On one of our recent shows with Dr. William Forstchen, the author of “One Second After,” we talked at length about preparing for emergencies and how some find it a matter of life or death while others devalue it in the most mocking ways they can. We can’t reach everyone with the message of emergency preparation, but we try our best to warn them and then if it’s received or not is up to them.
But you’d like to think that your own family would receive the wisdom of preparing, and some do while others continually brush it off. In fact, some family members (usually the younger ones) are way too busy with living life to pay attention to the real threats we face in our world. But it’s sooo gratifying when one of them “gets it.” READ MORE →
I declared War on Alzheimer’s a few months back just like I did with diabetes years ago. I just said I’m tired of my friends dying of it. I’m tired of people that I love leaving you before they die. It’s just wrong.
The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has given us a sound mind! “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Now if God has given us a sound mind, then who do you think takes it away? Only a deceiving enemy bent on death and destruction!
So, I said there’s got to be some answers. And then I found out some countries have almost no Alzheimer’s so it had to be environmental, or something we were doing wrong. And you would see a husband and wife (no blood relation) and they both would have Alzheimer’s. That made me think maybe it’s environmental, maybe it’s something we’re eating, maybe it’s something we’re doing wrong. As I began to study, I found that there was a repeated theme of a #1 answer – coconut! READ MORE →
This week I am continuing to share the ministry of Kathy Troccoli because it is so needed in today’s culture – inside the church and outside. Life and it’s circumstances can be harsh at times, and we all need to know that there is hope… that God loves us through all the pain. On one show recently, we talked about how you are defined by the people who love you. For some out there, this is definitely a blessing, but for others, it can seem like a curse… until you are born again and realize that the God of the Universe loves you unconditionally!
Let’s hear from Kathy. READ MORE →
I’ve talked often on the show about my revelations received while I was in prison. Going away for a while had a major impact on my life and ministry. God corrected me through His Word and turned me around in ways that I never thought possible and shook up my theology. Things that I had been teaching, right along with the majority of the other full gospel preachers, became glaring errors and I recognized, for the first time, my own responsibility in correcting these things. I knew that if I ever had a platform for preaching the Gospel again, I would have to address the errors of what I had taught… without excuse.
That’s why I wrote the book, “I Was Wrong” and that’s why I continue to expose the love of money errors that were perpetuated by twisting certain scriptures to extract a certain meaning. I will never back away from my stand on those errors, or I wouldn’t be able to stand before God with a good conscience if I did. READ MORE →
Kathy Troccoli ministers out of her pain and brokenness – which the Lord has healed and set her in a place where she can feel the pain of others and speak to their pain. Compassion is not something you can generate, or work up, and true compassion comes from familiarity. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 53 that Christ was familiar with all of our suffering – everything that we could know as suffering – He knew. That’s why His compassion is so strong for His people. He knows their frailties and their weaknesses. But He said He would be strong in our weakness (2 Corinthians 13:4) and He does not lie!
Kathy’s book, “Am I Not Still God?” is written out of her pain. She says, “there are times in our lives that we feel like we’re on the mountaintop, I call them glimpses of Eden, because we were meant to be in the garden and we’re not in the garden. But when you’re on the mountaintop, and I have been, you have to expect to not be there for long. And I love the Lord so much for not lying to us. He’s so faithful and true. He said, you’re going to go through it in this life, you’re going to go through it but I will be with you. I want to say… if you’re on the mountaintop, enjoy it, but most of life goes through those deep, deep places. READ MORE →
Lori has always been a preparer. She always has something in her purse to treat a burn, etc. Now when she married me, she got to go full tilt with preparing! You may laugh at Lori, but when it’s falling apart, you’ll wish for someone like her around you.
My Grandma Irwin was a preparer too. She always had food – she always had something tucked away. But if you’re going to tuck money away under your mattress or something, make sure it’s in dollar bills because they won’t be making change someday soon. If you have to buy a loaf of bread, you don’t want to have to give a hundred dollar bill.
This is in the first part of what’s coming. So, if you have dollar bills, you can go buy a loaf of bread and they’ll take whatever you have. You’re going to barter for things in the next state (situation). When the power goes out and the machines don’t work… the atms will not work! READ MORE →
I am writing a series of blogs on the shows we just taped with Kathy Troccoli because I can’t help but do all I can do to get this word out – it is so powerful! Kathy is not just a singer, she’s a Voice that God has given to the Body of Christ with a Message for the Times.
Let me first just say that if you didn’t catch the live shows with Kathy Troccoli, PLEASE be sure to catch the broadcasts when they air in your area. These shows are some of the most powerful healing shows we have ever taped, and I can’t help but believe that God wants to heal so many of His precious ones because it’s time! We are so close to His Second Coming and yet there are so many hurting, broken people. When we operate out of our pain, we continue to hurt others and that needs to stop! It needs to stop in our own lives so that it can stop in the lives of others. A wounded spirit touches everything around it – and wounds again whatever it touches. READ MORE →
I just want to thank you all. I have literally felt the prayers of the saints during this process of taking these medications to get well. I know that God is the Great Physician and He is the one who gives medical help so I’m grateful for the process I’m going through even though it’s rough some days.
In the past year or so, I watched my body decline in different areas and I thought my liver was having a hard time. But, I felt an urgency that I had to get well because of the days we’re living in. I had to be strong for what God has for us to do!
Jim always thanks me for coming and sitting next to him on the shows when I really should be home in bed. But that’s my place and my joy because that is what God has given us to do and I want to do it to the best of my ability. READ MORE →
Throughout history, God has called true believers in Him to be separate from the systems of the world.
Revelation 18:4 warns us to “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues”. Everything designated as holy has an element of separation about it, set apart from sin and from the world and set apart to God for His service and glory.
God wants a people like Himself while many want to be a people like the world. After all these years, Christians still don’t seem to get that part of the story. There are many false religions and beliefs being promoted and it is very essential that we really test the spirits. READ MORE →
For some time now I have been extensively researching about how our daily lives would be affected if the power grids fail or if we experienced an EMP bomb. Most of us growing up in modern America cannot even conceive what this would be like.
It is very startling to realize that we could suddenly be thrust back into the living conditions of several centuries ago. Our current power grids are outdated and yet the demand for their usage continues to increase. Experts who have thoroughly studied the capacity and condition of the grids predict that a breakdown could very well happen in the near future if not corrected. READ MORE →