2012 Arrives Amid Great Confusion

Here we go into a new year!  This is not just any new year, but 2012, which I believe is a pivotal year in the “Beginning of Sorrows.”  This year could be our last full year to get our houses in order.  God has spoken to me that this will be a year of great CONFUSION in the world.  God needs His Church to be in full force for what is coming!

These are the days of 2012, they have arrived with all the ominous warnings of ancient prophets, contemporary watchmen and Biblical prophecies of being prepared (spiritually and physically) for the months ahead.  People have been talking about 2012 for centuries, and now it is upon us.  We’re not on the precipice or the verge or the brink.  We are there!

“What does it all mean?  Can somebody please break it down?”

This week on your TV, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and I will be discussing his new book, The Harbinger.  You can also view these broadcasts in the Video Archive section of our website. I want everyone who can to tune in – this is  one of the most important series I’ve ever done and I don’t want you to miss it.  Time is very short and unless we are fully aware and spiritually tuned to prophetic events, even those who have been in the Church all their lives might miss the signposts of the most important time in the history of the world.

The word “harbinger” means a sign, omen, warning, herald of something to come.  Rabbi Cahn unravels the prophetic events surrounding the great 9/11 calamity and warns us of what is coming next.  He left most of us speechless with his teachings regarding the judgments of God upon this nation.

The World Trade Center bombing on 9/11 was a warning from God.  That warning went unheeded, and for the most part, it was responded to with prideful defiance and a powerful denial of its purpose.  Why does God send his judgment as a warning to a nation?  It is for one reason and one reason only – so that they will repent, turn around, and honor Him.

I remember the outrage of the world and especially of some in the Christian community, when anyone dared suggest that perhaps God was warning this nation through the devastation of 9/11.  “Why God wouldn’t do that!  He’s a Good God!”  Yes, God would and God did…  BECAUSE He is good and He doesn’t want any to perish in their sin, not even one.

Though this nation was founded upon Godly principles, we have turned away from His ways and now we must turn back – or we will receive the full wages of our sins (Romans 6:23).  I believe even at this eleventh hour, if we put 2 Chronicles 7:14 into radical action, we could stay the hand of God in His righteous judgment of this nation, and lessen the misery of the consequences of our rebellion.

“Then if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, if they will pray and seek me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.”

At this time, however, the prophetic clock is still ticking away and the events preceding the Second Coming of Jesus will happen (are happening), just as it says and is foretold in Matthew 24, Luke 21, countless other Old and New Testament passages, and especially in the Revelation.  We are not going to change the prophetic unfolding of End Time events, but we can change what judgments are meted out and we have a choice how God deals with us individually and as a nation, based upon our responses to His warnings.

The economies and the governments of this nation and the world are falling apart, natural disasters are at an all-time high, and the whole of humanity is ready to plunge right into the doomsday scenario that is presented in the Book of Revelation.  Food could disappear off grocery shelves in a matter of hours.  Electricity and gasoline may be completely unavailable.  The world is on the brink of World War III.   Iran and Israel are  poised to unleash weapons of mass destruction at each other, not to mention the U.S., Russia, China, and others. THE STAGE IS NOW SET for the arrival of the antichrist.  We are on the very threshold of more calamity than the world has ever seen before.

The antichrist will use everything in his power to try to get Christians to deny Christ and renounce their faith.  Some people think we, as Christians, won’t have to go through that part of the tribulation – that God will take us all out of here before it comes down to that.  But what if He doesn’t?  What if we are so dull in our spiritual senses that we’re like that proverbial frog in the pot – you back off a little at a time from God’s standards and before you know it, you’re in hot water.  Could we even recognize our spiritual condition that has been so compromised with the world that it feels normal?

You can if you stay in God’s Word!

How then, should we try to live?  When the world comes apart, people everywhere will flock to the churches for answers.  There will be a last great awakening – a last great harvest of the ages.  We need to have ourselves ready spiritually and physically, and be ready to show others our faith in Jesus, the One that purchased life eternal for us on the Cross over 2,000 years ago.  That requires some practical preparations like food and water so that we will be able to minister the Gospel and help to bring souls into the Kingdom for all eternity.

As Christians, we sometimes forget that this life is but a vapor (James 4:14) and there’s an eternal life that quickly follows.  Eternal means everlasting, unending, perpetual, endless, ceaseless, and timeless.  That’s the life that God wants to spend with you, not just this life only.

