Atlanta, GA. – “Dr. Billy Graham has departed earth to receive A Warrior’s Reward. Many will note the many contributions of the life and legacy of Dr. Billy Graham today in honor and recognition of this great Christian warrior who has reached millions of lives for Christ during his 99 years on earth.
“As a fledgling freelance journalist in the 20th century, I interviewed Dr. Graham who was in Atlanta to conduct a crusade. As he spoke, he admonished me to “pray without ceasing.” As he spoke, his brilliant blue eyes were glowing with a heavenly brightness. As I naively asked how anyone could pray 24/7; he quietly responded in a reverberating voice: “I’m praying for you right now.” This unforgettable experience changed my life forever.
“The lives of my family have been personally intertwined with those of Dr. Graham and his family throughout our lifetime. My “Uncle ML,” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ministered with Dr. Billy in New York at Madison Square Gardens during the 1950s. Together, in living color, bridging the racial divide, they debunked the colorblind myth; revealing the mystery of Acts 16:26 – One Blood, One Human Race. They are pictured together during their meeting.
“My friend Victoria Hearst, founder of Praise Him Ministries and granddaughter of legendary newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst has shared with me her grandfather’s role in bringing Dr. Graham’s ministry to the forefront in the media.”
“One prayer warrior, known as Mrs. Edwards, felt a supernatural compulsion to call media mogul Hearst and tell him about Billy Graham. Hearst was so impressed that he ordered his massive press machine to “puff up” the then young Christian evangelist Billy Graham. The rest is now history.”
“Today I join America and the world in prayers for the Graham family; not just mourning their loss, as Dr. Graham will be sorely missed; but also celebrating the life of this precious man of God.”