Love is Being Prepared

Jim and I do what we do because we believe with all our hearts that there are Times of Trouble coming – we will be here on this earth for at least part of that trouble – and if we are not prepared, some will succumb to those troubles and do whatever they have to do to survive… including taking the Antichrist’s mark.

There are going to be many methods by which the Antichrist will force his mark upon people.  There is no Christian that I know who wants this mark, but will you take it if it means your family will have food?  Will those you love be forced to take it to feed or shelter their families and care for their medical needs?

None of us want our families to go hungry.  Most of us would do just about anything to keep our loved ones alive – to keep them from starving to death in a famine.  Wouldn’t we?

When someone you love says to you, “I don’t know what else to do – I guess I will have to take the mark in order to feed my family,”  wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could tell them “you don’t have to do that, I have food for you!”

The Times that are coming are not just about lack of food.  The Times that are coming are going to be like none other ever before, when everything you need to survive is not available unless you are in the ‘system’, i.e. you have received the Antichrist’s mark.

Food, medications and medical care, housing, compensations, etc. – all of what we know as our current way of living could be used to force us to become involved in an Antichrist system unless we are prepared – that is, as prepared as we can possibly be.

When I really got serious about preparation was right after Katrina.  I decided then and there that every member of my family would have an emergency backpack with enough provision to sustain them through a period of catastrophic weather or natural disaster.

We know that preparation is essential for us and we are trying to help others get prepared as well.  While we can only do our best, we understand that God is in control.  However, we do not use that as an excuse to avoid doing what we can to survive.  We will be as prepared as possible, while we trust God that His grace is sufficient for us.  We hope you will too.

Today, Jim and I are so focused on preparation that it’s become a part of us in every way.  The decisions we make are centered around what would be good for the family when, not if, a disaster occurs.  Most of the friends we now spend time with are on the same wavelength as we are.  Why?  Because we know it’s coming (the Bible tells us so), and we know it’s the wise thing to do to prepare ahead of time because we don’t want our loved ones to suffer unnecessarily!

As we see the events of Revelation escalating at a phenomenal rate, let’s make sure we are prepared – spiritually and physically. We still have time but we need to act NOW. The economic situation in this country and all over the world is going to make it very difficult, very soon to gather things we need for Times of Trouble. The drought and extreme weather we are having is going to make food prices unaffordable rapidly!

Get your plan going! Do something today to prepare for tomorrow!

I don’t want anyone I love to have to suffer unnecessarily, and I want to have something left over to give to others.

This truly could be the Church’s finest hours if we WAKE UP, LISTEN AND PREPARE!



9 thoughts on “Love is Being Prepared

  1. To Lori’s team member…I love the 23 psalm…but it to has to be studied…one time while waiting to join a non denominational fellowship whose leader was an “apostle” I asked the Lord to give me a scripture as to whether to join…I opened to the 23 Psalm…then the 2nd in command came in,a “prophet” and asked us to turn to the 23 Psalm I almost fell off the floor…what should I have done? Didn’t I have this confirmation?…No I didn’t…I should have gone home and taken those verses apart,prayed and waited…..but in the 30 odd years I had never been taught anything about waiting on the Lord..You have a perfect chance to save your young people spiritual heartache and make sure they know how to wade into the deep without drowning…I lost my children to the world and some I just plain lost because I wouldn’t or didn’t know how to teach my children to stay out of the deep until the Lord Jesus is there to catch you….because neither my husband[of 50 yrs] nor I had the spiritual equipment to save them so it must be God who will do it…..

  2. I always watch your show. I love you all very much. I have had a serious weight problem for many years. Last year I lost 70 pounds. I still need to lose more, as I was very heavy. The reason I am writing is that I don’t eat any sugar at all. None in products either. I am thankful for your no sugar products. I would love to buy some of the 20 year products, but I can’t eat the white flour items , and higher carb foods. No pastas, no potatoes, etc. I love your bread, the best I have ever tasted, but the carb count is too high for me to eat regularly. Do you think you could ever make some products for us who have to eat lower carbs, and no sugar. I would love to get it from you folks, rather than order from internet. Thank you all for your help! Love, Linda

      • Thank you so much! I feel so much better since I went low carb, and no sugar, that I don’t want to go back to that lifestyle. Your program has helped me stay off sugar, none for over a year. I praise the Lord for you, and hope to be able to buy my low carb items from you. God bless you all! Linda

      • I too have that concern like Linda Thomas and I can’t do dairy and soy, I have bought the $500 food but really not much in there that I can eat

  3. Lori, I just finished reading your book. Loved it. I cried with you for you and rejoiced with you.
    I hope many will read it and be blessed and encouraged. I could hardly put it down till I read it all.
    Hope that you will finish the rest of the story, especially when adopting your beautiful family.
    God bless you as you minister to young women through your experience and healing.

  4. im an old lady.what happends when the mark comes? how do we pay our taxes? can we stay in our home. if every thing is taken away how do we have shelter. meds.. food… then why should we prepare? no place to hide …….

    no one has the answers.. what does one do..

    • Dear jc:

      The Jim Bakker Show has always told people to do what they know to do and the rest is in a caring God’s hands. While none of us know exactly how the Times of Trouble will play out, we know that God expects us to be wise and to take action when it comes to doing what we can. It’s a wise thing to have some food stored for hard times. It’s also wise to take care of ourselves with healthy eating and lifestyles so that our health is optimized. Caring for one another in community is also very important in the end times. Being a part of a Christian community is essential, and in the end times, even more so. When we have done all we can, we trust… completely and fully. Preparation is not a guarantee that we won’t see hard times, but it could possibly help to ease the suffering.

      Proverbs 6:6-8 ESV

      Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.

      Proverbs 22:3 ESV

      The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

      Hebrews 11:7 ESV

      By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.

      Romans 10:13 ESV

      For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

      Psalm 23

      The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

      Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

      Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

      John 14:27

      Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

    • Dear JC,
      Try watching Ken Peter’s “I Saw the Tribulation” Youtube video. Many years, ago, before he knew anything about the Bible or Bible prophecy, he had a very specific and detailed 8 hour dream about the Tribulation. I believe that the Holy Spirit gave him that dream. The good news is that, in his dream, the Mark of the Beast didn’t occur until AFTER the Rapture.

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