God Will Use You!

I have often said, “It’s not your ability God is looking for, it’s your availability”.

Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”

In my testimony, I tell people about how I was delivered from a wasted life of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. In the beginning of my Christian walk, I often wondered about my life’s purpose and just how I could be used by God. I knew He had saved me and healed me for a reason. I knew in my heart that my testimony was important to encourage others who were still caught in that kind of life.

But the enemy of my soul (satan) would accuse me and tell me that nobody wanted to hear what I had to say. I used every excuse I could think of to shrink away from the call of God on my life, but it was no use. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

God didn’t call Moses because he was a great orator – for Moses stuttered. God didn’t call Esther because she was a heroine – she feared for her life at first. God didn’t call Jonah because he was obedient – he ran the other way! And God didn’t call Lori Graham Bakker because she was a stereotypical preacher!

I learned that my availability is all that He needed. He didn’t ask me to be a great orator. He didn’t ask me to be a heroine. He didn’t ask me to get a degree in theology to add to my credibility with the religious. He was not satisfied with just a little piece of Lori – He asked me for my all.

When I gave Him my all, I didn’t know how He would use it and it wasn’t for me to know. Sometimes God will ask us for our availability and wait to see if we respond. If we give Him our all, He will take it and make something wonderful of it. He made my willingness to tell my story into a great healing ministry. He took my shame of a sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll life and brought glory to His own name through my brokenness.

You see, He saved me with His love. It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance, and now I can’t stop telling others of His great love. Love conquers ALL. And now I can only say ‘yes’ when He asks me to be available to tell of His love, His healing, and His restoration.

Remember, God is not looking for your abilities, He is looking for your availability.

Lord, I thank you for your great love towards me. I know in my heart that your love conquered every fear I ever had, healed every wound and empowered me by your Holy Spirit to be bold to tell others of You. I pray now for every person who reads this, that they would be completely overtaken by Your great love; and that they give themselves without reserve to Your purposes for them, that You will be glorified!

8 thoughts on “God Will Use You!

  1. Thanks for the encouraging words. I am 51, and RN who was just laid off, and have 3 kids still at home. My husband is on disability, so I am the main provider. I have had a difficult time feeling very inadequate as a parent, but you really ministered to me as I logged on to your blog. I will let God use my availability, and stop focusing on my ability, so that His Grace can work in my life. Thank you, I pray that God bless and keep you free of any pain today and that your continue to be an flowing vessel for the Lord.

    God go with you and your family,

    • Hey Kathi… I LOVE Lori’s blog too! I read and see that we ALL need each other in the family of God Near & Far! God gives promises and He delivers the outcome of those promises. The “In Between” times are the rough patches filled with growing pains as faith, belief and trust continues to grow even more passionately. So be encouraged that in this current “In Between” time for you… I too will be praying for you.

      I love your precious faith going into it when you said: “I will let God use my availability, and stop focusing on my ability, so that His Grace can work in my life.” That is a statement of faith that you are going to have something even greater than the job you just left. For right now in this “In between” time of a promise and the fulfillment of that promise: “God is preparing you for what He is going to deliver you!” Hallelujah!

      We are in these end times together … James 5:16 mandates us to “pray for one another”… and so I along with many will be praying for you too!

      Bouquets of Encouragement and genuine prayer from California!

  2. Perfect and Precious word Lori… as always and I firmly believe this blog message is abundantly anointed. Truly food for thought… and exercises us to walk the walk of being continually available!

    I LOVED what Myrtle shared in regards to “walking the walk”! It certainly is a “simple” concept to know the Gospel and walk in the steps of Jesus…it was meant to be simple! But as Myrtle eloquently shared it is more than a “concept”, it is Truth, Life and The Way, and It’s not “easy” or for the weak in heart. Psalm 19:7
    The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

    Oh how I praise God for this Word! No matter how much education one has, it does not impress the Lord! However, if one has higher education it is certainly because God wants to use it through you for His Highest purposes and for the Kingdom at hand! Being available for this quest is paramount… how much simpler can it get? To be still… know He is God… and be available! It is so “simple” no doubt; however to walk this simplicity is a whole other world of self-discipline and continual growing, pruning & harvesting of every fruit of the Spirit to make it happen! It’s “simple” not “easy”, but it does get “easier” the more we know the Word and grow in it, truly the sustaining Bread of Life.

