Clay in the Potter’s Hands (Pt. 7)


With raging intensity, the second fire starts to burn through the kiln. Quickly you move from separation into a time of death. There are impurities within each clay vessel that only the fire can purge.

The Lord and His angels shut down the dampers on the kiln, cutting off the flow of oxygen and filling the kiln with carbon dioxide. Black soot along with heavy smoke and flames consumes every vessel in the kiln as it becomes a black fire, your personal Gethsemane or dark night of the soul.

Abandonment, isolation, and death itself are all around you.  The fire is so intense that you can’t hear or see the dear friends who have been your comforters and intercessors for so many years. Everyone you love seems to leave you as you die in the blazing inferno.

You say, “Lord, the fire!  I’m dying in the midst of it! Everything I’ve built and loved my whole life is being consumed!”

Your heart breaks as your reputation and your walk with the Lord are condemned. Competition, position, jealousy and pride are driven out of your life by the purifying flames.

You feel as if you’re going to explode under the ever-increasing pressure. The Lord tenderly explains, “My child, in the midst of the black fire, a mystery takes place.  Brilliant color is pushed deep into the body of the clay vessel.”

“My mysteries and My revelations are revealed in the tremendous pressure of the high glory fire.  This is a hidden time when the most beautiful colors are formed in the earthenware vessel. The richness and depth of color come from the darkest hours of agony and grief, just as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds come from hot fires inside the earth.  In the midst of the second firing, My glory is being released into the depths of who you are.”



This is the hardest imaginable step to go through.  Has it ever gotten so hot you thought you were going to die?  I have.  This is a step you can only speak about in whispers because it is so intense.

5 thoughts on “Clay in the Potter’s Hands (Pt. 7)

  1. dear lori: that was really good i never looked at it that way, but that blessed me. thanks for your article. love connie

  2. Jesus…Jesus…Sweet Glorious Jesus!, Bless this wonderful, fearfully made in Your AWESOME image adorable humble servant Mrs.Lori, her faithful husband, and their beautiful ministry beyond measure today and everyday they draw breath. Thank You Jesus for the life you give us through them. Bless Lori through all the glory that she brings You Lord God…Haleluja… thank you for our Lori Bless, Bless, Bless her Lord…In Jesus’ name, Amen Thank you Lori…I love you 🙂

  3. hello lori i agree,i was married 25 years,my wife had 6 heart attacks,she fought sugar diabetes,congestive heart failure,i had to take her off life support,nov 13 2010,mercy hospital,st louis,this is were i work,i have to back to 4 th floor icu,every day,its hard,i have 1 son at mo. state springfield,he is taking med classes to be a doctor,he is doin this for his mom.i watch you daily. i got laid off from boeing after 22 years,lost everything,remember me in your prays-Ron

  4. It’s a wonderful metaphor & so true…trial by fire. Everything that happens, painful & bad, all of this…makes u stronger ultimately. So I guess be thankful for the hardships, for the fire, it gives arms for holy ire. Ur one smart lady, all blessings 2 u ;D xxxx

  5. This is where I am today. I knew that I was in the refiner.’s fire.,I didn’t know abou the 2nd firing. Thank you for sharing this. It helped me to know and have a greater understanding of where I am and this wonderful process for a greater Glory.!

    God bless you Lori and Jim and your Ministry

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