The State of the Nation

Continuing with the words the Lord gave me for 2011, perhaps the most sobering was in regards to the spiritual condition of America.  The Lord was very clear when he told me that in one year, the glory of this nation will be gone.  America is losing her glory.

Isaiah 21:16 “This is what the Lord says to me:  All of Kedar’s honor will be gone in another year.  I will count it like workers count the years left on their contracts.” GWT

I wish I could say that most of us who are Christians can see the depth of the depravity into which this nation has descended, but it’s a proven fact that we can’t.  Recent fact-gathering surveys have reported that among professing Christians, views on issues of morals, money, and marriage are virtually indistinguishable from the world.  That’s a sad indictment for this nation, in which there is a reported 82.3% of the population who are Christians.  What kind of Christians live and behave just like the world?

The Bible tells us that “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” KJV

Instead of the Light of righteousness, truth and justice dispelling the darkness of sin and depravity in this nation, we have permitted the darkness in every area of life.  Our churches have become social centers focused on who can provide the best entertainment in order to grow the biggest support base.  Our schools are godless institutions that prohibit prayer or any expression of faith, especially Christian faith.   Our courts are in contempt of the Courts of Heaven – having mastered the incredible task of calling evil good and good evil.  Our entertainment sources are cesspools of filth that provide precious little that is fit for a true Christian.  

How did we get here?  How did this happen?  Where do we go from here?

Stay tuned!

4 thoughts on “The State of the Nation

  1. I am pretty young, not an american so I didn’t know much about you. Read your book “I was wrong” and it touched me. Used to listen to people like David Wilkerson and puritans, but then I got “swept away” by prosperity preaching. Thank you for your clear trumpet calls. Thank you.

    A coupple of question; I am a minister, mostly to youth. Live in Norway. What is the nr one thing I need to impart in them?
    How should we prepare ourselves and the youth for the times ahead???

    • Pray for their country and other countries around the world, and be separate from the world. Put on the new man,which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. We had one member of our church that told us he goes to a Kiss concert once a year because it has been a tradition all these years, and we told him it was time for his tradition to stop, and he replyed I don’t know about this holy stuff. So the old man wasn’t dead. That’s why it’s so hard today to reach the young people, because we allow rock music in our churches. We try to reach them with everything but the true gospel. When Jesus says that’s the only way. We see so many groups today that sings christian rock and they look no different than the world. Come out! Be Ye Separate and Put On The New Man. Anything goes today, so I pray you raise up a generation of youth that wants to be like Jesus and the world can see Jesus in them. God Bless You and Pray for God’s leading for such an important ministery. Reach them with the gospel.

  2. Dear Brother Bakker, In one of your books you refer to historian Dave MacPherson’s bestselling and highly endorsed book THE RAPTURE PLOT which documents the 181-year-old history of the pretrib rapture view. Wondering if you have seen a couple of his web articles, namely, “Famous Rapture Watchers” and “Famous Rapture Watchers – Addendum” – quotes from many of the greatest Christians of all time who lend weight to your view that the church will be on earth for at least part of the tribulation and that we must prepare for it. You might consider carrying or offering the above book for your viewers. Meanwhile, I believe you and your beautiful wife are being greatly used by the Lord for such a time as this! Jon

  3. Amen,Pastor Jim,what we need is the fire from heaven to fall in our churches the way it did for Elijah on Mt. Carmel to get the people of God on their faces before the one true God crying out in repentance personaly,corporately,and universally.Revival only comes through penitent hearts.I believe it’s going to take a shaking(which is coming) to shake those who are riding the proverbial fence to fall either one way or the other.Many are feeling “something” is about to happen although they cant put their finger on it so to speak, and as we are going into these uncertain times our chance to win souls is increased greatly (which is God’s end time plan).

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