Forgiveness 101

Forgiveness is a hefty topic and there is a great deal written about it and a plethora of different opinions.  Whatever a person has a mind to do, they will probably find enough documentation, pro and con, to do it.  If someone wants to hang on to unforgiveness, they will find a way to support their intention.  And vice-versa.  If one has a heart to forgive, they will find a way to do it, even when it seems impossible.

I’m often amazed when I hear other Christians talk about forgiveness as if it is an option.  That’s not what God’s Word says!  Forgiveness is a foundational, fundamental instruction in Christianity. 

Forgiveness is about humility.  It’s about knowing that all have sinned and come short of God’s glory.

Forgiveness is about mercy.   It’s about knowing that you, yourself, are a sinner and that had God not had mercy on you, you would be headed for an eternity in hell. 

Forgiveness is about the law of love.  God so loved the world (YOU!) that He gave His Only Begotten Son!  Why?  So that you could be forgiven.

It’s about knowing that if you do not forgive, your Father in Heaven will not forgive you.  Matthew 6:14-15 says, “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

You see, if you’re asking the question “do I HAVE TO forgive” this person?” then your heart isn’t where it should be in the first place – because out of the heart, the mouth speaks.  (Luke 6:25)  When your heart is right, even when things may seem very difficult, you will want to do as Jesus did when He said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!”   

Forgiveness is not however, acknowledging that what the offender did was right or that you accept what they did.  But it is giving up the pursuit of retribution.

I remember when I first read “I Was Wrong,”  the book Jim wrote when he got out of prison.  I was stunned at the level of forgiveness that Jim had exhibited towards his persecutors.  He completely and thoroughly forgave every single act of malice, every reviling word, and every betrayal.  I didn’t know how in the world he could do it. 

But you see, Jim knew what the Word said and he set his heart in agreement with it.  When you purpose in your heart (your spirit) to do something; your soul will follow (your mind, your will, and your emotions).

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

I need my trespasses forgiven, don’t you?  I need all the grace, mercy and love that I can get – so I have to be willing to give it!  That’s why I will purpose in my heart to forgive – and trust my Lord to make that a reality in my words and in my behaviors.  When I meet Jesus on the other side, I want my hands clean and my heart pure. 


3 thoughts on “Forgiveness 101

  1. In the course of happenings in my life, I found that forgiveness would be necessary or I would be shackled with the burden myself even though others had come against me in a very vile and destructive manner.
    Forgiveness is not for the one who did the wrong, it is for the one that suffered at their hands. Forgiveness is from the soul and no matter how many times you say it, it lingers until you understand the people that offended you.
    I stopped and thought about those people. I saw their weaknesses. I realized I had weaknesses also. In their hearts they probably thought they were doing the right thing, even though it was exactly the opposite. I am not making excuses for anyone, but once I UNDERSTOOD those that came against me, I was able to completely forgive them and let it go. A great burden lifted. I felt sympathy for them and began to pray for their understanding and strength. Forgiveness is a very powerful thing. It gives the forgiver feelings of elation…so much that you look forward to forgiving again. I almost felt like saying, ‘someone please offend me so I can forgive again’.
    Understanding the offender creates the possibility of true forgiveness.

  2. Forgiving the unforgiveable. Some things done are so horrific and
    atrocious that it takes the hand of God to lead you into forgiveness.
    A child may block out sexual abuse or physical abuse because it is
    to painful Then later as an adult Christian when the memories come
    back, God leads us into a path of forgiveness. When you forgive it
    does not mean you have to ever trust that person again, or hand out
    with them. I spoke to a woman about forgiveness. She had been raped
    and the man was in prison. Should I go and tell him I forgive him
    she said. I quickly told her, God does not want us to hand out with
    the devil so to speak. Pull up a chair and as though he were there
    tell him how much he hurt you. But then add I choose through the mercy and grace of God to forgive you. The same goes for a deceased person. In my own life I had to choose to forgive the unforgivable.
    I knew what the scripture said. But it was hard. I said a little prayer, Jesus you said to forgive but this is hard. So I literally
    almost choked out the words. You hurt me, but I choose to forgive. It’s like salvation, we take the first step, God helps us with the next. I had a dream that same night, first Jesus coming into my room
    when I was a child, picking me up and tossing me in the air. Then
    holding me to his breast. The dream continued, I saw him dressed as
    a High Priest all in white. These words, I loved you as a child and
    now I am your High Priest, making intercession for you. Why does Jesus ask us to forgive, it is for us. Unforgiveness leads to resentment, bitterness, anger and hatred. We are to forgive because
    Jesus wants us to be free. It is more for us than the other person.
    Although it may help them also. Sorry so long.

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