The Four Horses of the Apocalypse are Riding Now

Revelation events are happening one right after another such as wars, earthquakes and tsunamis around the world. The world has looked on as Japan has experienced what newscasters call a biblical event of epic proportion.

Every day, we are rapidly moving deeper into the Revelation Days, the days the Bible refers to as the Last Days. Paul declares in 2 Timothy Chapter 3:1-4 “This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” I know you have to agree with me that everything Paul says here is happening right now!

As you know, I have spent years studying the book of Revelation and its relationship to every book in the Bible and to the days we are living in right now! For the last few years, I have been emphasizing the fact that we are living in the days of the Four Horseman of Revelation Chapter six! I have no doubt that all four horses are riding right now!

The first horse is the spirit of anti-Christ which includes all the things mentioned above from 2 Timothy Chapter three and that spirit also includes the warfare of this television and computer age, which is a war of words. Today, evil men are speaking evil things against God and even banning God’s Ten Commandments and the Bible and prayer. The White Horse is riding!

The second horse, the Red Horse is also no doubt riding full force today! This horse is sent to take peace and prosperity from the earth causing slaughter and violence, terrorism and fear and even great warfare and bombing! This is demonic warfare! You must remember that you overcome this kind of warfare only by the power of the Lamb Jesus Christ! Again, you must agree the Red Horse is riding now!

Let’s look at horse number three, the Black Horse of lack of food, inflation or as the Bible calls it, famine! World health says eleven million children die each year due to starvation! We are on the brink of a world out of food and the church is spending most of their sermons on how to get rich and someday the money everyone worked so hard for will be worthless paper. Soon, according to horseman number three, it will cost a day’s wages to buy a loaf of wheat bread. The Black Horse is riding and he is about to go into a full gallop!

There is only one horse left and let’s see if he is riding. The King James Bible calls him “The Pale Horse” but in the Greek, he is a greenish pale color or the color of death and sickness. The Bible goes on to say that death (plague and pestilence) follow him and they bring death and diseases to a fourth of the earth’s population through animals! Most all our plagues come from animals and cause such diseases such as Aids, Bubonic plague, Ebola Sars, Swine and Bird flu. Well, it looks like all the horses are riding!

So, then what is coming next? If the four horses are already riding, what comes next according to the Book of Revelation? We see Jesus comforting those who have been martyred and telling them it would be just a little while and all those who are on earth and love him will be together soon.

Revelation 6:12 is the next big event! John sees Jesus and tells us “Then I watched while the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake. The sun became black like rough black cloth, and the whole moon became red like blood.”

Over the next days on our program, I will be going over, in detail, what this next Revelation event is all about. I have never heard any minister talk about or even read the scriptures about the sun going dark in the Last Days, even though there is more than 16 scriptures saying the sun and the moon will be darkened before the “Day of the Lord.” Even the scriptures that tells us about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Last Days warns us of this event. Look at Acts 2:17-20 “God says: In the Last Days I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. At that time I will pour out my Spirit also on my servants and handmaidens, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the sky and on the earth: blood, fire, and thick smoke. The sun will become dark, the moon red as blood, before the overwhelming and glorious day of the Lord will come.”

In Matthew 24, Jesus says that the sun and the moon will be darkened and then all will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven! I believe that the 16 times the Bible says that the Sun and Moon will be darkened, it is caused by volcanoes, asteroids and earthquakes. The BBC says that Yellowstone Park is sitting on top of a Supervolcano and that when it blows, there would be no life left within 600 miles, except those people who have prepared a place underneath the ground. Life on earth as we know it would no longer exist. When the Supervolcano blows, it will cause an immediate nuclear winter of dirt and ash in the air over the entire world for two years and no crops would be able to grow. Right now, the Denver Post says that scientists have warned that Yellowstone National Parks Lake is bulging up 100 feet from the lake floor and could explode at any time. Some of the park’s trails are so hot they are no longer open to the public.

The University of Utah recently discovered a magma body 20 percent larger than previously believed under Yellowstone, so a future cataclysmic eruption could even be larger than thought! The BBC says “Yellowstone has gone off roughly once every 600,000 years. Its last eruption was 640,000 years ago, Professor Bill McGuire, professor of geohazards at the University College London says, making another eruption imminent in geological time. Perhaps this is what Revelation 6:15 means when it says: “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.”

