From Scarlet Woman

Have you ever tried to compare yourself with women of the Bible? I have, but I never measure up to such “greats” as Ruth, Esther, Sarah or Mary, the mother of Jesus. I identify more with the woman Jesus met at the well, the other Mary, Mary Magdalene, or the woman caught in the act of adultery – yes, all the “scarlet women”.

Thank God for Isaiah 1:18! This scripture is an Old Testament forecast of what happens when Jesus’ blood is applied to our sins. The “scarlet” and “crimson” in this verse refer to the double-dye process used to permanently color fabric in Bible days – to make white wool such a deep red, the color would not fade, no matter how many times it was washed.

This is how I felt. No matter how many showers I took, I could not clean myself up. My sin had become permanent, destroying my life. At the age of 14 I fell into a life of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. Longing for love and acceptance I married at 17; but instead of cherishing and nurturing me, my husband physically and emotionally abused me. The woman at the well had five husbands; by the time I was 22, I had had five abortions. My life was more like that of the woman, caught in the “very act” of adultery, whom the scribes and the Pharisees brought to Jesus, than like that of a woman of God. I did not feel worthy to come to Jesus. In no way did I feel like a “woman of destiny”.

On Easter Sunday, 1989, I wandered into a wonderful church and heard the pastor tell me that I could be forgiven and saved by grace; I didn’t have to do it myself. That day my sins, which were permanently double-dyed like scarlet, became white as snow. And for the next ten years, I went through God’s training program, conducted by the people of the church. Little did I know that God was preparing me to speak to millions of women and that I would be an instrument to help heal their scars from abortion, drugs, and sinful living. Nor did I know that He was also preparing me to be the wife of Jim Bakker. But I’m beginning to learn that broken and wounded people make the best healers.

Women of Destiny, Jesus can do the same for you. One of the most awesome Scriptures, and one of my favorites is: “And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through [Christ’s death on the cross], to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight” (Col. 1:21, 22). Yes, Jesus will heal your sin and make you holy, blameless, and above reproach thorough His blood, not your works. No matter what you have done, when you seek and accept the Lord’s forgiveness, you are clean. You are made whiter than snow! Jesus makes life new! Believe it and receive it!

One thought on “From Scarlet Woman

  1. Thank you so much for this message. I cannot tell you how very much I needed to hear this. I myself can relate to the “scarlet women” of the bible, and although I gave my heart to Jesus many years ago, the weight of the life I left behind still plagues me at times. I truly needed to hear this message today. I needed to be lifted up today and be reminded of the unconditional love of Christ. I believe God used you through this message, to do just that.

    Thank you, for your faithfulness in sharing the unconditional love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you in great abundance, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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