Nighttime Rendezvous

Recently on one of the show tapings, the subject came up of Jim being inspired at all hours of the night to get up and get alone with God.  Early in our marriage, I would be alarmed by his strange nighttime habits of working in the wee hours and sometimes I would object loudly.  But it wasn’t long before I came to understand that when the demands of the day would cease, Jim could finally quiet his spirit and focus in on the God thingsI was then at ease about him working at night.

God often awakens His servants during the night for many reasons.  Sometimes, it’s a call to action.  Sometimes, it’s a revelation, etc.  Often, it’s just to commune with Him.  For Jim, it could be any of those things as well as other I’m not aware of.

I do know one thing… Jim carries a heavy burden for all of us.  He is the one whose message for the Revelation Days is going out to millions.  He is the one who understands the significance of being a Watchman, and feels its weightiness.  And he doesn’t take it lightly.

I remember a few weeks ago when he was preparing his message about the “Five Words” God had given him.  He spent untold hours researching and documenting that message.  In fact, I couldn’t believe it myself when I saw his sermon notes:  40 pages of notes.  Who studies hundreds of hours and then writes 40 pages of notes for anything?

I’ll tell you who… Jim Bakker, that’s who.

Now I’m not telling you this to pat Jim on the back.  Ok, so I am.  But the greater message I want you to hear is that it’s time to get alone with God.  It’s time to hear from God.  It’s time to obey God.

Jim has said that this year of 2012 may be the last chance we have to get our houses in order.  Make sure you don’t let the cares of life make you miss your greatest hour with God… even if it’s in the middle of the night!


Lori Signature

12 thoughts on “Nighttime Rendezvous

  1. Dear Lori!

    I love you guys so much. God recently gave me a job that I can do from home so that I can still take care of my children. He is so awesome. I have been missing several of your show becasue of this, but my husband has set up the dvr to record so now maybe I ca get caught up.

    My husband loved the junk man shows. We are watching preppers and realize that there is still so much to do to be prepared. We have some food stored and other things,but hyper inflation is coming and we need more.

    My husband has been making the parabolic mirrors (solar cookers) a couple of months. Now he is also making something called a rocket stove.

    I love my sleep time at night, but it does feel like God is putting a stirring in my heart to get up early and study as well a pray!

    I love the middle of the night because as a mom it seems that is one of the only times I have to be alone!!! Anyway…love you guys. We are coming there soon to get more stuff for our prepping!!!! :))

  2. Thank you so much for yourprograms. They are very informative. I do feel like you all there…….end times are coming! And its a time even NOW like NEVER before. Oh I hear people commenting on all that bunch just wants is Money. But I know that you are doing your best to inform us on what is coming. I am doin my best to prepare also. You are in my prayers. We have to use what supplies we have and Prepare. Just in the days of Noah, they tried to warn everyone, but you can only do your best and leave the rest.
    Because God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning an the End . I am saving up for our water purifiers and food. I have been out of work since 2007. But God is such a good God. We also lost our house but he has supplied for us to rent. Sometimes we have to lose it all before we find what’s really important in our Lifes. I’ve been waking up @ 5am every morning. And I will start paying a lot more attention to my time with God an prayer seeking.
    Dear Lori, I tape every show now. I keep telling my husband about all the things there are to do to get ready. I Love People Who Prepare and are ready for Emergencies. We can’t control everything but we can Prepare. We ALL have a past we can’t change But we sure can Prepare for our Future, and we have a God who is a God who forgives us of our Sins. PTL for that. Thank you for your time an energy you put in all you do,
    God Bless You,
    Brenda Brown (BB) Phoenix, AZ native

  3. When are you going to archive or replay the “Junk Man’s” show ..I missed the live taping..So wanted to watch the show…

  4. Lori, I loved the title of this post- and the content inside. It has given me a fresh perspective. Like many of us, I often get to the end of the day and wish I’d spent more time quietly with our Lord. The day keeps us so busy. But like Lori K said above, awakening at night can be looked at in a whole new way now. And guess what time it was last night when I abruptly awoke- 3:00 a.m. Now I see this as a special opportunity. “Rendezvous” is a wonderful word choice.

  5. Thanks for this message Lori. I have been waking up nearly every morning for weeks around 3-3:30 and use this time to pray, but admit that I have been annoyed with myself for waking up and not getting a good night’s sleep. I am a business owner and spend many hours a day working and have to tape your show to watch before bedtime, and I really look forward to the current Revelation messages. Anyhow, never thought that it may be God waking me up, because I don’t make the effort to spend time with him only. I will look forward to it now that I know it’s God waking me up. THANK YOU!