You can’t go wrong serving God with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength.

Get into the Word!  Know God’s Word!  Be ready to recognize the enemy’s movement and his tactics.  Know what righteousness is.  “Be ye Holy as I am Holy!”  (1 Peter 13-16)  We have made far too much of ‘religion’ and far too little of ‘holiness’.

There will be a lot of people running “to and fro” in the church world too – Confusion – and that means in a spiritual sense as well as a natural sense.  Don’t be confused.  Know what God says! (2 Timothy 4:3)

Some might say “well, if it gets that difficult, I’d rather just go be with Jesus.”  Do I need to remind you of Luke 12:47 or any of the other parables that deal with this kind of attitude?  “And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes… for to whom much is given, much is required.”

You don’t have to store food, but it will be easier for you to avoid entering an antichrist system if you do.  You don’t have to get as healthy as possible by eating right and exercising, but you can minister to more people in the Times of Trouble if you do.  You don’t have to have survival plans and equipment, but what good are you to a dying world if you’re dead too?!  “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”  Matthew 9:37 NAS

There is also a dangerous philosophy of waiting until the last minute to get right with God and to get prepared – not only by the world but by Christians.  The twinkling of an eye is not much time, people!  It’s faster than you can snap your fingers!

So, get ready for the ride of your life!  We are about to enter a time when you need to be rock solid about your priorities, and nothing will deter you or cause you to waver, or even be distracted.  I’ve been telling people about the CONFUSION the enemy is going to throw at us this year.  It will take all of our resolve and great faith, coupled with God’s Amazing Grace to get us through.  If I could break it down to the simplest of terms, here is what I am endeavouring to do and I hope you will too:

  1. Get yourself still so you don’t have so many distractions
  2. Study your Bible
  3. Hear from God
  4. Do what God says!

Join us on TV this week too, if it’s at all possible.  Rabbi Cahn will take our world’s events and break it all down for you.  I’m confident this series of shows will leave you as speechless as it did all of us at Morningside when we taped them on Grace Street – but it will leave us more aware than ever before.


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41 thoughts on “2012 Arrives Amid Great Confusion

  1. Millions of Christians were asked to gather together for such a day as this, but most ignored the call for unity. Now here we are at the beginning of “Jacobs troubles” yet voices like Jim Bakker are not being heard in places where apostasy dominates. God help us!

  2. The Lord Jesus has given me many dreams lately. in one dream I was standing on a hill, standing next to an angel, holding on to his arm, over looking a city. I saw a Hugh wave coming, taller than any building. it came so quickly I knew there was no time to out run it. All I had time for was to make sure I was right with the Lord . While I was standing next to the angel I had perfect peace. I believe the wave is a Hugh economic catastrophe to come
    The second dream I had was I had been told by the Lord to move, a disaster was coming and many many people who were not listening to the Lord would die. I was standing by an airplane that was just starting its engines. I looked around and saw several planes parked in two rows with people quickly moving to the plane. These people had been warned by the Lord to leave. I knew in my heart only a few people listened to the Lords warning. I knew that those not listening, many of them would die. I knew all the planes were going to different destinations. I was told my plane was going to USA Siberia. I knew in my heart there would be no difference between Russia and the United States. I was also witnessed to by the Holy Spirit from the day I moved or got on the plane there would be three years until the Lord returned. all of a sudden the engines of the plane revved up and I was running to get on the plane and not be left behind. thene invisible arms picked me up and put me on the plane. I walked to the back of the plane where there was one seat left. I know my moving isn’t not far away, just before disaster strikes. I pray everyone is listening to the Lord on what he wants them to do. God bless

  3. What do you all think of the strange sounds heard around the world. Google it and see youtube videos. Is this a hoax or is the earth groaning and the trumpets are getting ready to sound?


  5. Brother Jim, I am wondering if you could perhaps cover what’s going on with end times dreams and prophecy among the masses – along the lines of Joel 2:28? I have been having very, very disturbing dreams and I hear rumblings from other believers as well – it seems there are even some “shared” dreams and visions occurring.

    God Bless you,

    • I have had some dreams over the last several years as to what’s coming, my mother has told me of some of hers, my oldest daughter has had dreams that are profoundly prophetic and my youngest daughter has told me of one also. We are the Joseph generation. Joseph was a dreamer. He also through another’s dream prepared for a coming famine. Can you imagine, it’s a time of plenty, everything is going good and this young Jewish boy interprets a dream and says a famine is coming. Remember 2 is a witness. If you have the same dream twice, you can count on it. I have had this happen once. I also asked the Lord about a dream one of his servants had. God if this be you, let me have the same dream. The same night I prayed that prayer I had the same dream the man of God had spoken of. Remember 2 is a witness.

