My Great Motivation

On one of our recent shows that Jim was taping without me (because I was just too ill to come to the set) he mentioned that I had to get well so that I could run Lori’s House.  I just want you all to know that there is no greater motivation for me than to know that Lori’s House will be operating soon and we will be saving tiny, innocent lives. Can you imagine anything that would touch the heart of God more?  Jesus said pure and undefiled religion is taking care of the widows and orphans (James 1:27) and with the help of our partners and friends, we will do it very soon here at Morningside!  We can do many ‘good works’ that we think please God, but with this effort, we can know it does!

Statistics have confirmed that in this country, 40% of all women have had abortions –  almost half!  Until recently, that statistic was 25% or 1 out of every 4, supporting the fact that abortion is becoming more and more prevalent.  In this country alone, we have aborted over 55 million (and counting) babies.  Abortion does more than stop an innocent heart from beating.  The long-term effects of having an abortion are proven to be debilitating for women of all ages.

I know the effects of abortion all too well.  I suffered emotional and spiritual trauma and felt I could never be a woman of destiny – that is, until God healed and changed my life. Now I am determined to help others who may feel that abortion is their only alternative. It isn’t.

You can help too.  Here’s how:

Lori’s House is the vision of Morningside Church which will provide a place of safety and comfort for girls who, through the circumstances of their life, think they have no other option but to abort their babies.  At Lori’s House, all their needs will be taken care of for them and then, when their babies are born, we will assist the mothers in either raising the child themselves or connecting with a loving adoptive family. Lori’s House will also minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of these young girls and women who have been faced with abortion, or with an untimely pregnancy.

There is a sense of purpose and unity in the grace it takes to give and sustain innocent life.  This grace is uniting more and more of us in the business of keeping people alive in these last days.  It’s bigger than buildings or ministries or television broadcasts.  It’s about souls.

We don’t know how much time we have left to work – until Jesus comes – but we do know that the events of Revelation are increasing in frequency and intensity.  There are many things that people run to and fro doing in the Christian world – but now is the time to concentrate on doing only those things which have eternal value.

Will you say with us “I Care?”

A donation of any amount is appreciated and accepted as unto the Lord!  You can call 888-988-1588 or visit our website to find out how to contribute to this amazing effort today!

When you help to give the gift of life, you will receive your rewards in heaven.  I didn’t say that, Jesus did!  The Lord is the Good Shepherd who told us to rescue lost sheep.  God says in Proverbs 24:11-12; “Save those who are being led to their death, rescue those who are about to be killed.  If you say, “We don’t know anything about this,” God, who knows what’s in your mind, will notice.  He is watching you, and He will know. He will reward each person for what he has done.” NCV

I know it won’t be long and I will be stronger than ever.  I have to be.  I have much too much to do in the Kingdom to be sick!

Thank you for your love and support.


7 thoughts on “My Great Motivation

  1. Hi Lori, my church family have watched our pastor go through the trial of taking the meds for Hep C. We saw his pain and suffering over the months. However, I am happy to say that today he is a strong, healthy, vibrant man and a wonderful winner of souls. I hope this encourages you, on a bad day, because God will bring you through. Blessings.

  2. Lori, I am an abortion survivor in as much that, when I was old enough to understand, my mother told me she had aborted a pregnancy she had been blessed with when I was three years old – by taking medication with a specific view to causing a miscarriage. She told me that she has tried the same with me – unsuccessfully. But God saw to it that I never took this on as a problem in my life. I didn’t. What does sadden me is that I missed out on knowing the little brother or sister I would have grown up with – but how much more wonderful it will be when I meet him, or her, in the next life. I have great admiration for your Ministry with Jim; we watch your broadcasts from Ireland and find you both very inspiring. But most of all it is your absolute honesty that myself and my wife admire in sharing all your past pains with a view to rescuing others who are suffering similarly. God bless you both and all your Ministry Team in all that you do to bring souls to Jesus.


  4. Lori, I am praying you will soon be well. I pray for you as I pray for myself & GOD to heal my kidney cancer. You are a strong beautiful woman & I enjoy watching your show with Jim.
    I pray GOD will heal you soon.

  5. Iam praying in front of an abortion clinic for our church GOD bless you LORI for all you are doing for these unborn babies

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