No matter what happens, it is time to be prepared, time to store food, time to have our hearts right with God and be ready for Heaven, and to minister in the Last Days and be able to help others!


Jim's Signature CMYK-1

20 thoughts on “The Four Horses of the Apocalypse are Riding Now

  1. I am sorry Brother, but you are gravely mistaken about your theory that the “Four Horsemen” are riding. The Rapture has not occured and must occur before this is possible; yes, I am referring to a Pre-Trib Rapture. I do not intend this unkindly, but you need to study Revelation again. GOD Bless and I love you!

  2. I believe ministers should point out why some will miss the rapture. missing the rapture has nothing to do with watching bruce willis movies or listening to rock music. to believe so would be to be relying on legalism to enter in to heaven. some ministers need to preach in their churches the reason why some will miss the rapture. many in the flock are misled to believe that they’ll be left behind based on the movies thy watch or the music they listen to. this kind of belief is nothing but legalism/this might affect their rewards in heaven but it doesn’t constitute missing the rapture.
    legalism is legalism.. i’m not missing the rapture on the basis that i watch movies or listen to the rock music i grew up with. what irritates me is when people attempt to count me as one of the future left behinds because i don’t have my nose in the bible during my entire awake time every day or because i watch movies.

  3. Pastor Jim,

    Thank you for your ministry. I just got the dish network and ran across your program for the first time. I’m so thankful to God that He has placed you in our midst for ‘such a time as this. Regarding the Rapture of the Church, I’m not sure about when the rapture will take place, but I do know that whether it’s pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib,we will experience some very difficult times before the coming of the Lord. I tend to lean toward the we are going to have tribulation before He Comes theory. I just don’t believe that we will be swooped away and not experience any difficulties. In fact Jesus said that we would have tribulation in John 16:33, but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world! Unfortunately people just will not come to Christ unless times are difficult and hard. Isaiah 26:9-10, says that when thy Judgments are in the Earth, the inhabitants will learn righteousness. When good times are here, people don’t even acknowledge or even fear God.

    As for the horsemen, I do believe that the horsemen are riding NOW. Consider this, in Zech 6:1-8, The Lord showed Zechariah four chariots with red, black, white, and dappled horses going throughout the earth. Friends, the horsemen have been riding for a long time now, so why is it inconceivable to believe that they are riding still. Now the horses of Zechariah were giving ‘rest’ in the Earth, but the horsemen of Revelation are giving ‘unrest’, Regardless the horses have been riding at least since Zechariah’s time. They now have riders and ‘new’ marching orders! I totally agree with pastor Jim.

    • Good words of Truth. As we know the devil is and will decieve people in the last days not to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I see it . Here it all the time. I still tell people about Jesus. It’s not to late but time is drawing near. It’s just a matter of time. God bless keep on spreading the word.

  4. barry,
    God said to the jews remember that I have brought you through the wilderness God brought noah through the flood,God brought daniel through the lion’s den God brought meshach shadrach and abed-nego through the fiery furnance.God will bring his elect through Jacobs trouble do you not believe that God has the power to preserve his elect?God preserved the jews through the 10 plaques brought upon egypt did not the plaques only fall upon the egyptians and pharoahs house hold?the jews were enslaved in this time in egypt meaning the jews were within the area and God preserved them.Just as we who believe in Jesus Christ we will be preserved during the tribulation and not raptured out 7 yrs prior to the tribulation.Further more apostasy means falling away from sound doctrine and the truth of God’s word 2 tim ch 4 1-5 that were we get the word apostates believers who once knew the truth of Gods word and have been lead away by decieving doctrines and spirits.. pre trib theory says falling away is the rapture so is the taken out of the way the gathering together and the caught up.Greek harpazo means to be caught up or rapture at Jesus 2nd coming God word say’s all eyes will see him rev 1:7 pre trib theory only works if scripture is twisted and taken out of context.
    God Bless You.

  5. Here’s an interesting link to watch. Confirmation of your prophecy that the pale rider and perhaps even made a visible appearance at the height of the Egyptian uprising in February. Thanks Jim for your gifts and God bless you and your family.

