“Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard, and gather its fruit; but in the seventh year, there shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a Sabbath to the Lord” (Leviticus 25:3-4). He also ordered the release of all debts (Deuteronomy 15:1).
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has taught us the principles of the Shemitah through his book and through teaching us on the show. The Hebrew translation of Shemitah is “to release.” Here is the main thought I want you to grab from this writing: What you release this Shemitah year, will be released from you – when the Lord returns.
This Shemitah year is no ordinary Shemitah year. This year marks the end of a period of time that many believe immediately precedes the Second Coming of the Lord. We know that His coming is near because we are watching for it and we can see the signs, like the Bible says. READ MORE →
We’ve heard a lot of teaching from Rabbi Cahn and others about this Shemitah year that we are in right now, and most of it is focused on the nations of the world and how they will fare in the End Times based on their actions concerning the things of God.
But have you considered that this Shemitah year is also applied to what’s going on in your heart and life? This is not only a global initiative, it is individual as well.
It’s a time that God gave us to get back in right standing because if we don’t, the judgment comes. If our hearts are right, it could be a time of great blessing! The good news is that judgment belongs to the Lord and He is kind and good to those who are working out their salvation. This life in Christ is not a spectator sport, it is active involvement in God’s plan for redemption, fulfilling the reason we are here. READ MORE →
The world is getting to be a very scary place and threats of pestilences of Biblical proportions are not just threats – they’re realities right now. We sincerely believe that God has given us revelatory knowledge about how to survive in the face of these threats in days the Bible describes as “perilous times.” We have Spirit-filled medical doctors that also believe we have been given wisdom and revelation in the things that can help in these End Times …because it is the End Times! Their wisdom comes with a great deal of professional knowledge and expertise, and we trust what they say.
It’s our desire to get this revelatory knowledge into your hands so that you too can have the best fighting chance against attacks on your physical being. Staying strong and healthy is not just for us, but for everyone! READ MORE →
Every week when it’s time to write a blog, I search the Lord’s heart for a timely word. Let’s face it, we don’t know how much longer any of this will continue as we know it. The world is changing and the days – every one of them – are getting shorter. We have an opportunity to do or say something that will make a difference in people’s lives and I’m determined not to miss it.
First, I want to ask you if you know that you are saved and on your way to heaven? Until you are right with God, nothing else matters! What good would it do to survive the soon-coming troubles in the world if you then spent eternity apart from God? There is no greater hell than to face an eternity where evil is unrestrained and there is only wickedness constantly. READ MORE →
I’ve written before about how God inspires prophetic utterances, and how they sometimes startle me. But, the truth is that I’ve learned to distinguish God’s voice and trust Him when He says something. That comes with years and years of having my senses trained by the Holy Spirit to know when something is an important message for others in the Body of Christ.
The Bible says that your senses are trained with use. If you refuse to use what He gives you, you could lose the ability to hear, i.e. if you don’t use it, you lose it! You must always be willing to “stick your neck out” because if you hold back on what the voice of the Lord gives you, you could eventually lose the ability to discern His voice, or He would simply go on to someone else who would be obedient to speak what He gives you. READ MORE →
I wondered why somebody didn’t do something. Then I realized, I am somebody. ~Author Unknown
I’ve heard so many people say that this task of getting prepared for disasters is just too much for them. Some have no support or backing whatsoever from anyone in their family, and consider it a daunting task to go it alone. Some have made a gallant start and then run into resistance by financial circumstances or other situations beyond their control. Some wouldn’t be caught dead (pun unintended) prepping, afraid that others would think they were really “out there.” And others have good intentions to do it someday.
But recently, those who have never been preppers before are starting to get prepared now. There’s something going on in people’s hearts that tells them it’s time and no more procrastinating! READ MORE →
We have been talking a lot on the show about the prophecies of David Wilkerson, some written over 30 years ago. We now know they’re for today because we can see them coming to pass before our very eyes. We believe that these prophecies have been illuminated for this time in our prophetic juncture so that God could remind His people of His faithfulness.
The referrals we are making to David’s books and prophecies are not to lift him up, because even he would resist that! No, we are not flattering anybody – we are simply declaring the word that he prophesied because it rings true with the Bible and with everything going on in our world.
Our use of David Wilkerson’s books and prophecies have caused quite a stir, even a phenomenon on line – the value of anything he has written has skyrocketed to ridiculous numbers! I wish David were still here to see this happening, but I know he is finally smiling from heaven. READ MORE →
We’ve had some amazing guests these last couple of years, and without fail, they are all telling us that prophetic events are leading us rapidly into the Times of Trouble. Jim and I know this by the Spirit, but we always look for a consensus from those we trust. We are not lone rangers, although sometimes we feel like we’re not getting through to as many as we want to.
It’s a time to take our heads out of the sand! The bottom line is that it’s time to face everything for what it’s worth – which is reality. We need to be able to say, “This is what’s happening – this is what’s going on. So therefore, we have responsibility for not just ourselves but others as well – to help them during these incredible times of crisis.” We are going to live through some very difficult times, and some of us may die for what we believe in. Some may live through it all and live to tell people that all may come to know the Lord as Savior. READ MORE →
When I was in prison, I searched every scripture for a pre-tribulation rapture. I searched and searched. I read everybody’s book, all the prophetic teachers’ books, and not one of them gave scripture for a pre-tribulation Rapture. Scofield’s notes were as close as they could get to proving a pre-tribulation Rapture in the Bible and the Scofield notes are not the written Word of God; they’re notes!
Yet, here you have it in plain speak, in Matthew 24. It doesn’t get any clearer than this:
“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn.” READ MORE →
Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that there’s a time for every purpose under heaven. God wants us to understand the times we live in and He wants us to treat them with awe and the proper respect for what is about to take place.
It’s one thing when the world doesn’t respect or acknowledge that God is about to shake things up for one final manifestation of the truth of His Word; it’s another for His own people to be so in love with this world that they don’t want to know anything about the final days of it… as we know it, anyway.
This is a year to choose how you spend your time very wisely. We have heard from the most authoritative prophetic voices of our times that we are entering a very serious year, and a season of magnificent signs with the Blood Moons that point to something very big, very soon. READ MORE →