My Heart for My Generation

We really are living in such a prophetic time!  This is a time like never before or ever again.  It’s such a worldly time and there’s hardly anything on television worth watching.  Jim and I have become news junkies because of this fact!

It breaks my heart to see some of the things the kids are now subjected to on television, and they’re watching it because that’s all there is!  What troubles me is that we are losing all of our values, not just in this nation but in the world!  This isn’t just a cliché – it’s a fact – a fact that anyone who loves God should be alarmed about.

For my generation, even in the crazy times we didn’t lose our values.  We still knew right from wrong but now, there isn’t any such thing!  It’s considered hateful now to even voice your opinion of what is right and wrong.  Everybody is doing what they think is right in their own eyes!  The Bible talks about that!  (Judges 17:6, 21:25, Proverbs 14:12)

In my generation, we didn’t expect others to make our living and we were not dependent on others.  Not only that, but we knew we had a moral obligation to work and to provide for ourselves and our families.  Even as a child, I can remember saving Halloween candy until Christmas, and tucking a little money away for a ‘rainy day.’

We were also caretakers, and we had the moral fabric to do what was right.  Even when I was living in my wild and crazy years, I knew it was wrong!  I didn’t try to change the perception of right and wrong just because I was living in sin.  Sin was sin… and now the world’s attitude has crept into the Church and no one wants to call sin what it is.

Such craziness!  How can we expect to reconcile this with what we know to be true?

Many of us can’t reconcile it, and that’s why a lot of people from my generation are returning to church.  My opinion is as we get older, we are realizing we are not going to live forever on this earth and my hope is that more and more of my own generation will turn back to God.  I want to help hit that demographic!

I have a heart for my generation!

I still pray for the old rock stars, too many to mention here, and for groups that I’ve grown up with –  icons in the secular realm that made long-lasting music.  Call me foolish, I don’t care.  I pray for them because I’m real and I still listen to music that isn’t Christian sometimes (there, I said it!).

Amy Grant just did a great CD with James Taylor, Cheryl Crow and Carole King, and, of course, they produced many of the soundtracks of my generation.  Way to go, Amy!  I grew up with their music and to have them singing on that CD was just so awesome!

We are all growing older and as we realize at this age that this life is going to come to an end and the years go by so fast – we sometimes wonder how did I get here?  It’s shocking that we’re here.

I know and love the younger generation… you all know that by the way we are training and equipping them on our show.  But, the fact is that, should the Lord tarry, my generation is naturally closer to stepping into eternity – and they need Jesus now.  And I, for one, have a heart to see them return to the God of their youth.

10 thoughts on “My Heart for My Generation

  1. Lori…I can relate to you so much. Growing up in the early 70’s I was also a party girl and paid a heavy price for my sin. Thanks be to God he never let me go and like you although I was in dark sin I still had an awareness of Him. The prayers of parents and Grandparents are powerful! Bless you and Jim for all you are doing and for keeping it real. I also still enjoy some of the sounds of the 60’s and 70’s but I no longer frequent the bars or anything of that nature. I am married and have soon to be six grandchildren. My husband and I are blessed.

  2. Just for your information – I pray for Madonna. It’s interesting when I pray in the spirit her name comes up. I so agree with you Lori about praying for those like you are praying for. If it weren’t for God’s great mercy I wouldn’t have come to Him, and then – yes – come back to Him after the Holy Spirit said to me “without holiness no one will see the Lord”. Scared me right back to Jesus. There truly is no choice between us. Bless you in a mighty way.

  3. Lori, you are so right. We are living in the most prophetic time ever but the church in general don’t know it and really don’t want to hear about it. They are purposely closing their eyes to the truth given in the Word of God. Very few ministers will even attempt to preach on any type sin at all. 99% of all mega churches, I believe it’s safe to say, are very seeker sensitive oriented. The true church needs to wake up!

  4. Lori, Beloved You are right on! It seems anything goes today…How Sad! My husband and I talk about our Grandparents and if they were alive today and saw what was on T.V.they would go into Shock Mode! My T.V. is always on Daystar.When Hubby comes home from work he relaxes while I’m making dinner and he watches all the old re-runs of Mayberry,Bonanza and sometimes Everybody loves Raymond. We do watch Fox News now &Then. At least you get the truth from Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity.Lori I’m glad you mentioned listening to some of the older Rock groups,singer’s of our day and you pray for them. Bless you! This is weird,But Just last week I bought 2 c.d.’s of The Supremes and Roy Orbison I listen to them once and it brought back days of old,but I felt so Guilty! Don’t understand why,Perhaps because I only listen to Worship & Praise.

    The one star who is Heavy on my heart is George Glooney.I Never was an E.R.Series Groupie or anything like that.I Feel The Lord has a Bigger Plan for him and He doesn’t even know that yet. All his work,Fighting with Congress about the People in Sudan etc.He has a real Love for them People,Also he’s never content with any woman he dates. I Believe so strongly The Lord has big plans for his life,Not Hollywood!
    All we can do is Pray Vilagently for Our Children and grandchildren And Our Nation.
    They have taken God out of everything in this Country and that is an Atrocity!

    Thanks for sharing Lori,Love You & Jim and I’m Thrilled Your on Daystar.I also watch your show on my P.C. and Love it!


  5. Lori thank you for the truth, I am 67 and came back to God in 1980. I do jail and prison ministry. Sometimes a little waylon and willie and johnny cash get on my cd player also. Thank you for getting the home built. Craig

  6. Hi Lori,

    You are not crazy as I pray for movie actors and soap opera actors, etc. The joy comes when they recover from drugs and suicide and are invested in the Lord…sometimes years later. I know the Lord has intervened in their lives and has given them hope and a purpose. So it does work because they are human just like us. So there! The question being how God answers our prayers for others ALWAYS, but not always for us it seems. God bless you too Lori and Happy New Year.

  7. Thank you for posting this Lori. I agree with you about most of the entertainment and shows today, its shocking what that put on TV . They have no good values or messages like the old show had. I was a kid in the 70s and 80’s , I’m 41 now. My sister and I grew up with wonderful shows like Little House, Walton’s , Leave to Beaver, That Girl etc. The wildest most violent show was Charlie’s Angels and Rockford Files, can you believe that lol. The stars for that time has class and were lady like something that is rare today. Barbara Eden, Lynda Carter, Suzanne Somers, Marie Osmond, Farrah.. Times really have changed. Music is not the same either. I must say I love some of the older rock bands too I hope and pray that they are Christians and will be there when Christ returns too. So many of them are getting older and passing away it is sad seeing time going by so fast. It is certain that strange days have found us and I feel I need to work on what’s really important more than ever and I’m trusting that God has a plan bigger than anything we can imagine here. God Bless you and Jim Lori and thank you for all the work you both do.
    Love and Hugs, Heidi

  8. What a beautiful and “right on” article. You are so right from every aspect. I am very worried for the younger generations. I have a big heart for our Generation too! Love you Lori

  9. Lori,

    So true, and well put into words.

    The younger generation needs the light of true Christianity desperately, although they will never admit it.

    The question is, where do we go from here?

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