The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 4)

Since that time, our nation has experienced numerous attempted terrorist attacks, many of which have been foiled, but some, such as the attacks on military bases, have succeeded. Others came close to succeeding, such as the attempt in December 1999, when terrorists in Seattle were discovered trying to smuggle powerful explosives into the country.

Of course, domestic terrorism catapulted to an entirely new level on April 20, 1999, when we witnessed the deadliest school massacre in our nation’s history at Columbine High School in Colorado. Again, I could not have imagined what sort of terrorism was soon to follow. But on July 20, 2012, a young man went on a shooting rampage at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, shooting seventy-one people and killing twelve in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. The spirit of the Antichrist is running rampant.

This is only the beginning of the entire list. God showed me that cruise ships would be targeted soon. The water supplies for major cities will be contaminated and poisoned. I believe—in fact, I saw it in a vision—there is already at least one major nuclear weapon being assembled inside the United States. It was brought in piece by piece. Terrorists will use germ warfare against civilians and soldiers alike. Attacks will continue on airplanes and against airplanes as well.

I sensed God telling me that the United States has made too many enemies. It will become impossible to fight them all or even prevent them from harming us.

There will be great computer confusion, God spoke to me in 1999, not related to Y2K. At that time, many people were warning of potential computer breakdowns that would affect everything from the country’s power grid to its water supplies. Even gasoline pumps would be unable to function due to the computer switchover to the year 2000. But God revealed to me a computer confusion that was not associated with Y2K.

I did not know what that meant. I had no idea what computer hacking was or the damage that viruses could do to computers. Yet I received messages that cyberwars would be much more subtle and would employ terror. Ironically, computer hackers attacked the FBI that same year.

I also saw that the Internet could be stopped suddenly—within a half hour. That is already happening. During the tumult in 2011 in Cairo’s Tahrir Square that led to the downfall of Hosni Mubarak as Egypt’s president, one of the tools the government employed against the protesters was a complete shutdown of the Internet. That was done because the protesters had organized demonstrations using social media networking sites.

With a virtual flip of a switch, Egypt was suddenly plunged into Internet and cell phone darkness, with millions of people unable to communicate electronically. Think how often you send a text message, make a call on your cell phone, send an email, or search the Internet for information. Now imagine a world where such access is denied to anyone who refuses to acquiesce to the government. That is going to happen.

Today, in the United States, gangs are using social media and texts to organize flash mobs. On June 18, 2012, a flash mob took over a supermarket in Portland, Oregon, stealing merchandise and terrorizing patrons. Since then, other stores and gas stations have fallen victim to such mobs, all organized through texting and social media.

3 thoughts on “The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 4)

  1. One of the reasons why the second amendment is so important & why the devil is working so hard to take it away.

  2. Whoever wrote this has suburb spelling skills ! Great job !
    Example: ” acquiesce.” Is this right? I have no idea how to spell it.

  3. Jim,

    Unfortunately I am not able to view your daily show but I do keep up by reading your blogs. What can or should the average God fearing God loving person living in America do?

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