearly. Please never give up. We need you! Thank you for being obedient.

    Mt. Vernon, Il


      THANK YOU,


    • I watched the last part of your live taping today it was long but good I have never watched the live taping before except when we came to visit this last summer when we had to flee because of the fires in CO. I see what you did & I see the long hours you put in. WOW I love it & we appreciate it. I really like it when you have guest like this. We like everything you do and we tune in to see what you have each day.
      Don’t ever quit. We love what you are doing all of it.
      Lori you are so brave and a real trooper. By the way Jim Bakker’s facebook is full we can’t become his friend unless it is not the right one. Is his facebook the picture of him with books behind him or is there a different one? You FolKs all your family & team Captivate us. We love you all. Love the grandbaby too, even the dogs. What fun you have We loved it when Jim had Tammy Sues dog on there and the tail kept hitting him we laughed it was fun it made Jim seem human so we laughed with you as all as the situation.

  28. Dearest Lori, By the Grace of God, you two will prevail together and we appreciate your practical approach, wonderful guests and enlightenment. I must share a dream I had that my family was visiting Morningside and we were hugging you and Jim and thanking you for preaching the Word, your devotion and perserverence in Lori’s House construction, and Pastor Jim for his teachings on Revelation. I have always wanted spiritual dreams in my sleep and I must say you two were the first. Praise Jesus and His work through you. Here is a spiritual hug for you both from my family and I in South Dakota

  29. Amen. Lori.
    I mailed a very important package to you yesterday-It should arrive on Wednesday. I believe you will be blessed more than you can ask or think.
    Jan Ayer-South Carolina
    May the Lord make his face shine upon you…and give you peace.

  30. Jim & Lori, I love you, respect you, admire you. Your strength and courage is a great witness to us all. Take heart in knowing your riches are in heaven, your rewards are great. Those that are martyred for Christ have a special place at his feet. What a joyous day that will be.
    In Christ’s Love,

  31. Jim and Lori we love you…sorry we missed you this last time we were at morning side…allisa r.emembers you and we still have your picture on oursmart phone. We believe in what you are doing fot the sake ofChrist

  32. Dearest Lori,
    How I admire you and the love you have shown toward others!!!
    I watched the show where you washed the feet of your dear husband
    and I saw in you a true servant’s heart of love. I thought to myself,
    I probably will never meet you in this life, unless I do come to Branson,
    but I thought….I look forward to meeting you one day in Heaven. What a
    priviledge that will be to see you face to face and give you a hug.
    Please don’t be discouraged because of those who walk in ignorance and hate,
    just continue to hold your head up high and run this race with Victory and
    full of Love! You’ll WIN EVERY TIME!!!

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