      • Louise, your post was so timely for me. my daughter had 2 separate dreams about a family member recently. she felt it was a message to witness to this person before the person died. this set of dreams was before Christmas. the night after i read your post, i had a dream about the same person, addressing the same subject. the following morning, i told my daughter about it. her eyes popped open. she said she had asked the Lord for ONE MORE dream, to confirm it. she had expected it to come to HER, but instead it was to another. so, we have 2 x 2. Both a witness of 2: 2 dreams to the same person, and THEN, 2 people about the same subject. thanks for sharing your wisdom and insight. and you can be sure i am praying hard for the person’s salvation!

  6. I received The book and DVDs this week on The Harbinger. I watched it with my eldest son and he went to read the book now. I wanted to put up a scripture that seems to explain why this is happening to us, but it hasn’t come up anywhere that I have heard
    Jer 3:8 God divorced the 10 tribes for there continual spiritual adultery. The Father still in His covenant with the tribe of Judah but the 10 tribes still have the promise of Jacob on their lives. Jesus came for the whole house of Israel, and he said His people would know His voice. And be His Bride. Look at the Christian nations, particularly America. People came from all over the world for over 200 years and until recently we were the most blessed people on earth, We feed, protected, and set an example for the world to see God’s people being blessed. I do not think it is just because we were founded on God’s word, but I believe we are God’s 10 tribes now in a covenant as the Bride with Jesus. There are so many other scriptures that I have read that back this up. God never lost his people, the tribes got lost and found Him again in Christ. and so many Gentiles have come here also seeking Him. If you look on a map an see the riches nations (with few exceptions)They are Christian nations. The tribe of Judah alone does not fulfill all the promises that where given to Jacob’s seed. And this with the book makes it even more applicable. As typical of the 10 tribes we are again whoring after other god’s, practicing Moloch, and turning our back on our Father.
    I pray that all Christians here the message from the book and truly start living for the Living God. And show ourselves worthy to be the Bride of Christ at His return.

  7. Harbinger
    America’s Final Warning
    The Day of the Lord is coming
    The All Powerful Sovereign Lord Creator Maker of the Universe
    The giver and taker of life
    The Lord of the Day of Judgment. Matthew 10:28
    The Holy Bible says:
    “Should you not fear me?” declares the Lord. “Should you not tremble and shake in my presence?” Jeremiah 5:22
    God has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified me. Job 23:13-16.
    Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world fear God the Creator of the Universe. Psalm 33:8
    Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11
    Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Psalm 34:11
    Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11
    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, learning and education, but fools despise God’s wisdom, direction and discipline. Proverbs 1:7
    Those who fear the Lord are secure; God will be a place of safe refuge for their children. Proverbs 14:26
    Fear of the Lord is a life-giving fountain of pure water; it offers escape from the snares of death. Proverbs 14:27
    Humility and fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life. Proverbs 22:4
    Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep the commandments, for this is the whole duty of every man, woman and child. Ecclesiastes 12:13
    Let those who fear the LORD say: “God’s love endures forever”. Psalm 118:4
    The LORD delights in those who fear God, who put all their future hope in God’s love.
    Psalm 147:11
    Pray FEAR of GOD.
    Thank God we Fear The Lord.
    Thank YOU Thank YOU Thank YOU

  8. Enjoyed Rabbi Johnathan Cahan’s visit and teaching on the Harbinger. I just recently read a book by Joseph F. Dumond entitled, The Prophecies of Abraham”. This I would say, picks up where 911 left off. Because we don’t repent we can expect Terror, Famine, Economic Collapse, Plagues, War, Destruction, multiplied by 7, listed in Leviticus 26 every 7th year on a Shemittah. This is not easy to read about ourselves and country but it is a eye opener for those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear”.

    • Mar: Your rt. on. These past five days God has said thru several people concerning the body of Christ for us to pray, Eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to be opened to receive and their spirit also.

      This is now about the 6th time in the past five days God showing thru different people eyes to see(understand spiritually and to what is really going on in Am. and the world, to wake up!) He wants us to have His fulness operating in and thru us for the body of Christ and things outside of the body of Christ. The ears to be opened to hear whaat God is saying. And for the Christians hearts to be receptive so they can receive what God is saying.

