Marriage (Pt. 4)

My years of ministry in Master’s Commission had prepared me for whatever might come my way… or so I thought.  When I met Jim and fell in love with him and then married him shortly after, there were many challenges I had to face and overcome.  Some of the challenges had to do with who Jim was, what had happened to him, and Jim’s high-profile life.

I was instantly catapulted into the life of the famous, or in Jim’s case, infamous to many.  I had always had lots of friends but I also had a side of me that was private. 

There were things that only God and I shared, some things that I shared with a few close companions, and some things I shared with family and friends.  But I had always been able to choose how much of my life I would broadcast and to whom.  That is, until I married Jim.  I found out very quickly that Jim’s method of “full disclosure” would be my best modus operandi.

I had known spiritual warfare in my life as a single woman in ministry, but I had to rise to another level when I married Jim.  Though Jim had humbly acknowledged his debt to society and subsequently paid for it, and had repented to the Lord and his fellow man, he was still reviled by many and when I married him, so was I.  They simply would not forgive him.  I’ve heard it said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die.  I can’t imagine why some would want to hold onto it.

But the very nature of who Jim was and what had taken place in his life factored into every aspect of our lives together.  Jim was a high-profile television preacher and teacher with a past.  I was a woman in ministry with a past.  I wanted him all to myself, and at times I just wanted to find some nice little cabin where we could live in peace until Jesus returns.  But I realized very soon that I would literally have to share him with the world.  Sometimes that’s very hard for me, especially when I want exclusive time or attention.

Not only do I have to share him with the world, but as odd as this might sound, I have to share him with our children and with himself.  Jim is a very strong entity with an overwhelming passion to be faithful to the gifts and callings the Lord has placed on his life.  He couldn’t change who he is if he wanted to – and I wouldn’t ask that of him.  So, prioritization was the order of the day and still is.

I found out very soon that my needs and wants often have to be submitted to that calling – and my own.  We have never been confused about the order of God for the family, and God is first for both of us so the only way that this marriage works is in complete submission to the call.

We die daily and consider it a privilege to do so.

10 thoughts on “Marriage (Pt. 4)

  1. Dear Lori:
    I was led to look up Jim Bakker to see how he was doing, I was so happy to hear he had a television show. I found it on Christian tv, Also found I could watch on my computer, I was a member at PTL and loved it. I knew from the beginning that Jim was not guilty of the things he was accused of, I understood completly what was happening. He was selling faster than he was building, He was not given the time to catch up with the whole process. I love Jim he has helped so many people get on the right track of life. I will be praying for your ministry and you both have my total support. I have become a partner with you. God Bless you both. Myra Segars

  2. i watched ptl for years, have also taken my camper n stayed a few days, i loved it there, those grounds were annointed, i was never convinced jim was guilty of what he was accused of, so glad he is doing great, and has you by his side, in jesus name you are loved.

  3. I enjoy reading your blogs. Looking forward to when you write another book. Loved your first one. Truly, there is nothing impossible with God. I watched PTL for many years and ONLY GOD could do what He’s doing in you and Jim’s lives to reach the world today. God is so awesome! I get to watch your program sometimes twice a day in Ohio!

    Please continue to keep telling us the “truth” We want to be ready!

    Love and blessings always!

  4. Lori you are a great women of God. A woman excellance. You and Jim do great teaching and training the MMMC students.Looking forward to the Women’s Conference. I really enjoy your Blog. Take care. God Bless.

  5. Dear Lori & Jim,
    I loved your transparency as you discussed how things have been for you since marrying Jim. I used to watch Jim on PTL and if God forgives him, I certainly can. (Luke 6:37) We have had a much less visible marriage ministry and have experienced the spiritual warfare that surrounds the truth that God wants to bring forth in people. It is only by staying very close to Jesus that we can overcome Satan’s attacks that comes in the disguise of good people. God will continually bless you and your minstry as long as you are obedient to speak his truth. I look forward everyday to your show and the truth I hear from you and your guests.


    Well said, Marcia!



  6. What you wrote is tremendous insight for ANY marriage-not just one with a higher profile. Prioritization–God first and submission to the call is key!! Jim’s life today and yesterday has been an inspiration to us–to me! If God can still use him He can still use me–even if I messed up.

    Bobbie Glendenning
    pastor’s wife and
    mom to a Master’s Commission student


    God will use you Bobbie! He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called!



  7. Dear Lori,

    I thank God for you i thank God for things you said about your life with Jesus and what you realized how it is when you are doing His work where sharing is a big part of it. thank you for saying what so many are afraid to say. And by watching and listening to you and Jim @ 3am in Canada i am bless and i know that you both are bless and highly favored. thank you so much.


  8. Dear Jim and Lori,
    I didn’t really know anything about you, but I watched PTL for a long time and want you to know that I forgive this man of God. The Apostle Paul said, if but for the grace of God, there go I.
    Stay the course and hold fast to the truth of the Word of God.
    Bless you both.
    Cathy Schroeder
    Children’s Ministry Director


    Blessings to you, Cathy! We love you!

    ~ Lori

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