The Sandwich Generation

I’ve talked quite a bit about being a Baby Boomer and the phenomenon surrounding that mega-group of people born between 1946 and 1964. Baby Boomers have a unique set of challenges, some brought on by choice, and others a result of chance.

One of the challenges of a country with so many Baby Boomers is how to provide health care for this aging demographic because the generation before and the generations after were simply not as large. We thought we had the problem figured out with Social Security and Medicare but now we are finding that these social programs will have trouble keeping up with the demand for caring for an aging mega-group such as the Baby Boomers, particularly as this group lives longer.

But the problem of health care for the Boomers is only one issue they (we) are facing. Since many of the Boomers were encouraged by society to wait longer for marriage and family, or it just happened that way, some are still raising children and sometimes grandchildren while they also care for aging parents, a.k.a The Sandwich Generation. They are the ones in the middle with all the pressure!

I’m really blessed that my Mom is still vibrant and well able to care for herself, but there may come a day when she can’t – and it will be my pleasure to care for her. But many, many people are already doing this while they are still raising children, and helping with grandchildren – and working! Another facet of the problem is that sometimes our grown children come back home because they can’t make it in today’s economic situations. Caring for everyone is a responsibility that is not easy to carry out, requiring a Super Man or Wonder Woman cape at times.

In the midst of all that, we have to come to grips with the fact that we’re growing older, and as we realize at this age that this life is going to come to an end and the years go by so fast, we sometimes wonder, “how did I get here?” It’s shocking that we’re there!

So, people often wonder why Jim and I harp so much on taking care of our health, and nutrition. Let me tell you, if something were to happen to either one of us, there would be a huge gap in this family’s ability to thrive and be healthy. Not that they couldn’t do it, because many have had to and they have adapted. But, we don’t want to make things any more difficult for them than they already are. That’s why we take care of ourselves.

Let me just say, your family needs you to take care of yourself too! The family is God’s idea (Eph 3:15), and He has named every member and given them roles to play. The family works best when all members are present and accounted for!

Jim and I consider our listening audience as a part of our earthly family, and that’s why we want you all to take care of yourselves and live to fulfill your purpose in your own family and in the Family of God.

Let’s do our best to represent the Family of God on this earth, and when our time here is finished, we will join the Family of God in heaven and love each other for all eternity.


5 thoughts on “The Sandwich Generation

  1. Thank you for your blog. Thanks for making me a part of your family since I am estranged from my immediate family or distance between us allows us to see each other one every year or two years. My mother is 83 and I know that day is coming soon for her. My other brothers are there to make life a little better in the distance I have. God bless!

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