      This is how the body of Christ is to be praying for the body at this time. THIS IS SO VITALLY IMPORTANT. I KNOW GOD IS DIRECTING THIS IN THIS HOUR.

      jUDGEMENT IS COMING AND IT IS GOING TO be devasting. Christians haven’t been willing til now to listen. They have to wake up like God’s word warns us to wake up and not sleep in apostasy and deception having our ears tickled.

      God bless and keep those who are truely His.

  9. Pastor Jim, I came from a church in Baltimore md that had a home for unwed mothers so U have my support in prayer I know its a wonderful work and ministry but I can’t remember the last time I heard a pastor preach on fornication and adultry, so young people are not being taught the root cause of unwanted babies, God showed me if they were taught celebicy and keeping ones self til marriage then we would have no need for abortion on the most part pastors are afraid of loosing church members if they preach Holiness unto the LORD, Sp I will be praying for Lori’s house may I sugguest teach keeping ones self til marriage and there will be no need for the ministry of Lori’s house In Him sincerly marty

  10. Hi Jim!! we love you here in New Jersey! i was wondering have you heard Pastor John Kilpatricks NEW Prohetic Word From The Lord yet?? it is so incredibly fearful, heres a link to read it, because im not sure how to copy a PDF file to here, sorry! its called SUDDEN DEATH

  11. I believe that if we look at the Warning which Jesus gave to those during the time of His historical life that the religious leaders had abandoned the spiritual principles of the Temple and we see how they rejected His message by crucifying Him and then 40 years to the day after they crucified Jesus, the Physical Temple which had been spiritually abandoned forty years earlier was destroyed, we may have a clue as to a time frame for coming persecutions.

    It will be forty years to the day, January 23, 2013 when the Supreme Court ratified the greatest destroyer of peace in the world which is abortion as the law of this land. In a nation whose stated principle is the protection of life and liberty, this is the ultimate spiritual rejection of the principles of the “Temple.” And what will happen if we do not correct this grave evil decision which all of us as Americans are responsible for failing to overturn? We shall find out in a little more than one year from now, what God’s Judgment will be.

  12. WAKE UP !!!!! and seem like play around we need wake up more pray and i bet Yeshua want return to God in heaven he will be happy and heal america and very simple return i know not easy but keep try no matter what!!! wink SHALOM HALLELUYAH !!!

  13. I have been thinking about the wisdom of Soloman. When the 2 women came before them. One child was dead, one alive. Both women were claiming to be the mother. So Soloman in his wisdom said divide the child in half. The real mother who loved the child said no, don’t harm the child. She was willing to relinquish her role as the true mother to save the child. We have the same scenario today with 2 claiming to be the mother of Jerusalem. Divide it they say. One says don’t divide the land. The real mother may come to the place of relinquishing her right to save the land. We need someone with the wisdom of Soloman to recognize the true mother of Jerusalem. Scripture tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It also states they have divided my land. We are indeed living in the time of sorrows, love Israel, pray for Jerusalem.

  14. Thank you Jim and Lori for going against the grain of the “MAIN-LINE” Christian Ministries with there begging and false teachings of a Rapture. I watch show after show and try to see them thru the eyes of the unbelievers and find it a mockery of God and the true Word. With few exceptions I can not see anyone coming to Christ with what they are selling. It is up to us that God has revealed His truth to to be a witness to the lost.
    A lot of these comments here are about Biblical numbers. I see even more with the number 7. God created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh – 6000 years here on earth in the flesh and the 1000 year millennium, and that we just hit the 7 billion people on earth mark. Spiritual perfection and completion. I also find it interesting that this year the Feast of Trumps fall on Christ Birth-day September 29 (conceived on December 25 proven thru Mary’s encounter with her cousin Elisabeth and her husband struck deaf at Obadiah)
    I was wondering if any other Christians out there are experiencing EXTREME attacks on there family, health and energy. After reading these blogs I know now I am not the only one going through this. There are days that all I can do is hold on to my Bible and pray. With an urgent, URGENT calling to get – not just my life, family, and mind right with God, but to study, pray and fast to be sure to be counted as one with God’s seal on our foreheads Rev:9. The attacks are coming in from every side and the flood of lies is getting very deep.
    My church was divided and conquered by the enemy, my husband addictions were so bad I had to remove him from the home after 25 years and now he has a new baby with a women related to my sisters from my church, my health has gotten so bad I am getting disability.(for which I thank God or we would be homeless) I have 2 children and God keeps providing amazing miracles for us. What I have learned from all this is that we must rely on Him daily and Him alone. I am so thankful for all His amazing blessings and teachings, and though I have become very isolated from all the people I have had around me, I believe it is a preparation for what is to come. In the natural my life would look like a car wreck, but I know that God has His hand on my life and is forming me to be ready to STAND when He comes back for His children. Please If you feel lead to, pray for me and and my children. We live in California right on the San Andreas fault just north SF and the Ninth Court of Appeals in a predominately gay resort town, It feels like Gomorrah next to Sodom. Sometimes the spiritual battles outside of my door effect my children with nightmares. We are stocking up with food and all the things we might need thanks to this ministry. Oh the bus is here with my little ones, THANK YOU Jim and Lori, you are a blessing to me and my family