  6. the church is not seperated from israel who knows the mind of god? in the old testament the gentiles were not apart of the salvation plan slavation belonged to the jews.god be all knowing and righteous knew he could not leave the gentiles out of the salvation christ jesus was born the jews rejected the messiah as prophesied in isiah the jews rejecting christ that opened the door for salvation to the gentiles romans ch 11 paul talks about the grafting in the olive branches were the jews would be cut off but thier being cut off would not be final just as the gentiles were grafted in the olive branch from a wild olive tree so will the lord also graft israel back in the olive tree.ephesians ch 2:14 for he is our peace who hath made both one and has broken down the middle wall of seperation between us.we are apart of the common wealth of israel. no seperation we are one.people need to study the word of god instead of just reading it. god bless

    • Gerry, I think you misunderstood my statement about the Church and Israel. The Church was a mystery until Paul revealed it.It had no part in the Old Testament. When it comes to the Church there is no Jew or Greek, male or female, but are one in Christ Jesus. Look at Romans 11:25. I’m talking about the Jews as a nation. While God is dealing with the Church now, Israel is blinded because of their rejection of Jesus, but this is temporary. When the number of the Gentiles are come in, then Christ will turn His focus back to Israel. There were still men in the Old Testament that believed in the coming Messiah and this was accounted to them as righteousness sake.

  7. Paster Jim, A lot of people over look a very important verse in Revelation when studing this book of the Bible. Revelation 1:19.”Write the things which thou hast seen, and the thing which are, and the things which shall be hearafter.” The things which thou hast seen, refers to the vision of Christ in the mist of the Candle Sticks, Chapter 1, and the things which are concerns the Churches, Chapters 2-3, and the things that shall be hereafter concerns events after the Rapture of the Church, and the Tribulation Period and Eternity everafter, and covers Chapters 4-22. Look how Chapter 4 starts out, “After this” which means after the Church Age. We are still in the Church Age. God Bless

  8. Hey Pastor Jim, I hate to be the stick in the spokes of everyoneswheel, but I do not believe that the four horsemen are riding yet based on what the Bible teaches. In Revelations chapter 6 we have these events. These horsemen are associated with the first four seals in this chapter. This first horseman is the Antichrist. Some teach it is Christ, but this is wrong. Christ is the one opening the seals in heaven. According to 2 Thess.2:1-7 the Antichrist will not be revealed “until he be taken out of the way.” The he is the church, and it goes along with verse 3 which in the KJV is a miss- translation. The words ” a falling away first” should be “a departure first,” so according to the context of 1 & 2 Thess. The rapture is the subject here. Also if you study Revelation chapter 5 it gives a very clear picture of the church in heaven represented by the 24 elders. Look at verse 9&10, the church has been redeemed by the blood and was promised to reign as kings and priest on the earth. Also the Antichrist kicks off the Tribulation Period by cofirming a covenant with many. Daniel 9:27. This is called Daniels 70th week. The word for “weeks” is actually “sevens”; in the context it means seven year periods. To truly understand end time events there are two things that you should do. Understand Daniel and always keep the Church and Israel seperate. When God delt with Israel, the church was not born yet. Now that God is dealing with the church He has left Israel alone. During the 7 year Tribulation Period the church will be gone He will turn His focus back on Israel. Some call us escapist, which leads me to Luke 21:36 “Watch ye therefore,and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. The etymology of the word escape is “ek” which means out of and not through. God Bless

