Revelation 13 (Pt. 2)

All three anticipate war, chaos, and suffering on epic levels prior to the arrival of key figures in their faiths. Is it possible they could be the same war either partially or in totality?

John’s description of this beast is horrifying, but as we’ve seen before, these descriptions have symbolic meanings. For instance, the Beast will have seven heads and ten horns; the heads most likely represent seven world empires and the horns indicate power. Seven usually means completeness in the Bible, so this evil beast will literally rule the world. The ten horns represent ten lesser rulers who will be associated with him, out of which the antichrist will emerge. The ten crowns—diadems—represent absolute power. According to Daniel 7:24, the antichrist will subdue three of these kings, so he can rule unchallenged. Whatever else this description of the Beast entails, it indicates a person with tremendous international power.

On the Beast’s head are “blasphemous names.” In John’s time, the Roman emperors had taken such titles as Dominus and Kurios, both meaning “Lord” in Latin and Greek, respectively. During the reign of Nero, coins bore his image along with the inscription, “The Savior of the World.” John said that this will happen again under the antichrist. READ MORE

Preparing Now for “Then”

I am so excited about our upcoming Ready Now Expo on March 10th – 14th!  We have some of the most knowledgeable speakers and presenters on the planet joining us with information about ultimate survival strategies and products that we have found through extensive research. 

There’s a song with a line that says, “I don’t care how you get here, just get here if you can!”  That’s the way I feel about this Expo!  Do everything you can to get here because this is one you don’t want to miss.

It’s been weighing heavy on my heart recently about why people should be prepared for anything!  It’s more than just about not going hungry, which pulls on the heartstrings.  None of us want our families to go hungry!  Most of us would do just about anything to keep our loved ones alive – to keep them from starving to death in a famine.  Wouldn’t we? READ MORE

Revelation 13 (Pt. 1)

Satan attempts to counterfeit all the good things God has provided, so we should not be surprised that just as there is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Enemy has a trinity as well. The players in this evil threesome are Satan (the Dragon), the Beast (the antichrist), and a second beast (the False Prophet). This second beast is a public relations man of sorts who causes the world to worship the Beast and Satan. They are intent on ruling the world, and for a time, it looks as if the devil and his demon-possessed puppets will succeed. But then Jesus Christ returns—and the devil and his motley crew receive everything they deserve.

You will be rewarded and will reign forever with Jesus in a new heaven and a new earth. That’s where we are going, but the going gets extremely rough between now and then.

John saw the antichrist, a world leader who rises to power because of his great oratory skills and his winsome charisma. He will promise people everything they want to hear, but he will ultimately lead them into bondage and death. READ MORE

The Sandwich Generation

I’ve talked quite a bit about being a Baby Boomer and the phenomenon surrounding that mega-group of people born between 1946 and 1964. Baby Boomers have a unique set of challenges, some brought on by choice, and others a result of chance.

One of the challenges of a country with so many Baby Boomers is how to provide health care for this aging demographic because the generation before and the generations after were simply not as large. We thought we had the problem figured out with Social Security and Medicare but now we are finding that these social programs will have trouble keeping up with the demand for caring for an aging mega-group such as the Baby Boomers, particularly as this group lives longer.

But the problem of health care for the Boomers is only one issue they (we) are facing. Since many of the Boomers were encouraged by society to wait longer for marriage and family, or it just happened that way, some are still raising children and sometimes grandchildren while they also care for aging parents, a.k.a The Sandwich Generation. They are the ones in the middle with all the pressure! READ MORE

Roma Downey and Mark Burnett present “SON OF GOD”

One of the greatest things about being on the air is the opportunity we have to bring you exceptional guests.  On a recent broadcast, we had the privilege of hosting Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and Mark Burnett (Producer of The Voice, Survivor, and many others) when they came to tell us about their new movie, SON OF GOD.  Our family had a chance to preview this amazing film with Roma and Mark and I have to say that I have never seen a more beautiful depiction of the life of Christ in such a sweeping, epic production.  We were awestruck and captivated as we watched.  The impact of this amazing film cannot be overstated.  This larger-than-life movie portrays the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection in the New Testament featuring powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from Oscar winner Hans Zimmer.