    • Michelle, the devil knows his time is short, there is an all out attack against those that are a threat to him. Attacks against the mind, accusing thoughts about those who have wounded you, or accusing thoughts about shortcomings. There are attacks against health, finances, relationships. One of the great giants of the faith, spoke at different times of the battles his family faced with cancer, pain and sickness. Some religious souls like Job’s friends would accuse and say what did you do, you must have sinned, or you are sick because you don’t have faith. Perhaps its the opposite, God might have been bragging on you. Have you seen my servant Job, a perfect man who turns from evil. Can you imagine if Job had overheard the conversation between God and the Devil. You just let me at him and he will curse you. I believe in healing, I have been healed more than once for things the Dr.’s said were incurable, and I have also been through the valley, wondering why God. The scripture tells us many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God and I will say that again. But God, is able to deliver them from them all. I will pray for you, I have been praying for my own children and grandchildren who live on the New Madrid fault line, that God protect them in the time of the earthquakes. Thank you’s to Jim and Lori will be ringing out soon, for had it not been for their teachings and warnings we would not be as prepared as we are.

  15. I believe one of our prayers should be that God would protect us from deception. Especially from false brethern. That type of deception is the worst. Someone says their a Christian, they say the right things about Christ and you believe them. You have no cause not to. But scripture tells us to beware of false brethen, coming to us in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. I myself have been deceived that way. To trusting. I was praying once about not being deceived by anyone, not knowing at the time I was actually having finances stolen from someone else. Who claimed they were a Christian. This person was not even on my radar, I trusted them so much. The Lord literally opened my eyes to what they were doing. He said look at the fruit, the gifts can be faked. But not the fruit. We are to try the spirits to see if they are from God. As we enter the time of sorrow, we may run into more of this. There are con artist out there, they will say anything,do your background checks, etc. and pray that no one will deceive you or your children, children’s children.


    • What date in 2009 marks the beginning of the 7 years,,,both the Jewish Biblical calendar and the American calendar…Thanks

  17. Dear JIM & Lori. I want to tell you both how vwey much you are deeply appreciated for all your hard work and diligence. I am sure that the Lord is well pleased. I am a very faithful viewer and have learned so very much. We have also purchased many of your products in our pursuit in getting prepared in these end times. Again thanks to you and our Lord. If I may, I would like to share anight vision the Lord gave me 20 years ago. I was in a very old house up on an upper level in a closet. I had my arms wrapped around a younger women. We were crouch down,and hiding. trying to be very quiet. I was in my body and I could see us at the same time, and I also could see what was happening on the first level. I could see soldiers dressed in red with big swords having their way with the women, there was screaming- and it was not a pretty sight. Then suddenly it became very quiet as if they were trying to trick us that they were gone and I told the young woman to be quiet! Then I woke up and the Holy Spirit told me that this is what it is going to be like in the end times. Jim, I believe that one day soon our country is going to be taken over by China. I really felt for some time now that the Lord has wanted me to share this with you. Thank you again for paying such a dear price to help the body of Christ get so ready! Much love and appreciation! Diana

  18. Brother Jim:

    I am a new-comer to your website. I am Not a new-comer to your ministry. I remember the PTL Bible my grandmother had on her table in front of me & seeing/hearing you on TV throughout my years of growing into adulthood. Even throughout college, I did not know Who Jesus was/is. It was after college when I was reading self-helps that this Jesus character & His quotes got my interests. The medical & microbial studies had not acceptably answered my question of what is life. Therefore, my continued pursuit into the question via self-help books. It was this very same year that I became saved, yet the saving of my soul was unknowingly just beginning. And brother, what a roller coaster ride it has been so far. I mean -WOW.
    Even, way WOW.

