A Hebrew wedding – this was a blessed event with an End Times message for the Church encapsulated in every detail of the festivities. There is no more poignant picture of love anywhere than a bridegroom standing at the altar, looking lovingly at his bride as she approaches. That’s the way Jesus looks and longs for His bride, the Church.
As we study the End Times, let’s be sure to remember that we are getting ready for a wedding – our wedding – as we become the Bride of Christ that He longs for, that He died for, that He now lives for.
It’s time for the Bride to get ready NOW. READ MORE →
John then told me about a pastor that contacted him and ordered 150 of his books for his church. This pastor had a Dr. of Theology degree, very strong in the Word, and has pastored for over 40 years in a well-known and well-respected denomination that has preached a pre-trib rapture forever! John read from his letter:
“Dear John,
I pastor a large Baptist church in North Carolina, and as such I have been taught and have taught for many years that there would be a pre-tribulation rapture. Several weeks ago, a member of my previous congregation called and told me that I just had to read your book. As I told you on the phone, I probably would not have purchased this book at first glance at a book store. But at my friend’s insistence, I ordered it. I did my first reading per the advice of a former college professor who told us to read books like we eat fish, ‘eat the meat and spit out the bones.’ In other words, if you stop reading a book at the first place where you disagree with the author, you will probably never finish, or you will finish very few books. READ MORE →
John went on to talk about how we will know when the Lord is coming again: “I want to share the revelation that God gave me. And that revelation is in Matthew 24 verse 3. Jesus’ disciples, they wanted to know, ‘When are you coming?’ They corner him on the Mount of Olives. I can just see him. It’s like Jesus is getting ready to go and they know he’s not going to be around much longer. ‘And before you leave, Lord, you’ve got to tell us; what are we supposed to be looking for? What are we going to have to go through?’”
“As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ‘Tell us,’ they said, ‘when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming in the end of the age?’ When Jesus’ disciples ask this question, ‘What will be the sign of your coming?’ Do you know what they were really asking? ‘Lord, what are we going to see leading up to your coming? What are we going to have to go through leading up to your coming?’” READ MORE →
I love the beauty for ashes verses in the Bible. Isaiah 61 reads like my own personal memoirs from God:
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me”…oh yes, it is! He has given me His Spirit!
“Because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor” …oh yes, He has! I preach whenever I get a chance that God has a better life for you to live, God has a better plan and He will show you that you don’t have to be poor in spirit; you don’t have to grieve over past sin and past hurts your entire life.
“He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted” …oh yes, He has! I love to tell people that God is not mad at them! He does not hold sin against you when you are brokenhearted over it yourself! He wants to heal your heart, and heal your spirit. He wants you to come full-circle and back around to what He intended for your life from the start. READ MORE →
So many are realizing that just maybe we’re going to go through some things before the rapture. That is an amazing change of heart and mind, especially for pastors. I recently heard from a pastor that changed his mind about the timing of the rapture after preaching a pre-tribulation rapture for 40 years! I know that had to be hard for him, because it was hard for me, too, when God changed my mind after I studied every word of the Bible while in prison. And they say you can’t be rehabilitated!
So now we’re going to talk about the six things that have to take place before the rapture. Jesus told us that He didn’t want us to be caught unaware, that we’re to watch for these signs, signs that are popping all over the place right now. What’s happening in Israel right now is one of the signs of the time. The signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, many are happening right now. The floods, the droughts, the economic woes; all of this stuff is happening now. So, if we were instructed to watch that we would not be caught unaware, then how can these signs not mean anything? READ MORE →
We recently celebrated my 57th Birthday and as with most of our life events, we celebrated on the show with family and friends, and our extended family and friends which means all of you! It was a wonderful day as my amazing husband, children, and family along with my mentor and friend, Lloyd Zeigler, recalled the moments of my life that brought me full-circle to where I am right now. It’s truly been a fairytale story, with all of the tragedy and triumphs that make for a good television drama – except it was all very real. The life and times of Lori Graham Bakker could have been a great soap opera, if it were a fiction. But my life was not fiction. It was real – and God has given me “beauty for ashes” as it says in Isaiah 61. READ MORE →
John Shorey made the point that the middle class is disappearing in this country and we now have the very rich and those who are working two jobs at Walmart and McDonalds to make ends meet! John continued to read from Racing Towards Judgment, “God will judge this nation with economic disasters. Critical money problems will strike large and small cities alike.”
Then, David Wilkerson addresses the current issues of our day (in Racing Towards Judgment) that are in our news headlines with chilling accuracy; “There will be violence everywhere. Unheard of violence. Unbelievable violence. Unnecessary violence. Uncontrollable violence. The violence seething beneath the surface for years will explode.” They are saying today, this week, that crime is rising and even death. There is unrest in America, and when all this poverty hits and there is no food, it’s going to explode like crazy! If 50 million people suddenly did not receive their food stamp allocations, we will be seeing violence erupting in virtually every city in America. READ MORE →
Most everyone knows that I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, the era of “free love” which was a nice-sounding euphemism for rampant sexual immorality. “Make love, not war” was a corny saying, but it produced a radical culture of “peace keeping” hippies who advocated nothing more than “drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll.” Everyone wanted to go along to get along, and anyone who brought attention to any of the moral “standards” that most of us grew up with was frowned upon. We were known as the “anti-establishment,” “anti-war,” “anti-government,” and anti-justabouteverything generation. We were the “counter culture” generation, and the new way was considered “revolutionary.”
We wanted to be “free” – whatever that meant. We wanted freedom from our parent’s rules (read: safeguards) and we wanted to be free of the oppression of the laws of the land which included prohibition of illegal drugs. We didn’t want anyone telling us about sin either. We grew up with that, and wanted to do our own thing without anybody judging us. We wanted freedom from any religious boundaries whatsoever. Little did we know that immorality had its own paybacks in loss of family life, children’s well-being, our own health and a host of other physical and psychological troubles that led to the decay of a once prosperous society based on Judeo-Christian principles. READ MORE →
So much is happening in our world. The reason we bring news into our show is because it’s the Revelation fulfillment – it’s the fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation and the signs of the End of the Age in Matthew 24.
It’s amazing that all of the prophetic word is being fulfilled – the droughts, the slaughtering of Christians. This ISIS is killing Christians – Jesus said before I come back, they will hate you and put you to death because of my name (Matthew 24:9). I never thought in the United States of America that people would hate Christians, but it is an antichrist spirit, and anti-Word spirit. You can get a comic book into schools but not a Bible! In the news recently, there was a 5th grader that was banned from reading the Bible during ‘free reading’ time! And a teacher was punished and banned from bringing her Bible to school. She wasn’t reading it to the class; she was just reading it for her own devotional! She could have a pornographic book, or x-rated material sitting on her desk, and she could get by with that. And during this last season, a professor specifically told his students that you cannot thank God during your graduation speech. READ MORE →
I am so excited about Lori’s House! We are approaching the time when we can finally open it and welcome our first girls in! We’re not quite there yet, but it’s soon… very soon. We have the right people in place now, and we are moving rapidly to finish the building and create a safe place where ministry, love, rest, learning, fellowship and caring will take place with its main goal of saving babies and caring for their mothers.
There will be no charge to a young woman who wants to live at Lori’s House through her pregnancy. The ministry, through generous donations, will provide assistance for food, clothing and medical care. Education and job training will be provided and an individual program will be tailored depending on each girl’s special needs.
Through it all, she will be comfortable, safe and “at home.” READ MORE →