    I love best when you said: “Remember, God is not looking for your abilities, He is looking for your availability.” That can be a scary thought not knowing the outcome! Sort of like signing a blank contract and it gets filled in later! Ha Ha! That is what God does… We sign a spiritual contract with Him and it’s blank! He fills it in as we “grow along”! If we knew all what God has for us in that “life contract”, we may shrink back… so He gives us what we can tolerate step by step as our faith grows and we make ourselves more and more available to Him and know He provides the counsel of the Holy Spirit and Angels to carry out His will when we make ourselves available ! Availability is a powerful choice!

    I am currently reading Bobby Conner’s new book “Heaven’s Host ~ The assignments of Angels” It is powerful and teaches through the Word of God & prophecy to be available to and for God’s calling with no fear being available, for we have the POWER to do exceedingly above and beyond that which is natural and heavenly hosts will help us in these end times to do exploits for the Kingdom at hand. I look forward to seeing Bobby at Morningside again coming up here in Oct! He is truly one of my favorites!

    We are all individuals and all we do, say, and move forward in the ministry we are called to do is like a fine hand knit sweater… EVERY STITCH COUNTS & IS UNTO SOMETHING MUCH BIGGER! We are the tightly knitted Army of God, and there is a war contending for souls!

    Love, Hugs & Bouquets of Blessings from California!
    xoxo Kathlene



    This is a “Sunday Sermon” within itself!!! What more can you say!!??

    There’s nothing more to be said, regarding how and why God wants to “use” us!

    Dear Lori, may the Lord continue to “use” you mightily – even here, in little sermons – or “sermonettes” – like this one, here; even this small blog site!

    –Charles Reece

  4. Lori, you have no idea how much I needed to read what you wrote here. I am going through so many difficult trials right now, in every area of my life, physical,(I have a serious health problem) emotional (my best friend just died),spiritual ( wanting to do what God wants me to do and stand for the ways of Christ ie: against things that are not acceptable to God, and I have lost family members and friends because I will not compromise on God’s Word) the storm is raging, I find myself crying out to God to show me what it is He would have me do. He sends me messages through a song I hear on the radio or through scripture or sometimes through someone else. I know that the complicated situation I am in right now is part of what God is allowing to happen to be preparing me to help others…I have to walk the walk, to know how it feels, we overcome through the blood of Christ and the word of our testimony.A long time ago I sang this song to the Lord in worship service from the depths of my heart..”Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true, with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living , sanctuary for you.” My life took a turn and things got quite difficult…well now there is a new season upon me…..I can feel it in my heart, and I know somehow , someway He is preparing me for some work He has me to do. I find such encouragement through listening to Christian music…and of course the enemy of our souls does not want us to listen to that so he accuses me and tells me things that I know are contrary to scripture..and I counter his accusations with greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world..and nothing can separate me from the love of God because all things work together for good..because I love God !!! I am really glad you posted this post here, it encourages me and gives me reassurance from God of His love, I am in the process of being qualified because I am called …I love you Lori and your family as well…my heart sends you a huge hug through cyberspace 🙂 God Bless You…your sister in Christ, Myrtle aka MyMy

    • I love you, too, Auntie MyMy! You are a carrier and spreader of LOVE! God’s love will ooze out of people that are totally given to Him in the Last Days, and you’re oozing! The hugs and love are coming right back at ya from me and all those you encourage with your sweet words.



  5. May God continue to richly bless you Lori. Your testimony tells it all.The LOVE that God has for everyone.His mercy and LOVE endures forever!!!
    Praise God!!!

    Amen to your awesome prayer!!

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