    I did see your trial completion on TV (in part) & some of the junk that came off of it (songs & such). And what I saw made me turn the TV off, continually. It irked me deep inside with all that was going on & all that was being said of you, even while you were locked away. I did not understand that deep feel; I’d been saved less than a couple years.

    And now, in 2011 I come across you (& your refined ministry) again! Praise my Lord!
    So when you speak of prison, valleys, fear/uneasiness, those closest turning on you, loosing all, drawing closer to God (The Father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit each have a very distinct presence/identity & voice. Also, the angelic –heavenly- hosts each have distinct identities. Sooo cool!), revelation, a greater thirst with even more questions to ask (God), & not being trusted until fully tested. Yea, . . ., I can relate. Not on your level, yet on mine.

    Because of the dreams & visions I have been having since the late 90’s, and no body really able to relate with & discuss such with, I’ve gotten closer to God. (I believe people are not able to relate because they are spiritually un-discerned via lack of soul surgery/purging & know not the Word nor the God of the Word.)

    CONFUSSION. Through the years I’ve learned that a prophetic word is basically God’s wake up call because the individual &/or church has not been hearing God & therefore doing. Like telling a child what the consequences would be of something he or she is about to do because you are aware that that child is not exercising common sense.

    Well pastor Jim, I honestly do not see common sense out here in the California churches. I have noticed a few people with the common sense here and there, yet it is like they have to keep to themselves because others will . . . I think you understand. Very sad.

    It is very sad that the sheep have gone astray. And not just one.

    It is very sad that the pastors have refused & still refuse to go after even the one.

    It is very sad many in the Body are skinned & bloodied via their own leaders, as you have written, & I have seen.

    It is very sad most believe the return of Jesus will catch us unaware & even want the oil from my lamp. Very sad.

    Because the things God has shown me via dreams & visions & His written Word, I literally tremble & quake. I fear for the Body. I fear for the Body very much. I love my country & do not want to see it destroyed. I’d pray for God to give this world another 20 years to get it right. Yet inside, I do not feel such is any longer possible. I think the cup of sin has begun to out-weigh the cup of mercy upon the scales -found wanton.

    Straight & narrow & few be that find it –yes. But I still fear for the Body. And for the lost. From what I’ve learned & experienced, I don’t want for anyone to become eternally separated from God. Yet I am not the one Who saves. I can only share what I have. I’d rather for them to not be flat on their back & only looking upward. I’d rather do it like Jesus did –meet their need & then feed em some spiritual food/seed for salvation so the Holy Ghost can work His Word in em.

    Yet the reverence & respect for God has become almost non-existent. Like you’ve said –happy happy church. I’ve called it a social club. Most of the time, I don’t want to be there. And I have been in a number of denominations & buildings. People do not even recognize the spirit of God nor what He is wanting to do within the congregation nor does the Body wait on Him. It’s like this is my day off so I’ve things to do & places to go & maybe we will talk some about God on the way. Milk, milk, milk. To get meat I get together with few others or even be with God alone. Sad.
    I’ve been asked what do you think I should teach. My answer is always –To hear God/how to hear God. I have yet to see or hear of any who teach such. Perhaps because they have yet to pay the price for such & are still unwilling to pay it.

    ORGANIZATION –just seems to be common sense.
    Yet I am probably a chief sinner.
    Time to run the race so to win. I do see a finish line up ahead.

    And yes, I have had stored food since before 2011. I know we are about to be hit.

    Anticipating the next 4 words God gave to us via you, brother jim, for 2012.

    Thank you for being faithful, brother & saint Jim.

