David was well aware of his own failures and he grieved over them! He hated the weaknesses of his own flesh and despised himself for giving in to them. But one thing he could not and would not do is to deny who he was in God. If there was one thing he was sure about – it was his identity and the anointing that was on his life. God had ordained him in his youth to be a king and a king he would be! Though the world, the flesh, the devil and all of hell had tried to remove David’s God-given purpose, they could not!
Saints of God, the enemy of your soul is after your very identity in these last days! Do you remember when Jesus asked the disciples, “who do you say I am”? Every single religious authority had challenged Jesus’ very identity. In fact, they crucified Him for telling the truth of Who He really was! If those who said they loved him didn’t know who He was, then how could the world be expected to? Only by divine revelation of LOVE can any of us love the other as Jesus commanded. READ MORE →
I know so many of God’s people who are weary. I don’t mean to sound down, because I’m not, but I have been – and you have been too. It’s not possible to live in this world at this time without feeling the effects of some of its pressures. Everywhere we look, everywhere we turn, there is evil all around us and it wears on us. And, if we don’t watch out, we can be overtaken by the sheer force of it.
Not only are we dealing with the effects of the world’s woes, but most of us are dealing with an unusual effort to bring us down in one way or another – be it finances, relationships, our health, our families, or any number of other life crises. READ MORE →
Matthew 24:12 tells us one of the characteristics of the last days will be that the “love of many will grow cold.” I don’t know about you, but when I thought of that verse before, I always thought Jesus was talking to those who were outside the Church; those that were in the ‘world’. But of recent days, I have begun to see how this verse may apply to those who are within the Church, or appear to be in the Church.
In the last days, churches will contain both, wheat (the real deal Christians) and tares (pretenders). Within their ranks, there will be those who are ruled and motivated by many things; some by a search for significance, some by a need for control, some by a need for recognition, and some are motivated by love. Jesus said not to try and separate them because only He knows the heart – and if you try to uproot the tares, you may pull up and destroy some wheat with them. But be assured, there is a Church within the church. READ MORE →
We have heard from quite a few people who are concerned about how to prepare when their finances are very tight. Prepping can seem like it’s beyond your reach, but don’t give up; where there’s a will there’s a way! Jim and I understand this very well and we’re not insensitive to the plight of those who are challenged by a limited income.
Anyone who has read my book, “More Than I Could Ever Ask” knows that there was a time when I actually shined shoes at the airport to make ends meet and to provide for myself when I was in full-time ministry in Phoenix. People may say, “oh you poor thing,” but I’m not looking for sympathy and I didn’t feel disadvantaged even then. I was so in love with Jesus and happy to do whatever it took to provide for my needs and stay in ministry. READ MORE →
Your job is to pull up and tear down, take apart and demolish, and then start over, building and planting. Jeremiah 1:10 MSG
Unfortunately, through the hardship and persecution and tribulation of life, certain weeds and tares can actually get planted in the heart that touches everything you do and can negatively affect every aspect of your life, even what you’re called to do in the Kingdom.
One of my main issues was abandonment. This was a weed that had a huge stronghold in my life. I had watched as nearly everyone in my life walked away when my sin was exposed to the world and my soul suffered beyond measure. READ MORE →
Private moments made public – they happen a lot in large families, and it helps to keep a sense of humor when it does! One such moment happened recently when I was going about my daily business with routine household tasks, thinking the house was empty. I was meditating on the Lord and all that He has called Jim and me to do, and I guess I was talking to myself when I heard a voice from the other room:
“Mom, who are you talking to?
“Mom, is there somebody in there with you?” READ MORE →
Prophetic consensus from many sources is that the beginning of the Great Tribulation will be in 2015. John Shorey went through David Wilkerson’s and other prophecies about an economic collapse preceded by a great earthquake in the northwest. John said that considering the huge bubble in the stock market today, this economic collapse can’t be far off and he believes it could be this Fall – with the obvious indicator that a huge earthquake is even closer. If the dominos start to fall, everything could fall into place and happen very quickly – in less than six months!
John noted that on March 20th, 2015, a solar eclipse will happen which, prophetically speaking, indicates the judgment of the Gentile nations, which includes the United States of America. Three and one-half years after the Spring of 2015 (the possible beginning of the Great Tribulation), would be September of 2018… the week of the Feast of Trumpets and the 70th year from the rebirth of Israel in 1948! READ MORE →
I knew in the beginning of this year and I had an urgency in my spirit that I had to get my body prepared for the difficult days ahead. I knew that the physical body had to get well and be strong to live through these final days to help others because this is the “Harvest Time.”
Heaven forbid that the “Harvest Time” becomes a cliché to God’s people.
God chose me, and He chose you to occupy this earth and to work the harvest fields in the very last days and hours before the end of this age. We are not here by happenstance. That’s a hard thing for most people to realize and completely comprehend – and what’s even harder is to grab a hold of the very thing God ordained for you to do before the foundations of the world in this season! READ MORE →
The prophetic word that was written by David Wilkerson in his 1985 book, Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth, had already come to pass in stunning accuracy in the oil fields of the Middle East. And now, from the grave, David Wilkerson’s next prophecy was confirming what God had shown John Shorey when he wrote about the Five End-Time Wars.
David had written, “The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless.”
John continued, “America has a future invasion, which I had just covered as the Five End-Time Wars. And when that was first given to me through the writing of my second book, and I sent this outline of the Five End-Time Wars to Jim, I looked at it as information for his benefit. I never thought we would talk about it, because can we handle the fact that America would be part of an end-time war, and that an invasion would happen in America before the rapture? READ MORE →
Things are really happening fast in our world and we find ourselves racing toward the Second Coming of Jesus at lightning speeds. People are really looking for a “now” word and they often look to us. That’s why I want to say that there is no more important word than the one the follows: The Church must come together as a family who love each other and pray and support each other because things are going to get real crazy, very soon.
There are many people who know Jim and me because we are public figures, and more and more of them are becoming closer to us as we experience the signs of Revelation. I have had people write in and tell us that we are their “family” and I have to tell you, that really touches my heart and we feel the same way. READ MORE →