  9. Hey Pastor Jim, I hate to be the stick in the spokes of everyones wheel, but I do not believe that the four horsemen are riding yet based on what the Bible teaches. In Revelations chapter 6 we have these events. These horsemen are associated with the first four seals in this chapter. This first horseman is the Antichrist. Some teach it is Christ, but this is wrong. Christ is the one opening the seals in heaven. According to 2 Thess.2:1-7 the Antichrist will not be revealed “until he be taken out of the way.” The he is the church, and it goes along with verse 3 which in the KJV is a miss- translation. The words ” a falling away first” should be “a departure first,” so according to the context of 1 & 2 Thess. The rapture is the subject here. Also if you study Revelation chapter 5 it gives a very clear picture of the church in heaven represented by the 24 elders. Look at verse 9&10, the church has been redeemed by the blood and was promised to reign as kings and priest on the earth. Also the Antichrist kicks off the Tribulation Period by cofirming a covenant with many. Daniel 9:27. This is called Daniels 70th week. The word for “weeks” is actually “sevens”; in the context it means seven year periods. To truly understand end time events there are two things that you should do. Understand Daniel and always keep the Church and Israel seperate. When God delt with Israel, the church was not born yet. Now that God is dealing with the church He has left Israel alone. During the 7 year Tribulation Period the church will be gone He will turn His focus back on Israel. Some call us escapist, which leads me to Luke 21:36 “Watch ye therefore,and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. The etymology of the word escape is “ek” which means out of and not through. God Bless

    • Barry, I read yor take on the 4 horsemen. First of all did you ever consider the color of the horses. God did not just pick random colors, He chose colors that we would recognize in the last days. Yse the white horse is the antichrist but it also is a antichrist system.
      White has been associated with Catholicism for the last 400 years, and the false prophet that sides with the antichrist is Catholic. Yes the tribulation period is for Israel, yet the antichrist makes war with the saints, we are the saints, the church. No where in the Bible does it who the 24 elders are, I believe they are the 12 Apostles anlong with the 12 patriachs of the old testament. Also no where in the Bible does it say that the tribulation is 7 years long. You read about time,times and half a time, you read about 1260 days and so on, the tribulation is only 3 1/2 years long. However that 3 1/2 year period falls within Daniels 70th week. I believe the church will go through the tribulation 3 1/2 years and we will be part of the greatest revival ever on this planet. You seriously can’t expect the church to be gone and leave the salvation of millions to only the 144 thousand sealed Jews from the 12 tribes. The Children of Israel was not raptured out during the time of Moses and Pharoah. God protected the children just as he will protect the saints during that time. I really hope I am wrong, I would love to escape everything and be happy in heaven while all hell is breaking loose here, but I am preparing to stand and possibly giving my life for Jesus.

      • Byron, Hope you had a Happy Easter. No where does it say in the Bible that the false prophet is Catholic or these colors represent any type of humanistic ideas, but only mean what the Bible says they mean. I don’t really know who the 24 elders are but elders in the Bible represents a large number of people. Look at Revelation 5:8-10 and compare this with Revelation 1:4-6. This shows the church in heaven before the seals are broken. In Daniel 9:24 the word for “weeks” is actually “sevens”; in the context, it obviously means “seven year periods.” Look at verse 27. ” And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (one seven year period): and in the midst(middle) of the week(seven years) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease (Matthew 24:15), and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be pourd upon the desolate.”This is clearly saying that the Tribulation is seven years long. It doesn’t take the church to get people saved it takes the Holy Spirit. There will be angels also preaching the everlasting gospel plus the 144,000. Look at Luke 21:36, like I’ve posted before the etymology of the word escape is “ek” and means out of, not through and “all these things” is the Tribulation Period. Also look at 2 Thess.2:3. The words “falling away” means apostasia. In the Latin Vulgate apostasia is “discessio”, which means departure. When considering the context of the surrounding passages of 2 Thess. 2:3-8, we can see the word apostasia truly means departure from this earth in the rapture before the Antichrist is revealed. According to my Bible there is going to be a mass massacre on the saints during this time. How is that being under Gods protection. These saints are those that where left behind that wasn’t saved at the time of the Rapture, but got saved during the Tribulation Period.

        • Hey Barry, I really hope you are right. If the rapture happens next and we are all taken away…fantastic. But what if we’re not. Is it not better to be prepared than to be caught off guard.
          I know all the scriptures that say we will not be in darkness, don’t you think Jim Bakker is trying to wake up the church, and get everybodies mind off of earthly things and more focused on heavenly things? I beleive the great falling away will happen when christians who have been taught a lie about the rapture will have to endure very bad times. Without the faith to beleive that God will protect them and sustain them, christians will blame God and fall away. The same thing will happen with non-christians except they having not known anything about a rapture or any other false teaching will cling on to Jesus by faith.
          An example is the centurion whose servant was healed by faith, just by the word being spoken. He was not a christian, he was a roman, but I bet you money he became a beleiver after that, even at the risk of death. I was like you, beleived in pre-trib rapture until I asked God to show me the truth, without mans interpretation or commentaries, just His word. Now I pray for all the christians still trapped by a small twist of God’s word, by reading into it what is not there. Hey brother I love you, and will meet you in the air one day…sooner or later I guess we’ll find out.