    Because of Jesus,

  19. 2012….that is how many years have passed since the death of Jesus on the cross.He rose from the grave on the 3rd day.We are 12 years into the 3rd day.According to American time….In 2011 we had 12 disasters costing a billion dollars or more each,,,that’s the record.. Nature is telling us to to get prepared…Israel became a nation in 1948..this is the generation that shall not pass before the end shall come…ISRAEL is the only nation that died,and came back to life in 1948..I believe the gentile’s grace is returning to ISRAEL…The earth will pick up exactly where it left off 2012 YEARS AGO…We will see earthquakes,the sun grow dark,the moon turn red, their days will become ours.I believe ISRAEL has been judged with what happened to JESUS.The grace of gentiles is coming to an end…judgment is next.God judges us as an individual;a church and a nation..JESUS is in control The God that created everything, never lost the power of control.I am certain there was confusion when God’s grace was being given to the gentiles,after all,the Jews were God’s chosen people and they were living the old Testament,[God’s law]The wisdom of God is hidden from Satan.Salvation for all.ISRAEL will have a second chance to except Jesus as their LORD and SAVIOR..JESUS lived 33 years in the flesh.His blood type was GOD’S own blood.When it fell to the earth,Satan knew that blood had spiritual power over every evil of Hell.IT was God’s blood.Satan condemned himself to Hell and it would be only a matter of time before the sentence would be executed.ISRAEL IS 64 NOW and THE WAR ON CHRISTIANITY HAS ALREADY BEGUN.CONFUSION ONCE AGAIN AS GOD’S GRACE RETURNS TO THE JEWS.WILL GOD ALLOW ISRAEL TO BE DESTROYED?THAT IS ONCE AGAIN THE JEWS DECISION.70 IS A BIBLICAL GENERATION.ALL I KNOW IS THIS GENERATION WILL HAVE PASSED IN 6 MORE YEARS AND GOD’S GRACE FOR THE GENTILES WILL HAVE RAN IT’S COURSE AND ISRAEL WILL BE ONE GENERATION OLD.THE RETURN OF JESUS IS MORE THAN WE KNOW.

  20. Last year, Evi wrote this prophetic word in response to Pastor Jim’s blog entitled “We’re on the verge of something BIG.” You can go back and check it yourself, but I am reposting it here. Today’s date is January 7, 2012.

    Last night the Lord spoke to me in my dream-state and said,
    “Earthquake, January 8th.” That’s all he said. No specific location was mentioned. I’ve never heard this anywhere before. My television was not on. Also, I’ve had many prophetic dreams and visions previously that have… come to pass. One of them that hasn’t come to pass yet, is when I had a dream/vision several years ago, that I was looking at a satellite image map of the United States and saw different areas sparatically where the earth just sunk and seemed to vanish from an earthquake, right down the middle of the U.S. In my dream I quickly called my grandma, while in shock, who lives in Florida to warn her. After that dream, several months later, is when I saw John Kilpatrick describing his dream from the Lord. This seemed identical to what I saw as well. Let’s pray for each other’s protection.

  21. The Lord has witnessed to me to give 10 percent of the food I collected, when the time is right, like tithing. I believe then the 90 percent left will be blessed.

  22. As I was praying, God said,”There will be a distinction”

    I took this to mean that in the coming days, there will be a distinction between those who call Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh Lord (believers) and those who do not call Him Lord (unbelievers).

    I was immediately reminded of two Biblical references. In the first, when God sent the plagues on the Egyptians in Exodus chapters 8-11, God said that He would make a distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians. As Moses is talking to Pharaoh,in Exodus 8: 22-23 it reads, “’But on that day I will deal differently with the land of Goshen, where my people live; no swarms of flies will be there, so that you will know that I, the Lord, am in this land. 23. I will make a distinction between my people and your people.”

    The same distinction occurs with hail, darkness, and the first-born son.

    The second Biblical reference that came to my mind was in Ezekiel 9, right before the glory of the Lord departs from the temple. God had just shown Ezekiel the evil that was being committed in the temple. In verse 3 it says, “Now the glory of the God of Israel went up from above the cherubim, where it had been, and moved to the threshold of the temple. Then the Lord called to the man clothed in linen who had the writing kit at his side. 4. and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.” 5. As I listened, he said to the others, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. 6. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary.”

    I believe one distinction is that God will give His people a supernatural peace that surpasses all understanding. A while back God told me to hold on to Him, because He was holding on to me and, that He would never leave me nor forsake me. When the devil tries to get me to believe that I have sinned too much or that God doesn’t want to use me because I didn’t read the Bible on a certain day, etc., I take out the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God and I speak to my doubts and the devil flees. It is written, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” and “Take heart, I have overcome the world” and “I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, our Lord” and “If God is for us, who can be against us”

  23. K, thank you taking the time to share this information, and what it seems to mean. That is really something, about the timing of your post. Yes, God is alive, and speaking to us today!
    Planning to watch all the shows with Rabbi Cahn ASAP.
    So grateful for Jim’s work, helping us get ready in this 11th hour!