  6. I have to say I watched the live show with the Junk man. You guys were so cute. I loved the solar oven. My neighbor is going to make me one out of a dish tv satelite I have. I talked to him about it. He said you know, I have been thinking about what you are doing. I want to learn to can and dehydrate. Now this neighbor is a big, rough tough guy. When I described the solar oven and how it would reach 500 degrees. He’s like get me a picture and I’ll make if for you. I told him I would also like to find an old window box. I could cook just about anything in that. From the turkeys to cakes, pies, etc. Glad I saved all my cast iron. He said he could make the window box. I have been bartering for work. I think I will trade my old dehydrator to him for the work. Since he wants to learn dehydrating. Thanks for everything. Oh yes, I told my children I have Seychelle pitchers for them. I was on facebook and I was asked from someone reading about the pitchers. I told them about your site and where to order. I also posted your site on my facebook page so people can stay updated. Most of my friends on facebook are family, many are christians and some are not. I have one uncle who was a devout atheist, that is until the world started falling apart. Now he is asking questions too.

  7. Lori I have had 2 night visions about something coming in Florida. I had prayed a few days before and I knew it was from the Lord. However, I wanted it verified. So I prayed God if this is you speaking then verify by one of your servants, I have confidence in. I must say that Jim has been right on about the Japanese earthquake. I have tremendous confidence in him. I have no fear about it, just knowing I need to be ready. I can’t help but feel water purification will be important. My mother who lives up north told me of 2 dreams she has had about muddy water coming in. The first she saw the muddy water all about. Then in a large city the muddy water beginning to flow into a mall. I totally relate to Jim about spending nite hours hearing from God. I believe it is an old Jewish belief that evil is restrained from 3.a.m. to 6 a.m. and God’s eyes travel the earth. That during this time you have a line straight to heaven. When God speaks to him in night dreams and visions ask him to note the time.
    God is only a prayer away at all times but if this is true about the 3a.m. to 6a.m. I would be curious to know. I also have to say I love the training of the young people. These beautiful, young souls in love with Jesus can make an impact on the younger generation. Diane good post. Very informative. Myrtle good post also. We are fellow Floridians so I can relate. The one thing God has spoken to me so clearly is don’t be afraid. Just do all that you know to do. You are on the right track. Time alone with God, our Abba, our Father.

  8. There have been times in my life when I don’t sleep. I said something to my brother about this when his family was up visiting. He told me that it was God waking me up to spend time with him. He encouraged me to go ahead and get up in the quiet of the night and listen to what God was or who God was putting on my heart. Many times, it has been names and situations that I needed to pray.

    Thank you for all the work your family does to expand God’s Kingdom. May you be blessed throughout the week.
    Happy Valentine’s Day and Blessings!

  9. I am glad that Jim is willing to get up in the middle of the night to hear from God. I know from watching the shows that Jim is very dedicated to doing the work God has called him to do…that is being a watchman on the wall for us to hear from God. We can all hear from God if we take the time to listen…yes “time to listen”. Many of us are so busy ,being busy, that the day goes by and before we know it ,the day is gone. My spirit bears witness with what Jim is preaching and telling us. I am trying to get ready as I can, but it is a challenge in many ways, never the less , I feel something is better than nothing. I live in Florida, so I am quite concerned about what Jim has to say to us about Florida..and I am originally from Massachusetts, so both prophecies concern me a lot.There are many I love in Massachusetts. I know that the Lord will show us what we need to know if “we make time for Him”. I find the best time to hear from God is the middle of the night…no phone ringing and no distractions. The enemy tries to use distractions to stop us from hearing from God…so,let us all be determined to not let distractions keep us from hearing from God. Thank you Lori and Jim for all you do for the work of our Lord. God Bless you tons..(hugs) Love Myrtle

  10. Sisters & Brothers, Save those plastic medicine bottles for small items such as safety pins, straight pins, loose threads, coins, dollar bills, anything that can fit into it. Also adding extra medicine is a plus for such a time as this when an emergency arises and you w/ know just where to find what you need. When the conditions are quite and seem peaceful, it is then to evaluate and prepare and organize your supplies and seek hiding places in different areas of your homes and become like an interior decorator and itemize and use
    colored paper to cover cabinets, dresser draws, cupboards, and also use plastic tablecloths for hiding your stuff. kids round toy bens are excellent for storage. it has a handle for quick get-away and make a simple round cover from an art & crafts store. walmart is good for that. We need to look to the LORD for direction. Be gentle as doves but wise as a lion. GOD Bless. Lets’ all do our part to help others.Physical food, then spiritual food follows. GET READY

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