It’s not often that I’m starstruck, but I can truly say that having Roma Downey and Mark Burnett on the show was one of the all-time highlights of my life.  These are warm and loving people, relatable in every way.  Even so, when I first met them, I was like a nervous school kid!  But they were quick to put all of us at ease and we had a great time talking about the Lord and their new movie. READ MORE

Is Your Church Prepared?

I personally believe every church in America needs to prepare.  In times of crisis or disaster, people turn to leaders for help.  Even those who don’t belong to your church or congregation will come to you – and that’s a good thing!  We want to share the Gospel in the Last Days!  That’s what we were born for! That’s the reason God chose us to be living at this time in the history of the world!  We were born for “such a time as this.”

While some may think that they’re obligation is more spiritual than practical in times of crisis, I assure you that until people’s physical needs are met, they’re not going to listen to your Gospel!  There’s a verse in the Bible that talks about those who do nothing but pray and bless.  This verse is usually quoted in the context of faith, but I want you to read it again in the context of practical preparations for others in need:

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. (James 2:14-17 ESV) READ MORE

Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 7)

Summation:  God says He is punishing the harlot, this Mystery Babylon because of what she’s done to you.  What’s going on in America right now?  America is punishing Christians, persecuting them!  If you don’t believe it, you don’t know Jesus!  If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He’s banned… we can’t use His name, we can’t even put his Cross on our army’s tent for a chaplain.  They’ve even been outlawing Bible in some of the places for the chaplains.

What’s going on?  They’ve rewritten the Bible!  We’ve murdered 55 million babies and don’t think anything of it!  Come one people!  Are we that hard-hearted?  Are we that cold?  Are we that insane that we don’t understand?  It’s talked as if abortion is a good thing.

Evil is being spoken of as good, and good as evil.  Christians have become second-class citizens in a country that was founded on faith in God.  Those who have faith in God are now being punished.  You can’t preach the Bible publically, really.  You can’t stand up against anything without being put down, without being destroyed.  READ MORE

Love is Being Prepared

Jim and I do what we do because we believe with all our hearts that there are Times of Trouble coming – we will be here on this earth for at least part of that trouble – and if we are not prepared, some will succumb to those troubles and do whatever they have to do to survive… including taking the Antichrist’s mark.

There are going to be many methods by which the Antichrist will force his mark upon people.  There is no Christian that I know who wants this mark, but will you take it if it means your family will have food?  Will those you love be forced to take it to feed or shelter their families and care for their medical needs?

None of us want our families to go hungry.  Most of us would do just about anything to keep our loved ones alive – to keep them from starving to death in a famine.  Wouldn’t we? READ MORE

Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 6)

Verse 10:  They will be afraid of her suffering and stand far away and say:  “Terrible!  How terrible for you, great city, powerful city of Babylon, because your punishment has come in one hour!”  God’s name for any wicked city is Babylon.  Even when Jerusalem would turn against God, God would call her Babylon.

Verse 11:  “And the merchants of the earth will cry and be sad about her, because now there is no one to buy their cargoes…”  Now if this Babylon was the Catholic Church, as some believe, this verse wouldn’t even make sense.  Would the merchants cry over the Catholic Church going bankrupt?  I doubt it.  But this verse means even the people in China will weep over this one.  Because when the economy breaks down, no one will buy Chinese goods!  No one will buy anything because the system won’t work.

So, what is this harlot about?  What is all this about? READ MORE

My Heart for My Generation

We really are living in such a prophetic time!  This is a time like never before or ever again.  It’s such a worldly time and there’s hardly anything on television worth watching.  Jim and I have become news junkies because of this fact!

It breaks my heart to see some of the things the kids are now subjected to on television, and they’re watching it because that’s all there is!  What troubles me is that we are losing all of our values, not just in this nation but in the world!  This isn’t just a cliché – it’s a fact – a fact that anyone who loves God should be alarmed about.

For my generation, even in the crazy times we didn’t lose our values.  We still knew right from wrong but now, there isn’t any such thing!  It’s considered hateful now to even voice your opinion of what is right and wrong.  Everybody is doing what they think is right in their own eyes!  The Bible talks about that!  (Judges 17:6, 21:25, Proverbs 14:12) READ MORE