Motherhood (Pt. 3)

I thought of another Bible verse I had memorized: “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.” God was doing that in my life, giving back the years I had lost because of my sin and rebellion. He had done it in several areas already.

Having made the choice to have five abortions, I lost the opportunity to ever have children. Yet God had blessed me with many spiritual offspring—like “my girls,” Kelli, Nicks, Morgan, Nina, and Michelle Murillo. He’d given me an inner-city family—Margie’s family—complete with a namesake, Little Lori.

Margie had been pregnant with her eighth child when we met at the Fashion Share. Margie had accepted Jesus as her Savior and the church had outfitted her with maternity clothes and accessories. Two months later I was in the delivery room when her baby was born.

My mind drifted back to that occasion, December 6, 1990…….

Scrubbed and gowned in hospital greens, I stood by Margie’s side and watched the doctor cut open her abdomen. It was extraordinary, looking down and seeing a person inside of another person, and I was overwhelmed as the doctor reached in and brought out a baby girl in his hands.

C-section babies are beautiful. Their heads are perfectly shaped because they haven’t gone through the trauma of the birth canal. This tiny little girl with a full head of black hair yelped and gulped, filling her lungs for the first time outside her mother’s womb. I was awestruck.

The anesthesiologist brought Margie around quickly, and the doctor presented her with a brand-new daughter.

“What do you want to name her?” he asked.

Margie didn’t hesitate. “Lori.”

“No! You can’t do that,” I said. We had never discussed it.

“Yes,” she said. “I want to name her Lori. I don’t ever want to forget what you’ve done for me and my family.”A few years after Lori was born (we now call her “Little Lori”), the circumstances of life led us to a place where Jim and I could adopt this beautiful child. She was and is my namesake, and she is beautiful, inside and out.

“Little Lori” is now married with a beautiful child of her own, my first grand-child, Olivia. Not only is she an amazing human being, she is gifted in many areas. She has done a wonderful job producing our television show.

Raising “Little Lori” was one of the greatest joys of my life. Though not without its own distinctive challenges, the privilege of being trusted to raise this remarkable child and now, young woman, remains sacred to me.

God, in His infinite grace and mercy, restored to me the privilege of being a Mother to this wonderful girl…. along with 4 other amazing children! That makes a total of 5 children God has given to Jim and I to parent.

Perhaps some may believe that we intentionally adopted 5 children to replace the 5 children I had aborted in my days of rebellion, but I assure you that is not the case. No, dear friends, these children were given at different times and under different circumstances. Each one is a unique blessing and each one has a testimony belonging only to them.

Even if I had planned it, God planned it better! Little did I know what God would do with the beautiful child that was born that day I accompanied Margie to the hospital!

5 thoughts on “Motherhood (Pt. 3)

  1. Lori, your story from where you started, what you became; and then making a conscious choice to serve God the way you did, is all but a miracle. I totally respect you for the choice you made and know our God is a miraculous one. It totally shows his forgiveness of sins. Love and blessings to you and your family….

  2. Dearest Lori,
    Thank You soooooo Much for sharing your testimony time and time again. It has truly helped me accept my awful choices that I made when I was a Young and Ashamed Teenager. I had 3 abortions that I kept to myself until I met my Husband. I so wanted to tell my Mom but always felt like she would feel somewhat responsible for my choices. I couldn’t Break Her Heart again either. She was my Rock too. She went home to be with the Lord on 1/19/11, at Age 80. I never got up the nerve to even whisper in her ear that she has 3 Grandchildren waiting to see her in Heaven!!!….How Terrible and Beautiful a thought is THAT!…I KNOW only You and the other Women who have gone thru this Valley TRULY Understand This!
    Well, I sure wish I could have seen her face when they ran up to her and said “Hi Grandma!!!”…
    I sure wish we could meet in person. I believe we would be Good Friends if we ever did get the chance. My Husband & I watch the show everyday & record them too. We support your Ministry from Deland, Florida (Central Florida). I’m by My Husband’s side too as He Teaches a Prophecy Class at our Church – We Call it “For Such A Time As This!”…We Love & Appreciate ALL you Do to support your Husband & Take Care of Him!…I’m Doing the same for mine, (we’re just not on T.V.!) 🙂

  3. Lori, I, too, had 5 abortions in the days before I knew God, BUT GOD, in His mercy saw fit to bless me with 4 children on this earth and 6 grandchildren. I still marvel that God would bless and trust me this way after what I had done. I have such a heart for unwed mothers and what you are doing for them and their babies. The pain of having an abortion is so, so traumatic. I attended a bible study for women who had abortions and I was totally forgiven and know my babies are in heaven with Jesus. What a reunion it will be when we get to heaven. I have also worked as a counselor at our TLC clinic for unwed mothers wanting to abort their babies. When God’s word says He will work all things together for good, He means it!! I must add that God used Jim Bakker 30 years ago to get me saved through my son, Kevin, who, when he was two would insist on turning the tv on to the PTL show everyday. So you are all a part of what’s happened in my life. We got to come to Morningside for the first time last May, and we were so blessed by all of you. Jim was sick at the time but in God’s goodness, He allowed us to run into you at Garibaldi’s (spelling ?), we didn’t want to interrupt your dinner so we only talked for a few minutes, so I didn’t get to tell you all this. From the early days of Jim Bakker to the present, you have been a part of my life, in fact, saving my life even to this day and so share in the blessings of what God has done in my life, and anyone I may have touched. When we find a way we will be right back there. I hope to be able to be there when you dedicate Lori’s house, it is a ministry dear to my heart and I love the girls so much. God is so amazing, it takes my breath away. Needless to say I watch your show everyday. We support you, pray for you and love you all so much. God has used you in so many lives, because you are obedient and can be trusted!! Praise God, Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!!! This is a long overdue thank you for never giving up. I know that the enemy comes against you, but remember when that happens , God raises a standard against him. Again, we love and thank you all. Maureen Nance

  4. Lori, truly these children were a gift from God to you and Jim. God has given you children that needed you and Jim . God always knew they would be with you….I find it amazing that our God, the creator of the universe, the creator of each child knows each of us and loves each of us, and hears each of us when we pray and that He is with us anywhere we go and that He longs for us to spend time with him and talk to Him about each detail of our lives. God heard the cries and saw the tears Lori and He did what no one else could do…He brought these children into your life when they needed you and you needed them. God has blessed you…and I am thankful to be able to see these children grow up on the show…Our God is just so awesome. Love you..MyMy

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