  10. Hi Brother Jim:

    I greatly enjoy watching your shows, especially dealing with the events surrounding the earthquake, tsunami, and ongoing nuclear disaster in Japan. Good coverage, brother.

    While I agree that we are living in the final moments of the final days, and that Jesus is coming soon, nevertheless, I don’t believe that the four horsement of Revelation Six are riding now. I believe they describe even more perilous times, when the man of sin appears.

    God Bless you and your family, my brother!

  11. Hi Pastor Jim,

    I also agree that we are living in those times when the horsemen ride. Just watching the news nightly is evidence of that. I just wanted to thank you for your continuing ministry. I grew up in Norfolk,Virginia in the 1960s and remember when you first started. I ended up working for CBN later as a producer. Thank you again for alerting the Christian community to the signs of the times. God bless you and your family.

  12. Brother Jim, while I agree with you that the four horsemen are now riding, I too believed the way that you see it, until my eyes were opened up to the colors of the horses. God did not just pick random colors to call these horses. While the white horse is the spirit of anti-christ it’s color is significant. white is the color of the Holy Roman Empire, notice the rider is wearing a crown. Since 680AD all the popes have had crowns, the pope always wears white, he has a white jet, a white car (popemobile) and if he had a horse it would be white. The red horse definately represents war and killing, the rider has a sword to take peace from the earth. But again the color red represent communism. We have Red China, Russia, North Koreas color is red as is Cuba and all the other communist countries. The communist have taken peace away from the world and rule with the sword. The black horse represents famine and starvation, but look at what the rider is holding in his hands, a pair of scales. Numerous magazine articles have on the cover RED VS BLACK the colors of communism and capitalism. Check out your money, there are a pair of scales on the seal. Capitalism controls the money, the cost of commodities. And finally the pale horse or chloros horse(green). while the rider on the green horse is death, who does the color green represent. Look at Islam, every nation that is Islamic has green as its national color. Their main view is kill everyone who will not worship allah, definately death. Look today the green horse is riding now in the middle east. While I agree with you as to the riders of the 4 horsemen, I think God put the colors there for identification of the spirit steering the horses. In Zach. 6:2 we can see where horses were used again, the same colors White,Red,Black and Bay/Grissled. In Zach. the horses went to specific areas of the planet and we are told there that the horse riders are spirits.
    This is just my take on it but I am fully in agreement with you, the horses are running at full speed and the Lord Jesus will return very soon.
    Get ready for the sixth seal, that is next, and that will and the questions of the 5th seal. Many Christians will die and join the ones already there under the alter because they are not prepared. The 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins come to mind. The foolish will perish and miss out on the greatest revival of all time.

    Love you Brother
    Byron Searle

  13. Pastor Jim,

    While I generally agree with your current posting regarding the Four Horsemen, I would like to point out one significant thing which you overlooked in your reference to 2 Timothy 3:1-5. At first glance this passage appears to be talking about the state of the world at the end of time, but if you look again at verse 5 you will find that this passage is not talking about the world, it is talking about the condition of much of the CHURCH at the end of time. “Having a form of godliness, but denying its power”. The world does not have any form of godliness, nor does it desire to have one. It is only the church who desires such things. Of course, you have said so on your show, lamenting about the apparent lethargy of so many congregations, ministers, and even denominations in ignoring their responsibility to God in separating from worldliness and in earnestly seeking to warn the lost about the soon-coming destruction of this world before the return of Christ.

    Thank you so very much for your faithfulness to God! I may not currently be able to sit among your Morningside Church congregation, but I do consider you to be my pastor. You are one of only two that I have found on TV who are faithful to the full message of Scripture (the other being Perry Stone of Voice of Evangelism Ministries. I pray for you both!!

    May God continue to richly bless you and your family.

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