A Greater Day is Coming

This is a wonderful time to be alive – a time like none other when the signs of Jesus’ Second Coming are all around us and are screaming from the news headlines every day. These are great days we are living in… but an even Greater Day is coming.

We are definitely privileged to be living in these last days and we know that because we are, there’s a mission and a purpose that is only unto this generation. While the generations before us were charged with going unto all the world to spread the Gospel, our charge is not only spreading the Gospel but standing strong without wavering in the face of vicious attacks by an angry devil (because he knows his time is short).

Yes, there has always been attacks on Christians, and our sisters and brothers who have gone before us have fought the good fight, stayed strong and valiantly defended the faith. But we are living in a period of the acceleration of all things, and that includes the acceleration of demonic attacks coming from the devil and his evil minions.

Not only are we seeing an increase in natural phenomenon pointing to the Soon Return, but we are also experiencing unprecedented attacks on our families, our health, our finances, and our emotions. I know this because I hear about it every single day from our partners and friends who write and tell me! –and I know because Jim and I and our family have had to fight against these attacks too!

Sometimes, the Church world gets so busy being positive and uplifting (the light-hearted, tickle your ears, feel-good gospel) that we forget about the conflict of the ages playing out in the spiritual realm. We sometimes neglect to give real support and real empathy to the ones who are hurting.

The last thing someone who is going through cancer, or divorce, or bankruptcy, or a death in the family wants to hear is an insincere platitude from someone who has no real concern or investment in prayer, and who  tsk, tsk, tsks about your situation to you and others.

I recall a message preached by an elderly minister once, where he expressed his care and concern this way: “I can have no real comfort or peace and I will give my intercession no rest until my brother [or sister] is relieved of their suffering.” Now that’s really being a friend.

So vicious are these attacks that a spirit of heaviness tries to settle like a dark cloud, requiring extreme spiritual warfare just to counter them and to have enough strength to keep up the good fight. Some people think they are alone, but they are not and that’s a lie the enemy tries to tell.

No matter what lies the devil and his cohorts tell, or what evil circumstance has assaulted you, KNOW THIS – there is a Greater Day just on the horizon and you will soon be relieved of all your pain and sorrow!

Until That Day, take comfort in the Word of God and stand on it! If you aren’t going through something right at this moment, help someone who is! Let the attitude of our hearts be the same as that old preacher who understood that until it was better for his brother [or sister], it couldn’t be better for him either!

I want to take this opportunity to thank our amazing on-line friends and family for praying for us – and for praying for each other! I see so many responses to the prayer requests we have posted that lets me know that there truly are caring warriors out there who are heavily invested in prayer and the word of encouragement. To these I say, “there’s a Greater Day coming!”

“…and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

Jim and I love you all.



6 thoughts on “A Greater Day is Coming

  1. Thank you so much, Lorrie! Life is a battle! Thanks so much for the encouragement that we are not alone!!! That really helped me right now….

  2. I have been thinking about you and your family. Our prayers go out to you for complete healing.
    May the Lord bless you all! When we all put our prayers together, The Lord is there!! Where there are two or more gathered in His name, He is in the midst.

  3. Thank You Lori for sharing this! I do believe that the Lord is coming back soon!!! My husband and I have been trying so hard to not only share this with words but through kindness to others. Our community has been going through so much. Crime is on the rise. Another murder Sat. morning. Robbery’s all over the place. My husband and I try to watch your show every day and praying for you both and especially for your health Lori! Take care and God Bless, Debbie Novick

  4. I would like to join you in
    that all of the activity’s at MORNINGSIDE
    would meet with greater success than you could hope
    for or imagine , I would like to join you in prayer for

  5. My heart goes out to you Lori with your struggle in health. You are right, there is a great day coming. I have health problems of my own. If God’s people would humble themselves & repent for their apostasy, & turn from our wicked ways, then God will hear us & our land would be healed. I don’t know if this is as much about the world & their ways as much as it is about God’s people. It seems throughout history that when God’s people wasn’t in the word or walking in God’s ways, it would cause a sort of curse on the land & it’s people. Prayer changes things & we should see it as a privilege & not as a burden.

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