Why I Like Duck Dynasty

The phenomenon of the success of Duck Dynasty has taken this country by storm. I am a huge fan of the show and I’ll tell you why. These people are Godly people with a sense of humor! They live their lives according to the principles of God’s Word and yet they are so down to earth and real! That’s my kind of people.

The Duck Dynasty folks appeal to young and old alike. Young people like this show because, let’s face it, they can smell a phony a mile away and they run the other way. Look at how they’ve all run out of our churches…. just sayin’.

Older folks like them because, are you ready for this? They’re real! Their lives bring back a time when things were simpler and family values were strong and protected. They have watched the breakdown of the family with a profound sadness in today’s society. Older folks like the loyalty and the support all the family members give to one another. They like the way the children respect their parents and elders. I heard one of our guests (I believe it was Dr. Paul Hegstrom) say that your very identity comes from love. We can all relate to that.

The Duck Dynasty has taken this country by storm – a storm that should be felt in the television industry – but will it be? For every immoral, violent, aberrant, witchcraft themed program out there, there is a wholesome alternative, one that most people would choose, given the option.

I don’t expect Hollywood to care much about wholesome themes, but they do care about the profits coming from such successful shows like Duck Dynasty and hopefully they will adjust some of their programming accordingly.

I believe this show is “for such a time as this” to encourage Christians who feel assaulted on every front by the world’s ways. Right in the midst of all of the debauchery, God raises up a family, an unconventional family, one that honors Him, and flaunts them to a growing godless society. All I have to say to that is “Yay God!”

9 thoughts on “Why I Like Duck Dynasty

  1. 2 things, I Just absolutely {LOVE} JESUS and Duck Dynasty. It’s so awesome and refreshing to have a show with such an awesome message. They aren’t afraid to be REAL; And, Also REAL LOVER’S of JESUS. All while having a good clean Hillarious time.That’s what I call a “Good Ol’ time.” Such a great show that I can watch with my neices, nephews, And my church kids. BTW, Ginger Z, You can catch all four seasons of complete DD shows on Youtube, And, Possibly GODtube. May GOD’S Name be Praised! 🙂

    • Ha Ha Ha…. Thanks Rachel… Off to the Library I go to check out some DVDs. I shared Lori’s blog with my Daughter-in-Love and my oldest son in Washington State and they wrote back saying they LOVE DD and sent Youtube full episode links to me! Oh my lands CRACK ME UP! I had never heard of them!!! (I’m from California and have no idea how I missed all this!!!!!)

  2. Lori,
    I don’t get the Duck Dynasty channel, but I was able to view an episode on their website. You are so right about this show. I am hooked only after watching one episode. What won me over? The family around the table praying. What a refreshing and blessed opportunity for me to see why you are so crazy about Duck Dynasty.
    Quack, quack! … and … God Bless!

  3. Hey Lori…. Don’t have TV so can’t comment on the Duck Dynasty…. however got a pretty good clue what it’s about from your blog … which sounds GREAT! I agree Hollywood is a tough nut to crack but sounds like “Duck Dynasty” is scratching the surface and Kirk Cameron (Left Behind Series) with Ray Comfort are showing Hollywood there is an audience that is hungry for wholesome and more Christian based films and shows!

    So High Five to the Duck Dynasty as well as Kirk Cameron for the upcoming new: “Left Behind” Movie, which will have a one night pre-view showing September 24, 2013 in Cinemas across the country and will come out to theaters 2014. The reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being exposed in multiple ways! Hallelujah!

    God’s people are moving in power! And as Daniel 11:32-33 says: “With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.

    “Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. let’s add: 34 When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. 35 Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.

    At in the end we say: “Even so come Lord Jesus”… Thanks for the Duck Dynasty to show the world we serve a God with a sense of humor as well as a God of genuine Justice!

    Love, Hugs & Bouquets of Blessings for California~
    xox Kathlene

  4. Love the show as well for all the same reasons. It is a blessing to watch something that is so funny and Godly and Family oriented. Howbeit my husband and I are not hunters, lol and I am not a personally into beards, the morals and sense of humor are amazing and refreshing.


  5. lori i love the duck dynasty show to , it’s amazing to see folks praying on tv that’s just regular tv but i love ur show too be blessed

  6. I agree whole heartedly. Also you may not know there is another TV show Leigh Anne Tuohy stars in Family Addition. Leigh Anne is the MOM in real life from the Movie The Blind Side. This new show is so great because it unites families trying to get their forever families complete, but could not due to legal, etc. issues. It is on the UP network. Again so positive, would be great for your TV Show. Love you and Jesus loves you!

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