Joy Came in the Morning (pt 4)

Early August 1998

“The next year, 1977, I got pregnant again. Jesse and I had moved to Farmington, New Mexico. I remember we drove there the night Elvis died, pulling a small trailer with everything we owned. Jesse was working a lot of hours as a boilermaker for a power plant there. We rented a double-wide mobile home, and it was one of the nicer places we lived. I fixed it up, and I was the typical little housewife—except that I smoked pot all the time. We weren’t doing major drugs then. My grandma Graham died, and when I flew to Phoenix for the funeral, I made a doctor’s appointment. I needed to have a cyst removed, and since I had just found out I was pregnant—and Jesse didn’t want the baby, of course—I decided to have an abortion at the same time. That was the only abortion that was done in a hospital.”

Chris and Jolene asked a question now and then to prod my memory, but mostly they just let me talk.

“Jesse and I separated for a while, and he had a girlfriend. When we got back together, we moved to Pinetop, up in the mountains; it was very beautiful there. Because of Jesse’s work we moved a lot, little towns all over Arizona and New Mexico. I once counted fifty different apartments or houses or hotels where we had lived in the ten years we were married.

“We went to Prescott for the fourth of July. It was wild there in the ‘70’s. The Hell’s Angels would ride into town, and the police would close the streets for the holiday. Prescott is a quaint little town with antique shops, and there’s a street called Whiskey Row with a bunch of saloons. Jesse and I were doing Quaaludes and partying in and out of the bars. I was so spaced out, I was offering Quaaludes to cops; there was no way they could control the drugs and alcohol, so they simply tried to keep the peace. We were in front of the courthouse, in the center of town, when Jesse went nuts and started hitting me, and the cops had to pull him off of me.
“Jesse screamed, ‘Just get the ______ out of my life. Go find somebody else.’

“I literally took him up on it. I turned around, walked across the street, went into a bar, and met a man. Paul took me to his cabin, and I spent the night there with him. We had an off-and-on relationship for the next couple of years. Whenever Jesse beat me up, I called Paul; he came and got me and nursed me back to health. He was a very gentle guy. I don’t think he ever wanted me to leave Jesse to marry him, but he was always there for m. Jesse never knew about him.”

…..more to come.

Joy Came in the Morning – Part 1
Joy Came in the Morning – Part 2
Joy Came in the Morning – Part 3

4 thoughts on “Joy Came in the Morning (pt 4)

  1. Lori, Today is the 29th. The show was the 2nd day with Bobby Conner. I was so proud of you. As I watched the show, I kept thinking how much people need to know how important it is to forgive ourselves. And you spoke up and explained it so well. I have a love for you that I never had before. My heart truly goes out to you. I thank God for you and Jim. My husband, also Jim, watch your show everyday. We have stocked up on food and have purchased the fuelless generator. Thank you and please don’t stop. God bless.

  2. Hello Lori, I am a 57 year old grandmother, and I have watched you and Jim since the cafe’days. I have read both of you guys books, and you both helped me finally realize what true Christianity really meant. You helped me get over my terrible past, and move on to who I could be today. I love you, I love Jim, and I order things when I have the funds. I wish I was rich, so I could join clubs and help more. I will be making baby things to send when your girl’s home opens. Thank you for giving us old party girls hope and proof that Jesus cleans us with his blood.

    • I’m sorry, Patricia, but we are nowhere near being able to offer adoption services. Perhaps one day we can, but much needs to be done first. We will pray that God shows you the right agency for you. Blessings, Lori

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