  24. Anne,

    I posted that message yesterday morning at around 10 am. I remember what time it was and it was definitely not 1:11. I take that as another confirmation that God is real, alive, and speaking to us today.

    Jim had a man named Rabbi Jonathan Cahn on his show. Rabbi Cahn was explaining to Jim that America has been given a final warning by God. Judgement is coming quickly. Jim told Rabbi Cahn that God had shown him the numbers 1111, but he didn’t understand what they meant. He also said that Rabbi Cahn’s address was 1111, another example of this mystery. I believe that God is confirming that everything Jim is saying about this being the final hour is true.

    This is the 11th hour. Time is almost up.

  25. K, did you notice the time that you posted your message here?!

    When I went to read my emals tonight before going to the blog, I had 1111 unread emails. Wll plan to be praying.

    I am an avid listener of Jim’s show, but have not heard him talk of these numbers. Can you make a brief comment on what was said?

    Thank you!

  26. Jim, you mentioned the numbers 1111 on your show. I wanted to share with you what I feel God has taught me about those numbers as I started seeing 1’s a few months ago, and can’t seem to escape them. They actually hold double meaning. The number 111 is a reference to Deuteronomy 1:11 and represents prophetic divine blessing. The numbers 1111 on the other hand represent that we are the 11th hour. I could be wrong, but I believe this to be true. The 1111 is also used in the New Age and satanic movements to symbolize an ushering in of a “new order”. Whenever i see 111 I praise God for His blessings. When I see 1111 I pray against evil and ask Him for His protection.

    God Bless You!

  27. Thank you Pastor Bakker for your forthrightness with the truth. I have begun getting both my physical and spiritual homes in order. I believe you are right about the word “confusion” for the year 2012. What are the other words you have already received. Is “disloyalty” or “faithlessness” one of them? I am a Sabbathkeeper and I would like to know how you view the importance of God’s children keeping/celebrating and worshipping on the Sabbath (7th day of the week) as opposed to Sunday? Thank you again for your message and I look forward to a response.

  28. What can I say…but thank you for being the watchman on the wall…I know it comes with many stresses, but our God has given you strength, wisdom and grace….God bless you and your family.Remember you are loved with and everlasting love..OUR God Reigns. MyMy

  29. Wow. I saw your program on TV today and was thrilled to see your understanding of the times we’re in. I was amazed to see how you offer food and preparations to your supporters. Those are resources that I will quickly acquire. Thank God for your heart and attitude toward His righteousness and His word. This article/blog about 2012 has really helped by giving me a better understanding of God’s attitude towards preparation. Now I can gracefully make an appeal to other believers about the pertinance of preparing, without sounding like a doomsday fearmonger. Thank you so much for sharing these valuable truths. I have been blessed today by your ministering.

  30. I heard Rabbi Cahn several months ago on Sid Roth. I find his teaching fascinating but am wondering if any others have been given the same teaching. I ordered the book “The Harbinger” and am waiting it’s arrival. My main concern is whether others have received these revelations such as Rabbi.

  31. I watched a clip from Carter Conlan titled run, it stirred me. Your post today stirs my heart also. The 4.0 earthquake in Ohio tho it was not major stirs my heart. The huge sinkhole in Texas along a fault line stirred me. Jim I believe we are there. God allowed the early Christians to go through some horrific trials. We know he had the power to deliver them. Has he changed. I think not. We know God is a good God, but scripture tells us he is also just. With all the hype about the Mayan prophecy, People choose to believe that over the Word of God. When these things begin to happen in 2012 many will be in a panic, believing the Mayans are right. Truth is found in the Word of God. I choose to believe God’s Word. I personally believe selective judgement is coming to America. I can’t help but believe a devastating earthquake is coming. As well as a war in the middle east. Many Americans live to eat, some of their children grossly overweight. You see entire families with obesity problems. What happens when the trucks can’t bring in the supplies. When their appetites can’t be satisfied. If I had the finances I would purchase immediately everything you have offered to help the people. Food for Health, Silver Sol, emergency kits. Seychelle, Rad filters. Sprouting kits, heirloom seeds. You are the only ministry I know that is offering practical, life saving items. God Bless you

  32. Ilove U and Lori and watches your show all the time. I learn a lot from you, how to get prepared. I get the $20 food every month I also have the water-pitcher, the bottle and the straw. Please pray for me that my lots in N-Carolina will be sold also that my mother who is gravely ill in Jamaica will recover.

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