The Concept of Eternity

I know I’ve been saying this a lot lately, but this is one time I don’t mind sounding like a broken record.  One day, this life will be over.  Whether we go to meet Jesus, or He comes to meet us in the glorious rapture, this life, as we know it, will be over.  Then, we will live forever somewhere.  We will live forever because we are made in the image of our Father God, who is Spirit.  And so are we  a spirit that lives in a physical body  and possesses a soul (mind, will, emotions).  Though the physical body will perish, we will have a resurrected one! 

We are eternal beings, and we will live forever.  Doesn’t that sound absolutely astonishing?  In the natural realm, we see life as being born, living 70 or 80 years, and dying (end of story).  But that’s not the end of the story!  The story goes on forever. 

But we are created with our own free will – to make a decision in this life – of where we will spend eternity.  Yet, many put the emphasis on this life only and get trapped by its many alluring pleasures, or should I say the pursuit of its pleasures. 

Oh how foolish we are!  And how great was the plan of our enemy, satan, to make everything in this life so enticing and so all-consuming!  He tried the same thing with Jesus, our Redeemer.  “Look over here, Jesus… I’ll give you everything you see if you just worship me”…to which Jesus replied “get behind me, satan!”  Would to God that we could do the same when satan comes with his temptations to entice us to focus on this life only.

The Bible says that if it was this life only in which we had hope, we would be miserable.  But God knew that, and that’s why he made a way for us to have everlasting life through Jesus. 

Today is the day of salvation!  Today is the day you can make that decision to give your life, your very short life, here on this earth to God so that you can have eternal life with Him in heaven.

Pray this prayer with me:

“God, I know that I have sinned against you and I am deserving of punishment. But Jesus took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. I turn from my sinful life now and with your help, I place my trust in You for salvation. Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness – and for the gift of eternal life in Heaven! Amen!”

2 thoughts on “The Concept of Eternity

  1. Pray for Our Children

    Dear Children,
    Humble thyself under the protection of God Most High and
    rest in the shadow of God All-Mighty the Creator of the Universe.
    Then children you can to the LORD,
    “You are my place of safety; you are my God, and I trust you.”
    Dear Children the Lord will keep you safe from secret traps, injury, accidents and deadly diseases.
    God will keep you safe and secure.
    God’s faithfulness is your protection.
    You won’t need to worry about dangers day or night.
    And you won’t fear diseases.
    You will not be harmed, though other people fall around you.
    And with your own eyes children, you will see the punishment of the wicked.
    Justice carried out.
    Dear Children, The LORD Most High is your defense.
    Go to God for safety, and no disasters will strike you and our home.
    God will command the Angels to protect and guard you wherever you go.
    They will carry you and protect your hands, feet and body from harm.
    You will be given power over God’s animals, creatures and all of nature.
    Dear Children, the Lord says, “If you love me and truly know who I am, I will rescue you and keep you safe and in good health.”
    When you are in trouble, call out to me.
    I will answer and be there to protect you.
    You will live a long life and see my saving power.”
    Dear Children, this prayer is for you and your children too.
    Pass it on

  2. multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision. Lori is so right.
    As Jim also said, the time is NOW. Now to get prepared, what
    greater preparation than to prepare for eternity. To know you are
    part of something greater. That you have an eternal Father. That
    no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done or even what has
    been done to you, that one day Eternal God will wipe away the tears.
    One day the former things will be remembered no more.

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